Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

Israel And The ISIS Threat, U.S. Threatens Russia (again)

Israel And The ISIS Threat

Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist groups make it clear that their ultimate goal is the complete destruction of Israel. ISIS has employed the same rhetoric, but the ability to carry out such a threat presents a reality no one can simply dismiss as the railings of yet another radical Islamic group. Along the way, ISIS has captured vast amounts of wealth. When Mosul Iraq fell……$500 million was the take from that city alone. Other cities like Fallujah, Tikrit, and Kirkuk fell and the spoils of battle went to ISIS as well. Needless to say, this group is well funded and there are no shortage of men willing to join their ranks. Some are Iraqi and Syrian men who see the options are to fight alongside ISIS or die and there are also many foreign fighters joining the ranks.

It takes wealth and personnel to wage war and ISIS has both. By far, the biggest payoff during their movement across Syria and Iraq is the stockpiles of weapons they have amassed. I spent two years in Iraq in Tikrit and Baghdad and I know that we left the Iraqi army well equipped. Tikrit is now in ISIS hands and along with it… the massive military base we left behind. Every time the Iraqi Army surrenders control of a city or former base, weapons fall into the hands of ISIS. The matter of weaponry is a very important one because as the militant group gains territory….they gain new hardware to wage war elsewhere.

There is undeniable evidence they have in fact acquired WMDs. Jane’s Intelligence Review along with other credible sources report that over 80 lbs. of uranium is missing from the Mosul University science lab after ISIS took control of the city. This squares with a claim made in just the past week by ISIS that they have smuggled a ‘radioactive device’ into a european city.

In another clear indication that ISIS has obtained chemical weapons……there is cause to believe they used chemical weapons in the Syrian border town of Kobani. In late October of this year, after explosions and a foul smell in the air…..patients began showing symptoms  that commonly follow a chemical attack such as large red blisters on skin, breathing difficulties, and vomiting. There is also several reports by the Iraqi army that they have sustained injuries from a chlorine based chemical attack.

Some of you may be asking:  What does this have to do with Israel or Bible prophecy for that matter? The answer is rather simple because (if) ISIS continues to swallow up land and mile by mile….move closer to Israel’s borders, there is no doubt that they would use WMDs on the Jewish State. Moreover, Israel has multiple threats on all sides from Hamas in Gaza to Hezbollah on the Lebanese border. There is a lot of instability along almost all of Israel’s borders except with Jordan. Even the relatively stable border with Jordan might not remain that way for long.

I’m one of a growing number of Bible prophecy teachers who believe a major war in the Middle East is just around the corner. I also believe there is evidence that this coming war precedes the Gog-Magog invasion of Ezekiel 38.

Top brass in the Israeli Defense Forces is taking notice of growing threats to it’s security. Israel’s Chief of Staff General Benny Gantz commented on the ISIS threat and it’s problematic northern border during a recent interview with the Jerusalem Post.

The bottom line is this:   Although the situation in the Middle East is always changing, there is no doubt the pieces are falling into place and the end time scenario is taking shape. Knowing that Israel’s enemies like the Islamic State, Hezbollah, Hamas, and of course Iran will eventually or may already possess WMDs…..it should be a prophetic heads up for a believer who is watching and waiting. When we are beginning to see geopolitical conditions line up with the end time scenario written about over and over again in the Bible, doesn’t it become clear that our redemption is drawing near?

I believe it is just a matter of time before Israel’s enemies launch an attack or plan one using WMDs against population centers. The question that remains is will the IDF launch a preemptive strike first? One thing is becoming clear…..when we look at the news coming out of the Middle East, we see the stage is being set for the soon return of Jesus. Those of us who are longing for and love His appearing can look at the events happening in the world through the lens of scripture.
We understand time is short and the rapture is imminent! We must use the time we have left to warn people about God’s judgement and wrath that’s coming. Today is the day of salvation. People need to know that there is no hope without Jesus. As the days come to a close and the news from around the globe confirms that……let’s share Jesus and His gospel with renewed love and a sense of urgency with those we meet.

The Pentagon has threatened Russia with redeploying nuclear cruise missiles to Europe, accusing Moscow of violating two arms control treaties.

“We don’t have ground-launched cruise missiles in Europe now obviously because they’re prohibited by the treaty,” said Brian McKeon, principal deputy undersecretary for policy at the Department of Defense.

“But that would obviously be one option to explore,” he added.

Washington says Moscow violated the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

However, Russia denied the allegation and said the testing of a ground-launched cruise missile in July 2014 was in compliance with the INF treaty.
Undersecretary for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller announced that US President Barack Obama has written his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin about the violation.

Gottemoeller said that the United States were considering a list of “military countermeasures” against Russia.

McKeon also warned Russia not to engage in an “escalatory cycle of action and reaction.”
He said Russian and US counter-actions "will make Russia less secure.”

"This violation will not go unanswered, because there is too much at stake,” he said.
Russia says the US missile plans across the globe are a real threat not only to Russia but also to the whole world, adding the missile systems harm the strategic balance of forces across the globe.

In October, the US military commissioned its new missile base in southern Romania amid strong opposition by Russia.
The military base will be the first to feature the Aegis Ashore ballistic missile system and it will be operational by the end of 2015.

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