Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Islamic State Gunmen 'Committed Massacre' Of 150 Sunnis In Iraq's Anbar Province

Reports: 150 Bodies Found In Iraq Mass Grave -- SKY News

The victims are among more than 300 men aged between 18 and 55 seized by Islamic State this week, tribal sheikhs say.

The bodies of 150 members of an Iraqi Sunni tribe opposed to Islamic State (IS) have reportedly been found in a mass grave.

The Reuters news agency quoted a security official saying 150 men from the Albu Nimr tribe had been taken from their villages near Ramadi on Wednesday night and then killed.

In a separate incident 70 people from the same tribe were found dead in another mass grave near the city of Hit.

They are believed to have been members of the police and an anti-IS militia called Sahwa, or Awakening.

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More News On Reports Of A Massacre Of Sunni Tribesman In Anbar Province

Hundreds of Iraqi tribesmen opposed to Islamic State found in mass graves -- Reuters
Mass grave with 150 bodies found in Iraq -- The Telegraph
ISIS executes 220 tribesmen in Iraq -- Alahkbar
Iraq Isis News: Bodies of 150 Sunni Tribesmen Found in Anbar Province Mass Grave -- IBTimes
Islamic State group kill and bury 150 Iraqi Sunni tribesmen -- Irish Times

WNU Editor: The above tweet is from a reported massacre in the Iraqi city of Hit this week.

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