Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Islamic State Murders Japanese Journalist Goto

Daily Mail: 'We have an entire army thirsty for your blood': ISIS releases new video appearing to show Jihadi John beheading second Japanese hostage

* Kenji Goto threatened with beheading in ISIS video released last Saturday
* Terror group was trying to exchange Goto for bomber Sajida al-Rishawi
* In new video fighter tells camera 'we have an entire army thirsty for blood'
* Mr Goto's body is then shown lying on desert floor in rocky gorge
* President Barack Obama has led global condemnation of apparent slaying
* Says US stands in solidarity with Japan against 'barbaric and heinous act'

More News On The Murder Of Japanese Journalist Goto By The Islamic State

Japan outraged at IS 'beheading' of hostage Kenji Goto -- BBC
Japan Mourns Goto as Caring and Courageous Reporter -- NYT/AP
Japan wakes up to bad news about Kenji Goto -- BBC
New video purportedly shows beheading of Japanese journalist by ISIS -- FOX News
‘Inhumane & contemptible’: ISIS beheads Japanese hostage Goto -- RT
Video of Japanese Journalist's Execution Appears to Be Genuine -- Sputnik
Isil militants behead second Japanese hostage -- ITAR-TASS
World leaders condemns IS beheading of Japanese journalist Goto -- Deutsche Welle
Japan outraged at IS 'beheading' of hostage Kenji Goto -- BBC
Islamic State hostage Kenji Goto mourned by family and friends -- Japan Times
Kenji Goto's mother mourns after Isis beheads her son sending shockwaves across Japan -- IBTimes

Pro-Russia Separatists Are Now Claiming That They Have Trapped Thousands Of Ukrainian Government Troops

L.A. Times: Pro-Russia separatists say they've trapped thousands of Ukraine troops

WNU Editor: For the past few days I have been reading reports on social media that a few thousand Ukrainian soldiers have been encircled in the city of Debaltseve .... but there has been no confirmation and/or reporting from independent sources .... that is until now. Victoria Butenko and Sergei L. Loiko from the L.A. Times have been consistently accurate in their reporting on this conflict and if what they are saying is true .... this could result in a shocking defeat for the Ukrainian army.

Ukraine Peace Talks Collapse

Reuters: Ukraine peace talks collapse, Kiev and separatists trade blame

WNU Editor: From what I am hearing and reading .... these talks were a complete disaster. I do not see any future talks happening in the foreseeable future.

More News On Ukraine's Peace Talks Collapsing

Ukraine peace talks collapse over ceasefire as fighting rages -- The Australian/AFP
Ukraine Peace Talks Collapse As Fighting Continues -- NBC
Ukraine, Rebel Talks End Amid Deadly Fighting -- VOA
Ukraine Peace Talks End In 'Failure' -- Radio Free Europe
No breakthrough as Ukraine peace talk parties meet in Minsk amid worsening crisis -- RT
Ukraine Contact Group Fails to Sign Agreement, DPR, LPR Envoys Say -- Sputnik
Ukraine peace talks break down amid acrimony -- Al Jazeera
Latest round of Ukraine peace talks fall through -- Press TV

