Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

A Recent History Of Expensive And Wasted Pentagon Programs

Top 10 Failed Defense Programs of the RMA Era -- Stephen Rodriguez, War On the Rocks

On Nov. 15, 2014 at the Reagan National Defense Forum, former Secretary of Defense Hagel announced a new “Defense Innovation Initiative” aimed at discovering ways to improve America’s military dominance vis-à-vis emerging peer competitors. In his speech, Secretary Hagel outlined a new Long-Range Research and Development Planning Program to target technological breakthroughs especially in “robotics, autonomous systems, miniaturization, big data and advanced manufacturing, including 3-D printing.” As I sat in my seat, listening to his closing remarks, I couldn’t help but be reminded of a previous, technology-oriented initiative aimed at emphasizing American technological supremacy over an adversary on the battlefield — the Revolution in Military Affairs or RMA.

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My Comment: At least the Pentagon is trying (cough, cough) to do something about it .... Efforts underway to improve Pentagon’s procurement system (Christian Davenport, Washington Post).

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