Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

The 'Impending' Russian Maidan

The 'Impending' Russian Maidan

The coordinated manipulation of global energy prices, a NATO build-up in Eastern Europe, and the rekindling of terrorism in Russia’s southern Caucasus region all appear to be ever-increasing crescendos toward a much larger event – a “Russian Maidan."

The necessary components of a successful Western bid to overthrow the Russian political order include a political front protesting in Russia’s major cities, as well as a full-spectrum economic war to put pressure on Russia’s population, increasing dissent as well as swelling the ranks of staged protests Wall Street and Washington put in Russian streets. Another necessary component includes armed components to act under cover of “peaceful protesters” to escalate street demonstrations, prevent security forces from restoring order, and to carry out the actual physical overthrow of these security forces

These elements could all be seen in neighboring Ukraine – a nation in which America and NATO’s incessant meddling is a matter of long-standing public record. The Guardian would admit in its 2004 article, “US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev,” that (emphasis added):

…while the gains of the orange-bedecked “chestnut revolution” are Ukraine’s, the campaign is an American creation, a sophisticated and brilliantly conceived exercise in western branding and mass marketing that, in four countries in four years, has been used to try to salvage rigged elections and topple unsavoury regimes.

Funded and organised by the US government, deploying US consultancies, pollsters, diplomats, the two big American parties and US non-government organisations, the campaign was first used in Europe in Belgrade in 2000 to beat Slobodan Milosevic at the ballot box.

Richard Miles, the US ambassador in Belgrade, played a key role. And by last year, as US ambassador in Tbilisi, he repeated the trick in Georgia, coaching Mikhail Saakashvili in how to bring down Eduard Shevardnadze.

Ten months after the success in Belgrade, the US ambassador in Minsk, Michael Kozak, a veteran of similar operations in central America, notably in Nicaragua, organised a near identical campaign to try to defeat the Belarus hardman, Alexander Lukashenko

That one failed. “There will be no Kostunica in Belarus,” the Belarus president declared, referring to the victory in Belgrade.

But experience gained in Serbia, Georgia and Belarus has been invaluable in plotting to beat the regime of Leonid Kuchma in Kiev.

The operation – engineering democracy through the ballot box and civil disobedience – is now so slick that the methods have matured into a template for winning other people’s elections.

Not only has Ukraine suffered because of  this admitted US-backed political destabilization over the years, but as revealed by the Guardian and other sources, all of Eastern Europe has fallen prey to this brand of foreign-backed subversion, manipulation, and regime change. Considering this documented fact, the prospect of Wall Street and Washington trying likewise in Russia itself is not only possible, it has already been tried before, with likely attempts in the future only inevitable.

Already at work is a coordinated manipulation of world oil prices. Revealed among plunging oil prices is that the entire industry is centrally manipulated not by market forces but by political agendas involving the US and its partners in the Middle East, most notably the enduring dictatorship in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. While any nation possesses the ability to weather such economic measures in the long-term as Iran and Cuba have proven, in the short-term, economic instability is one of the harbingers of political subversion where ranks of street demonstrations can be swelled by those who perceive such economic instability as the fault of the current government, rather than an economic attack from abroad.

The political front that will take to Russia’s streets has already long been identified. It includes the same brand of extreme “nationalists” and ultra-right groups seen overrunning Ukraine’s political order. This includes literal Neo-Nazis. One of the prevailing figures among Russia’s ultra-right is US-backed Alexey Navalny – billed by the West as an “anti-corruption activist,” who is in all reality a neo-fascist operating openly in the service of Wall Street

US policymakers are openly conspiring to covertly provoke a nation through political subversion. The resulting “act of aggression” would be portrayed as “unprovoked,” just as has been done regarding Russia’s involvement in neighboring Ukraine and all moves since Moscow has undertaken as the US and NATO continue to move toward war.

The policy paper also openly talks about the particulars of fomenting political unrest. Under a section called literally, “Finding the Right Proxies” it states:

One of the hardest tasks in fomenting a revolution, or even just unrest, is finding the right local partners

After openly admitting the goal of “fomenting a revolution” or “unrest,” it then details what support to provide these proxies:

 …students and other groups need covert backing for their demonstrations.  They need fax machines. They need internet access, funds to duplicate materials, and funds to keep vigilantes from beating them up.  Beyond this, U.S.-backed media  outlets  could  highlight  regime  shortcomings and make otherwise obscure critics more prominent. The United States already supports Persian-language satellite television (Voice of america Persian) and radio (radio Farda) that bring unfiltered news to Iranians (in recent years, these have taken the lion’s share of overt U.S. funding for promoting democracy in Iran). U.S. economic pressure (and perhaps military pressure as well) can discredit the regime, making the population hungry for a rival leadership.

The report finally mentions armed groups supporting US-engineered sedition:

 Some who favor fomenting regime change in Iran argue that it is utopian to hold out hope for a velvet revolution; instead, they contend that the United States should  turn  to  Iranian  opposition  groups  that already exist, that already have demonstrated a desire to fight the regime, and who appear willing  to  accept  U.S.  assistance.  The  hope  behind this course of action is that these various opposition  groups  could  transform  themselves  into more  potent  movements  that  might  be  able  to overturn the regime.

What is troubling about this 2009 report is that each and every conspiracy contained within is not only confirmed by the authors to already be well underway against Iran, it is now clear that similar tactics have been used against Syria, China, and Russia itself.  The “Arab Spring” was little more than these tactics used on a regional scale, and what was done in Syria and even Ukraine are almost verbatim pages torn from this playbook.

For a campaign aimed at Moscow itself, it is likely the same playbook will once again be employed. Exposing the insidious, malicious criminality of US policymakers who openly conspire to provoke other nations into conflict and manipulate public perception to maintain moral primacy is the first step to undoing attempts to destabilize and undermine Russia, and all other nations caught in the crosshairs of Wall Street and Washington.