Ukraine Peace Talks Collapse As Fighting Continues

Ukraine Peace Talks Collapse, Kiev And Separatists Trade Blame

Peace talks on Ukraine collapsed on Saturday after just over four hours with no tangible progress towards a new ceasefire but with Ukraine's representative and separatist envoys angrily accusing each other of sabotaging the meeting.
Ukraine's representative, former president Leonid Kuchma, left the talks in Minsk, Belarus, telling Interfax news agency that separatist officials had undermined the meeting by making ultimatums and refusing "to discuss a plan of measures for a quick ceasefire and a pull-back of heavy weapons".
Denis Pushilin, one of the separatist officials, told the Russian news agency RIA that they were ready for dialogue "but not ready for ultimatums from Kiev while shelling by their forces is going on in the background of towns in the Donbass (industrialised eastern Ukraine)".
The meeting of the "contact group", which also involves a Russian envoy and an official from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, took place in the Belarussian capital even as fighting between Kiev's forces and the Russian-backed rebels raged on in Ukraine's east, claiming more civilian and military lives.
The outcome dashed hopes that a new ceasefire could be put together soon to stem nine months of conflict pitting Ukrainian government forces against Russian-backed separatists who have declared "people's republics" in eastern Ukraine.
Shortly before the Minsk talks broke up, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande and Russia's Vladimir Putin in a three-way phone call had expressed the hope the meeting would at least produce a ceasefire agreement.
Both sides have accused each other of deadly artillery and mortar strikes on civilian targets in the past two weeks, including on a cultural centre in the main regional city of Donetsk on Friday that killed at least five people waiting for humanitarian hand-outs.
Heavy shelling continued on Saturday in Ukraine's eastern regions as the separatists sought to tighten a circle around government forces clinging on to control of the strategic rail and road junction of Debaltseve.

Ukraine’s top general is contradicting allegations by the Obama Administration and by his own Ukrainian Government, by saying that no Russian troops are fighting against the Ukrainian Government’s forces in the formerly Ukrainian, but now separatist, area, where the Ukrainian civil war is being waged.

The Chief of Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, General Viktor Muzhenko, is saying, in that news-report, which is dated on Thursday January 29th, that the only Russian citizens who are fighting in the contested region, are residents in that region, or of Ukraine, and also some Russian citizens (and this does not deny that perhaps some of other countries’ citizens are fighting there, inasmuch as American mercenaries have already been noted to have been participating on the Ukrainian Government’s side), who “are members of illegal armed groups,” meaning fighters who are not paid by any government, but instead are just “individual citizens” (as opposed to foreign-government-paid ones). General Muzhenko also says, emphatically, that the “Ukrainian army is not fighting with the regular units of the Russian army.”
In other words: He is explicitly and clearly denying the very basis for the EU’s sanctions against Russia, and for the U.S.’s sanctions against Russia: all of the sanctions against Russia are based on the falsehood that Ukraine is fighting against “the regular units of the Russian army” — i.e., against the Russian-Government-controlled-and-trained fighting forces.
The allegation to the effect that Ukraine is instead fighting against “regular units of the Russian army” is the allegation that Vladimir Putin’s Russia has invaded Ukraine, and it is the entire basis for the economic sanctions that are in force against Russia.
Those sanctions should therefore be immediately removed, with apology, and with compensation being paid to all individuals who have been suffering them; and it is therefore incumbent upon the Russian Government to pursue, through all legally available channels, restitution, plus damages, against the perpetrators of that dangerous fraud — and the news reports have already made clear precisely whom those persons are, who have asserted, as public officials, what can only be considered to be major libel.

Editor's Note

Taking some R&R. Blogging will return tomorrow.

How Russia Uses Deception "Maskirovka" To Outfox Its Enemies

Lucy Ash, BBC News: How Russia outfoxes its enemies

WNU Editor: Lucy Ash focuses on the Russian military's use of deception .... but it also plays a critical part in Russian foreign policy and in state media .... especially now when Moscow is facing the western world by itself. But the real masters at "maskirovka" .... without question .... are the people who work in this building.

A Look At How The Civilians In The Ukraine War Are Coping

PBS: How civilians caught in the Ukraine conflict are coping

WNU Editor: Fortunately .... my relatives in Ukraine are still far away from the fighting .... but the impact of the war is affecting everyone .... including my friends and family. Everyone knows someone who has been killed or wounded, and everyone definitely knows someone who is in the war fighting. But what worries me is that this conflict now has all the ingredients of becoming far worse ... that the current horrific humanitarian crisis can explode with millions of refugees instead of just one million. In short .... the worst case scenario. The above video where Judy Woodruff talks to Shaun Walker from The Guardian on the depressing situation in eastern Ukraine is a must see.

Ukraine War News Updates -- January 31, 2015

Bloomberg: Ukraine Peace Talks Start as Fighting Rages Over Strategic Town

WNU Editor: Peace/truce talks have begun in Minsk .... but I am not optimistic. The fighting in eastern Ukraine is now happening on multiple fronts .... the only thing that is not being used are helicopter gunships and fighter bombers/attack aircraft.

