Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

U.S. Treasury Department: The Islamic State Is Likely The 'Best-Funded Terrorist Organization In The World'

Islamic State Among ‘Best-Funded’ Terrorist Groups On Earth: Treasury Dept. -- Washington Times

With the exception of a handful of state-sponsored militant groups, the Islamic State is likely the “best-funded terrorist organization” Washington has ever faced, raising $1 million a day from black-market oil sales, $20 million in ransoms over the past year and millions a month through extortion in Syria and Iraq, the Treasury Department’s top official for tracking terrorist financing said Thursday.

David S. Cohen, Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence, said the extremist group, also known by the acronyms ISIS and ISIL, has “grabbed the world’s attention for its outlandish ambitions and astounding brutality, but also for another reason: its substantial wealth. ISIL’s primary funding tactics enable it today to generate tens of millions of dollars per month.”

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More News On The U.S. Treasury Department's Claim That The Islamic State Is Likely The 'Best-Funded Terrorist Organization In The World'

ISIS Is Making An Absurd Amount Of Money On Ransom Payments And Black-Market Oil Sales -- Business Insider
Islamic State among world's richest militant groups: US -- AFP
‘World’s wealthiest terror org’: US vows to cut ISIS revenue sources -- RT
Islamic State making millions despite US bid to halt money flow -- L.A. Times
ISIS militants now world's richest -- News24
From oil to extortion, ISIL’s monthly millions in US sights -- The National
Treasury Department’s Anti-Terrorism Chief Says Cutting Off ISIS Funds Of High Importance -- Time
Treasury's War on the Islamic State -- Foreign Policy
Enforcer at Treasury Is First Line of Attack Against ISIS -- New York Times

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