Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

Why Is The FBI Still Investigating Former Four-Star General And CIA Director Petraeus

Former CIA director and retired general David H. Petraeus (Reuters / Alex Gallardo)

Why Is The FBI Still Targeting Petraeus? -- Eli Lake and Josh Rogin, Bloomberg

By all outward appearances, David Petraeus appears to be mounting a comeback. The former general landed a job at powerhouse private-equity firm KKR, has academic perches at Harvard and the University of Southern California and, according to White House sources, was even asked by the President Barack Obama's administration for advice on the fight against Islamic State. Yet it turns out that the extramarital affair that forced him to resign as director of the Central Intelligence Agency is still hanging over him.

Most importantly: According to current and former U.S. intelligence officials who have spoken to us, the FBI still has an open investigation into whether Petraeus improperly provided highly classified documents to Paula Broadwell, his biographer and the woman with whom he had an affair.

A little history: In the spring of 2012, the Federal Bureau of Investigation stumbled upon the Petraeus-Broadwell relationship while investigating a separate cyber-stalking matter. While the FBI has cleared Broadwell of those charges, and Obama has said Petraeus never endangered national security, the FBI’s probe remains open.

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More News On The FBI Investigation Of David Petraeus

FBI continues to investigate Petraeus -- TBO
FBI continues to investigate former CIA director General Petraeus -- RT
McCain Tells FBI to End Petraeus Probe -- Bloomberg
McCain urges FBI to end Petraeus probe -- The Hill
McCain: Investigation is silencing Petraeus -- CNN

My Comment: I know that the wheels of justice in the U.S. legal system moves slowly .... but this has been how many years?

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