Ukraine War News Updates -- January 31, 2015

Ukraine, rebels hold fresh peace talks as fighting rages in east -- Reuters
Ukraine crisis: 'Dozens killed' in east as Minsk talks open -- BBC
Ukraine peace talks begin in Minsk as fighting continues -- CNN
Ukraine talks to begin amid fierce fighting in Debaltseve -- France 24
Ukraine peace talks participants arrive in Minsk amid worsening crisis -- RT
Officials From Ukraine, Russia, OSCE, And Rebels Arrive In Minsk -- Radio Free Europe
Talks on ending Ukraine fighting begin as death toll continues to rise -- The Guardian
Fresh peace talks in Minsk as fighting rages in eastern Ukraine -- Deutsche Welle
Fighting rages in eastern Ukraine as government forces struggle to hold back pro-Russian offensive -- Euronews
Rebels Suffer Heavy Losses in Battle for Ukraine's Debaltseve -- NBC
15 Ukrainian soldiers killed in past 24 hours -- AFP
Fighting rages in eastern Ukraine, 15 soldiers killed -- Reuters
Fifteen Ukrainian troops killed, 30 injured in Donbas over past 24 hours - Defense Minister -- Interfax Ukraine
Scramble to treat wounded at last Ukraine frontline hospital -- AFP
Ukraine General Says Russia Knew Rebel Offensive Was Coming -- WSJ
Lining Up to Receive Aid in Ukraine, Crowd Is Devastated by a Mortar Attack -- NYT
Civilians flee east Ukraine town as fighting intensifies -- AP
Potential conscripts evade draft, flee country amid escalation in E. Ukraine -- RT

The Growing Russia-China Alliance, The Growing Problems Between Israel And The U.S.

One new alliance grows stronger, while an old alliance continues to fracture:

Growing The Russia-China New Relationship

While the Obama Administration is preoccupied with keeping an increasingly unhappy EU firm on further economic sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Putin is busy outflanking an increasingly desperate Washington. Rather than fixate on the deliberate US and NATO provocations in Ukraine, Russia is deepening its strategic ties with the other Great Eurasian land-power, the Peoples’ Republic of China. Far from Putin going begging to Beijing for money, the two powers are weaving a closer strategic counterweight to an Anglo-American elite gone bonkers as its empire slips from its hands.

Unimportant are all diplomatic declarations by Chinese deputy Prime Ministers and others in recent weeks about how China so deeply respects the unique role of the United States as sole superpower. The reality on the ground speaks of a tectonic and well-thought-through change in the geopolitical world order is underway. Not only are Russia and China signing gigantic oil and gas agreements that insulate Russia from the negative effects of a potential loss of the EU energy markets in coming months.
Now the two powers have agreed on one of the world’s largest-ever infrastructure projects that will create huge new markets across Eurasia

Russia and China have agreed to build a 7,000-kilometer high-speed rail link from Beijing to Moscow, at a cost of $242 billion, almost a quarter trillion dollars, according to the Beijing city government. The journey from Beijing to Moscow would take two days on a route passing through Kazakhstan. It will take take eight to 10 years to build. The rail project is the most ambitious rail infrastructure project in the Eurasian history, even surpassing the Trans-Siberian Railway project across Russia

Then last November as US sanctions and the US-engineered oil price collapse added a new urgency to the project, Alexander Misharin, vice-president at state-owned OAO Russian Railways, said a section would cost $60 billion to reach Russia’s border, and would cut the Beijing-Moscow journey from five days to 30 hours. Misharin at the time compared the new transport network to the Suez Canal “in terms of scale and significance.” In reality, it has the potential to far exceed the Suez Canal as it serves to unify a high-speed transport network integration vast new markets across Eurasia from Beijing to Moscow that draw in some 4.4 billion of the world population.

