Time For Japan To Get Its Own Nuclear Weapons? -- Christine M. Leah, National Interest
A TNI Video Interview: Are America's nuclear forces the right size? Should Japan consider acquiring its own nuclear weapons? We ask Yale Grand Strategy Fellow Christine M. Leah.
Is it time for Japan to consider acquiring nuclear weapons?
What about America’s nuclear forces? Are they the right size for today’s challenging international landscape?
TNI’s Executive Editor, Harry J. Kazianis, spoke with Christine M. Leah, a postdoctoral Grand Strategy Fellow at Yale University to explore these topics and more. Also, please see Ms. Leah’s recent piece also authored by MIT’s Harvey M. Sapolsky: “Let Asia Go Nuclear.” An excerpt of the piece is below, and you can read the whole article here.
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My Comment: They have the resources and people necessary for a bomb/missile program, and they already have the material to make the bombs if they choose to .... Japan Has Enough Plutonium to Make Thousands of Nukes (Jeffrey Lewis, Foreign Policy). Fortunately .... at least today .... the Japanese public does not have the desire to change their constitution and to pursue pursue such a policy.
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