Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 30, 2014

Could Burkina Faso Protests Signal End Of President's 27-Year Rule? -- Jason Patinkin, CSM

With parts of the military joining the uprising, the protests against President Blaise Compaore running for a fifth term are likely to bring to a rocky close the tenure of one of Africa’s longest-standing rulers.

A week of escalating protests in Burkina Faso exploded into violence Thursday as tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets against an attempt by longstanding President Blaise Campaore to extend his 27-year rule.

Demonstrators in the capital Ouagadougou broke through lines of police, who used tear gas, to storm and torch the parliament building. The protesters took to the streets to protest a vote – now cancelled – that would have changed the constitution to allow President Compaore to run for an unprecedented fifth term.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 30, 2014

A role for covert action against Islamic State -- Andre Le Gallo, Jerusalem Post

Iran, Turkey Rivalry Puts Focus on Kurds -- Dorian Jones, VOA

Most Arab states share Isis’s ideology. They’re trying to have it both ways -- Brian Whitaker, The Guardian

Whose side is Turkey on? -- Patrick Cockburn, London Review Of Books

Why all of Jerusalem is seething -- Christa Case Bryant, CSM

Why Israel doesn’t care what Obama thinks, or even what officials call Netanyahu -- Dimi Reider, Reuters

The End of the Middle East? -- Robert Kaplan, Stratfor

Iran: The revolution is over -- The Economist

Xi Jinping Turns the Screws on Taiwan -- J. Michael Cole, The Diplomat

After Elections, What's Next for Ukraine? -- Robert Orttung, Moscow Times

Russia's flights over Europe: How much bark, how much bite? -- Fred Weir, CSM

What happens to the Caucasus when Russia stumbles -- Vartan Oskanian, Al Jazeera

Comprehensively Limited: NATO’s Disconnected Approach to Security -- Ian Ralby, War On The Rocks

First line of defense against terrorism: Mom and Dad -- Peter Bergen and David Sterman, CNN

Defeating extremism is a universal duty -- National editorial

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