A close look at the new railway map by German politicians might be useful, in order for them to graphically realize where the future of Germany and of the European Union lies. A hint: it doesn’t lie with a dying American debt-bloated economy that only offers Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment scams to Europe. From Berlin, the four horses atop the historic Brandenburg Gate are symbolically pointed east, to Moscow. Sanctions cut German industry from participation in one of the largest construction projects in the world history. One might ask why?

That Eurasian integration, formal via Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union and the Sino-Russian led Shanghai Cooperation Organization, as well as informal via an escalating series of bilateral economic and military cooperation agreements between the two Eurasian Great Powers—Russia and China—is precisely what NATO and the neo-conservative war-hawks of the Obama Administration desperately try to prevent in Ukraine and with the Obama military Asia Pivot against China. The problem, for those poor loveless souls in Washington and Wall Street, is that wars don’t work the way they used to. The world is getting fed up dying in the wars of the One Percent.

The Netanyahu government and the Obama administration have had no shortage of spats over the years, but this time around, neither Jerusalem nor Washington is reportedly doing much to fix the rifts that emerged surrounding the prime minister’s planned March 3 speech to the US Congress on Iran, a visit US officials said breached protocol as it was not coordinated with the White House

According to a report in the New York Times on Saturday, the current row reflects “six years of suspicion and mistrust and grievance, wounds from past brawls easily reopened by what might otherwise be small irritations.”

“It reflects resentment on the part of Obama, who watched Netanyahu seemingly root for his Republican opponent in the 2012 election and now sees him circumventing the Oval Office to work with a Republican Congress instead. And it reflects a conviction on the part of Netanyahu that Obama may sell out Israel with a bad deal and may be trying to influence the coming Israeli elections,” set to take place March 17, two weeks after the PM’s expected speech.

Netanyahu is widely expected to urge US lawmakers to pass a new sanctions bill against Iran to force to it comply with international demands it curb its nuclear program — a bill Obama strongly opposes and has vowed to veto, urging that such a move would hinder the P5+1 negotiations under way to secure a deal with Tehran. Officials in Jerusalem said Friday, however, that Netanyahu would focus less on sanctions and more on the dangers of a bad deal with Iran.
The row over the planned Congress speech has set off an ugly, ongoing public spat between the Netanyahu government and the Obama administration, with senior US officials charging that the Israeli leader had “spat” in Obama’s face and could not be trusted.
Officials in the Netanyahu government told Israeli media Friday that theUS has already agreed in principle to a deal that would leave Iran capable of enriching enough uranium for a nuclear bomb within “mere months. A Channel 10 report quoted unnamed Jerusalem sources saying the terms of the deal would leave Iran “closer than was thought” to nuclear weapons, “mere months from producing enough material for a bomb,” and that the US has agreed to 80% of Iran’s demands.
The fallout from the row may result in a “virtual freeze in the relationship at the very top until after the 2016 American presidential vote,” according to the New York Times.
A former US ambassador to Israel told the paper that a major policy shift is not expected until after 2016. “There just seems to be too much baggage there,” said Edward Djerejian.
Richard Haass, a former US State Department official and president of the Council of Foreign Relations, told the paper that it seemed Netanyahu and his government has “written off” the Obama administration, placing all their bets on the Republicans. “They have made the calculation that to the extent possible, they will use Congress as the channel to conduct their relationship,” he said.
Netanyahu on Friday downplayed the diplomatic spat, terming it a “procedural issue” that can be resolved — unlike a “bad” deal with Tehran, which cannot be so easily mended. “We can resolve procedural issues with regard to my appearance in the US, but if Iran arms itself with nuclear weapons, it will be a lot harder to fix,” Netanyahu said.
Those remarks came shortly after The New York Times reported that Netanyahu had reached out by phone to leading Democrats in an effort to quell the tensions around his scheduled address on Iran.
“We can resolve procedural issues with regard to my appearance in the US, but if Iran arms itself with nuclear weapons, it will be a lot harder to fix,” Netanyahu said.
Last week, a senior Obama administration official charged that Dermer has been working to advance the political fortunes of Netanyahu at the expense of the US-Israel relationship, according to The New York Times. The accusation marked a striking escalation in the rhetorical spat between the White House and the Netanyahu government over the Congress speech.
The “unusually sharp criticism” by the senior official, who was not named in the report, reflected “the outrage the episode has incited within President Obama’s inner circle,” the Times suggested. “Such officially authorized criticisms of diplomats from major allies are unusual.”