While the West continues to portray Russia as the “aggressor,” throughout America’s own policy papers it can be seen that such accusations are just one part of an immensely insidious and deceitful plan. Portraying Russia as the “aggressors” helps justify further measures to set the board for widespread political subversion within Russia itself. It seeks to justify not only direct ties to opposition groups when they are finally revealed, but also increasingly aggressive interventions both by armed proxies and NATO forces themselves to continue propping up these opposition groups.

The spectacular nature of “invasions” as we imagine them, such as the Nazi blitzkrieg into Western Europe are behind us. Invasions within fourth generation warfare utilize faux opposition groups, covert military support, and full-spectrum economic, political, and information warfare. Russia has built defenses against this form of warfare, confounding the West , but ultimately the moral high ground and all of its advantages is a position only one can hold. Either by truth through exposing the West’s means and agenda will Russia climb to the top, or through the West’s continued successful deception, will Russia be pelted below.

What happened earlier this year in Italian politics is going to shock this world—if not now, very soon. The pope humbled and even humiliated Prime Minister Prodi. It was the kind of humiliation that has been common throughout the Vatican’s history. The pope’s action was only the tip of a politico-religious iceberg that the American Titanic is sailing toward. Nothing in politics and religion is more important for you to understand.

Europe’s traditional roots, of course, refers to the Holy Roman Empire.
Does the pope believe in democracy? No, he does not. The Vatican never has. Look at how he is involved in politics—exerting so much pressure over the leader of Italy.
But it goes much deeper.
The pope is whipping Europe into the Catholic Holy Roman Empire. And the worst is yet to come. The world is going to be shocked beyond description very soon. On March 27, wrote,
The Berlin Declaration is an open challenge to the supremacy of the religion of Rome in Europe. THE POPE HAS MET THAT CHALLENGE HEAD ON, AND THE EU HAS RESPONDED WITH AN OPEN INVITATION FOR HIM TO COME TO ITS PARLIAMENT AND FIX THE PROBLEM [that he created!]. This provides the pope with an open door to peddle his spiritual wares directly to the main legislating body of the European Union.

Should the Parliament seize the moment and railroad the endorsing of the religion of Rome into its constitution, the EU’S SPIRITUAL GAP MAY WELL BE FILLED BY OFFICIAL RECOGNITION OF THE POPE’S RELIGION AS THE STATE RELIGION OF THEEUROPEAN UNION. And remember, should this occur, the laws that the European Parliament makes trump all domestic law within its member nations.
That means this German pope already has an intensely disturbing control over the European Union.
FOR THE PAST HALF CENTURY, EUROPE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE BUILDING A FREE MARKET. But old habits die hard, and many Continental politicians think more and better regulation is the route to prosperity. Their control over access to a consumer market of 500 million lets them try to force the rest of the world, IN PARTICULAR THAT ECONOMIC GIANT ACROSS THE ATLANTIC, to play by its cumbersome rules. This is Europe’s way of staying competitive.

THE RESULT IS A QUIET BUT CONCERTED WAR ON AMERICAN COMMERCE. ANTITRUST POLICY IN BRUSSELS, PARTICULARLY HIGH-TECH FIRMS, IS A BATTLEFIELD. Mario Monti, the former EU competitions czar who issued the ruling against Microsoft’s “bundling” of software on its operating system, told Italian newspaperCorriere della Sera last month that putting that company and other American giants in their place was “the true strength of a united Europe.” His successor, Neelie Kroes, celebrated an EU appeals court decision last month upholding his decision by musing about how low she’d like Microsoft’s market share to fall under the weight of regulatory pressure. Next in her sights are Intel, Qualcomm, Apple and Google, among others. … In effect, Brussels wants to force its environmental standards on the U.S. by saying—do things our way, or your goods won’t be sold here.

A vicious trade war is coming. America is going to be the tragic victim. The Wall Street Journal sees the “concerted war on American commerce.” 


The New York Times article continued: “The incident underscored Germany’s growing political power within the 12-nation European Community, diplomats said. Some added that it marked the SINGLE MOST VISIBLE DEMONSTRATION OF THAT POWER since reunification of the two Germanys more than a year ago [in 1990]” (ibid.).

Hamas threatened to hit back at Israel on Saturday after Israeli Air Force jets struck several targets belonging to the terror group in the southern Gaza Strip overnight for the first time since this summer’s war.

The air raid came in response to a rocket fired on Friday that landed in open terrain in the Eshkol region.

“The resistance [as Hamas calls itself] has the right to respond to Israeli aggression at the time and place of its choosing,” a senior Hamas member said Saturday.

Overnight Friday-Saturday, the air force reportedly struck a Hamas training ground near Khan Yunis. There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

Gaza residents reported low-flying Israeli aircraft over the Palestinian enclave and multiple airstrikes. Unconfirmed reports indicated Israeli warships may also have shelled the Gaza Strip.
A spokesman for Gaza‘s Hamas-run Health Ministry said there were no casualties in the attack, the first air strike by Israel on the Palestinian enclave since the summer truce that ended the 50-day war between the sides.
The IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement that Israeli planes “struck Hamas terror infrastructure site in the southern Gaza Strip” in response to Friday’s rocket attack, and that a direct was confirmed.
“The IDF will not permit any attempt to undermine the security and jeopardize the well being of the civilians of Israel,” Spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner said. “The Hamas terrorist organization is responsible and accountable for today’s attack against Israel.”
Friday night’s airstrike came following a rocket attack on southern Israel on Friday afternoon. Palestinians in Gaza fired a Kassam rocket at an Israeli community in the Eshkol region near the Gaza Strip, causing neither casualties nor damage.

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