Also see:

U.S. Coalition Air Strike Kills Islamic State Chemical Weapons Expert

A U.S. fighter jet launches from the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Gulf in this file photo. (REUTERS)

Daily Mail: Islamic State chemical weapons expert who trained under Saddam killed in airstrike near Mosul, says US central command

* U.S. claims chemical engineer Abu Malik was killed on January 24
* Malik had worked at Muthanna - an Iraqi factory which produced sarin gas
* The long-time jihadist joined Al-Qaeda in 2005 and ISIS more recently
* Fears the militants are trying to expand their chemical weapons capability
* Anonymous defence source says Malik was 'gathering lots of equipment'

WNU Editor: I am sure he was a very high priority target ... if not in the top 5. This is a worrisome post .... ISIS Chemical Weapon Specialist Was ‘Gathering Equipment’ Before He Was Killed (Daily Beast).

More News On The U.S. Coalition Air Strike That Killed The Islamic State's Chemical Weapons Expert

ISIS chemical weapons expert killed in Iraq airstrike -- CBC/AP
Coalition Strike Kills ISIS Chemical-Weapons Expert -- WSJ
Isis weapons engineer killed in airstrike in Iraq, claims US military -- The Guardian
US Air strike kills Isil 'chemical weapons expert' -- The Telegraph
Airstrike kills Islamic State chemical weapons expert -- UPI
ISIS chemical weapons expert killed in airstrike, US officials say -- FOX News
‘ISIS chemical weapons expert’ killed in airstrike – US -- RT
ISIS chemical weapons expert ‘killed’ in airstrike -- Al Arabiya
US military: ISIS chemical weapons expert killed in Iraq -- Rudaw

These Are The Countries Where Foreign Jihadists Are Coming From To Join The Islamic State

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Washington Post: Map: How the flow of foreign fighters to Iraq and Syria has surged since October

WNU Editor: That is a lot of Jihadists going to a conflict zone ... but my gut is telling me that the numbers are probably higher .... much higher. Al Qaeda was able to attract over 20,000 supporters when they were in Afghanistan before 9/11 .... but the Islamic State has the benefits of controlling a lot of territory, a slick and effective communications network over the internet, and the support of affiliated cells in other countries.They are also located in the center of the Middle East with multiple points of entry to enter their territory .... Al Qaeda was basically in southern Afghanistan near Kandahar where the only way to get to them was through Pakistan.

A Reporter Reflects On His Interview With Syrian President Assad

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad (R) shakes hands with a military personnel during his visit to a military site at Darya area, on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of army day, in this handout photograph distributed by Syria's national news agency SANA on August 1, 2013. REUTERS-SANA-Handout via Reuters

Jonathan Tepperman, Washington Post: I interviewed Bashar al-Assad about Syria’s civil war. He’s still too delusional to end it.

WNU Editor: A depressing read .... because Jonathan Tepperman just validates (what most of us already know) who Syrian President Assad is. Bottom line .... he is someone who is going to stay as long as possible in his "bunker" .... and he will not leave willingly even when his own supporters are telling him to leave or to step aside for someone else.

Islamic State Retreated From Kobane Because Of Constant Coalition Air Strikes

CNN: ISIS fighters say constant airstrikes drove them out of Kobani

WNU Editor: DUH!!!!!

More News On The Civil War In Syria

Syria battle between al Qaeda and Western-backed group spreads -- Reuters
Qaeda group launches assault on Western-backed Syria rebels -- AFP
Nusra Front attacks FSA rebels in Aleppo, kills four -- Daily Star
Jihadists' Rivalries in Syria Result in Violent Executions -- VOA
Western-backed rebels join Aleppo alliance: Syria monitor -- Reuters
Syria rebels overtake strategic base in south -- Al Arabiya/Reuters
Syrian troops kill 50 rebels in Idlib -- Global Post/Xinhua
Syria begins destroying chemical weapons production sites -- Deutsche Welle
Next round of Syria talks in Moscow in a month: delegate -- Daily Star/Reuters
Palestinians in Syria cut off from aid once more - U.N. -- Reuters
Syria raises fuel prices to snuff out black market, soothe unrest -- Reuters
Syria: The world’s most dangerous place for journalists -- Globe and Mail

U.S. Sec. Of Defense Hagel: I Was Pressured By The White House To Release Guantanamo Detainees'

CNN: Hagel: Gitmo transfers caused friction with some at White House

Update: Hagel Says White House Disagreed With His Slow Pace of Releases of Guantanamo Detainees -- ABC News

WNU Editor: He is the U.S. official that must sign-off on their release .... and it looks for some of these released detainees ... especially the Taliban 5 that were released for Bergdahl .... it gave him pause. But the bottom line is that he did sign-off on their release .... instead of resigning on a matter of principle ... and it looks like he now has some doubts.

U.S. Sec. Of Defense Hagel: 'U.S. Command Troops Could Be Needed In Iraq'

Outgoing U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel walks during a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall in Virginia, January 28, 2015. Credit: Reuters/Yuri Gripas

Reuters: U.S. ground troops could be needed in Iraq: Chuck Hagel

WNU Editor: No kidding .... White House Acknowledges 'Friction' with Hagel and Pentagon (

More News On U.S. Sec. Of Defense Hagel Remarks That 'U.S. Command Troops Could Be Needed In Iraq'

Hagel Says US May Need to Put Ground Troops in Iraq --
Hagel: U.S. may need ground troops in Iraq -- Al Arabiya
Hagel: Ground troops could be needed in Iraq -- The Hill
US Troops Could Find Themselves Back on Ground in Iraq Fighting IS -- Sputnik
US may send troops to Iraq as spotters, scouts - Hagel -- RT

Lasers On AC-130 Gunships?

"AC-130U training" by Senior Airman Andy M. Kin, USAF

Washington Times: Air Force wants AC-130 gunships armed with laser weapons

Update: A New Approach To Airborne Laser Weapons? -- William Pentland, Forbes

WNU Editor: These gunships are already very lethal .... now lasers?!?!?!

Sembuh dari Demam, Xiumin Kembali Fokus dengan Persiapan Konser EXO

What KPOP -


Telah dikabarkan bahwa Xiumin EXO, yang sebelumnya tak dapat menghadiri ‘4th Annual Gaon Chart K-Pop Awards’ yang digelar pada 28 Januari, saat ini telah sembuh dari demam.

Menurut seorang perwakilan dari SM Entertainment pada 31 Januari, Xiumin telah benar-benar sembuh sejak ketidakhadirannya dalam acara penghargaan tersebut, dan meyakinkan para penggemar yang telah khawatir tentang keadaannya. Dikabarkan pula bahwa member EXO ini telah tampil sebagai bintang tamu dalam siaran KBS Cool FM “Super Junior’s Kiss the Radio” satu hari setelah acara tersebut, yaitu pada 29 Januari, bersama dengan rekan satu grupnya, Chen.

Perwakilan tersebut juga menjelaskan, “Xiumin telah sembuh setelah beristirahat. Ia berencana untuk fokus dengan persiapan untuk konser mendatang yang akan digelar di bulan Maret.”

Source: soompi

Indotrans: anisrina

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Here Are Some Michael Ramirez Cartoons

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Since She Is Doing The Super Bowl Half-Time Show, Here Is Some Katy Perry

WNU Editor: I am just sucking up to my GF's daughters and my niece who are big Katy Perry fans. :)

Update: VIDEO: Katy Perry Super Bowl Press Conference -- American Power

Unprecedented Security For This Sunday's Super Bowl

Washington Times: Unprecedented security: Even Super Bowl officials took ‘active shooter preparedness’ training

WNU Editor: No nightmare scenarios this Sunday please.

The CIA And Mossad Were Responsible For The 2008 Killing Of Hezbollah's International Operations Chief Imad Mughniyah

Imad Mughniyah. Wikipedia

Washington Post: CIA and Mossad killed senior Hezbollah figure in car bombing

Update #1: CIA helped Israel kill top Hezbollah operative -- The Hill
Update #2: Who was Imad Mughniyah, a senior Hezbollah figure killed in joint CIA-Mossad operation? -- Washington Post

WNU Editor:  Imad Mughniyah has been dead for 7 years .... why is this all becoming public now?

B1A4 Berikan Dukungan Untuk Drama Jinyoung “Perseverance Goo Hae Ra”

What KPOP -


B1A4 memberikan dukungan untuk member mereka, Jinyoung dan drama musikal Mnet yang dibintanginya, “Perseverance Goo Hae Ra” dengan sebuah foto kocak.

Jinyoung menuliskan melalui akun Twitternya pada 30 Januari, “Kang Se Chan! Ungkap rahasiamu~~! Hari ini adalah hari di mana semua rahasia Se Chan akan terungkap~~~ Tonton siaran ‘Perseverance Goo Hae Ra’ pada pukul 11:20 malam KST~~^^!! …. (Maaf guys…kekekekeke).”

Source: allkpop

Indotrans: anisrina

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U.S. Rejects Cuban Demands To Return Back Guantanamo Bay

BBC: US rejects Cuba demand to hand back Guantanamo Bay base

More News On The U.S. Rejecting Cuban Demands To Return Guantanamo Bay

White House to Cuba: No Deal on Returning Guantanamo Bay Base -- Bloomberg
W.H.: No, Castro, you can't have Guantanamo back -- CNN
The U.S. Will Not Return Guantanamo Bay to Cuba, the White House Says -- Time
Obama says returning Guantanamo to Cuba is not on the table -- FOX News/EFE
White House: Giving Guantanamo Bay Back to Cuba Not on The Table -- WSJ
Cuba Wants Gitmo Back -- Joshua Keating, Slate

Iran: Unafraid And Undeterred

This first post comes from Caroline Glick - a highly germane editorial which leads directly into the next article from the Times Of Israel which reveals how dangerously close to a nuclear weapon Iran will be upon finalization of the U.S. lead 'deal'. 

Israel’s reported strike January 18 on a joint Iranian-Hezbollah convoy driving on the Syrian Golan Heights was one of the most strategically significant events to have occurred in Israel’s neighborhood in recent months. Its significance lies both in what it accomplished operationally and what it exposed.

From what been published to date about the identities of those killed in the strike, it is clear that in one fell swoop the air force decapitated the Iranian and Hezbollah operational command in Syria.

The head of Hezbollah’s operations in Syria, the head of its liaison with Iran, and Jihad Mughniyeh, the son of Hezbollah’s longtime operational commander Imad Mughniyeh who was killed by Israel in Damascus in 2008, were killed. The younger Mughniyeh reportedly served as commander of Hezbollah forces along the Syrian-Israeli border.

Iranian losses included three generals. Brig.- Gen. Mohammed Alladadi was the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps liaison officer to Hezbollah and to Syrian intelligence. He was also in charge of weapons shipments from Iran to Hezbollah. Gen. Ali Tabatabai was the IRGC commander in the Golan Heights and, according to Shapira, an additional general, known only as Assadi, “was, in all likelihood, the commander of Iranian expeditionary forces in Lebanon.”

The fact that the men were willing to risk exposure by traveling together along the border with Israel indicates how critical the front is for the regime in Tehran. It also indicates that in all likelihood, they were planning an imminent attack against Israel.

According to Ehud Yaari, Channel 2’s Arab Affairs commentator, Iran and Hezbollah seek to widen Hezbollah’s front against Israel from Lebanon to Syria. They wish to establish missile bases on the northern Hermon, and are expanding Hezbollah’s strategic depth from Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley to the outskirts of Damascus.

IRAN’S PRESENCE on the Golan Heights is of course just one of the many strategic advances it has made in expanding its territorial reach. Over the past two weeks, Iranian-controlled Houthi militias have consolidated their control over Yemen, with their overthrow of the US-allied government of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi.

With the conquest of Yemen, Iran now controls the Gulf of Aden. Together with the Straits of Hormuz, Iran now controls the region’s two maritime outlets to the open sea.

From the Golan Heights to Gaza, from Yemen and Iraq to Latin America to Nantanz and Arak, Iran is boldly advancing its nuclear and imperialist agenda. As Charles Krauthammer noted last Friday, the nations of the Middle East allied with the US are sounding the alarm.

Due to the US administration’s commitment to turning a blind eye to Iran’s advances and the destabilizing role it plays everywhere it gains power, Israel can do little more than carry out precision attacks against high value targets. The flipside of the administration’s refusal to see the dangers, and so enable Iran’s territorial expansion and its nuclear progress, is its determination to ensure that Israel does nothing to prevent those dangers from growing – whether along its borders or at Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Israel: U.S. Deal Will Leave Iran With 6,500 Centrifuges Spinning, Months from A Bomb

Ratcheting up a confrontation with the Obama administration still further, officials in the Netanyahu government reportedly claimed Friday night that the US has already agreed in principle to a deal that would leave Iran capable of enriching enough uranium for a nuclear bomb within “mere months.”

Israel Channel 10 TV news said the deal taking shape would allow Iran to continue enriching uranium in “over 7,000″ centrifuges. It quoted unnamed Jerusalem sources saying the terms of the deal would leave Iran “closer than was thought” to nuclear weapons, “mere months from producing enough material for a bomb,” and that the US has agreed to 80% of Iran’s demands.

A similar report on Channel 2 news said the US was ready for Iran to keep enriching uranium in 6,500 of its 9,000 centrifuges. It also said that the US was proposing “a time limit” on the deal — possibly of 10 or 15 years — after which “Iran will be free to continue a nuclear industry.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was said to have indicated to confidants that he feels he has “no choice” but to speak out against the imminent deal, including at a controversial address scheduled for March 3 to Congress, Channel 10 said. Netanyahu does not intend to speak against President Barack Obama, or to give a partisan address, or to focus overly on sanctions, but rather to talk strongly against the deal, the report said.

Visiting soldiers wounded in a Wednesday cross-border missile attack by Hezbollah in which two Israeli troops were killed, Netanyahu earlier Friday held Iran responsible and said Tehran was waging a “sustained” battle against Israel and opening new fronts.
He spoke amid several overt indications of growing Iranian involvement in Hezbollah actions against Israel. The head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Mohammad Ali Jafari, warned Friday for instance that Israel should expect heavier responses from Hezbollah after a January 18 attack, allegedly by Israel, killed 12 armed fighters, including a number of Hezbollah members and an Iranian general, in the Quneitra area of the Syrian Golan Heights. “Hezbollah’s recent attack on Israel was a response with the lowest degree of severity and we hope that they take the lesson not to repeat such mistakes (in future),” Jafari said, according to Iran’s Fars news agency.

On Friday afternoon, Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah warned that his movement was not afraid of war with Israel.The Beirut rally where his speech was broadcast was attended by Alaeddin Boroujerdi, the head of Iran’s influential parliamentary committee on national security and foreign policy.

Charging that the Iranian regime is “working towards Israel’s destruction,” Dermer said the deal being discussed with Iran did not seek to dismantle Tehran’s nuclear weapons capabilities, but would “leave Iran as a nuclear-threshold state… I would hope that everyone would appreciate what it means to us to see that the deal that is emerging would pose a threat to the survival of Israel,” he said.
“Let me be clear that the prime minister’s visit to Washington is intended for one purpose — to speak about Iran, that openly threatens the survival of the Jewish state,” Dermer said. “The survival of Israel is not a partisan issue. It is an issue for all Americans because those who seek Israel’s destruction also threaten America.”