Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Breakng News: Government Of Burkina Faso Has Collapsed. Army Has Seized Power

Government of Burkina Faso Collapses -- New York Times

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso — The government of Burkina Faso collapsed on Thursday as demonstrators protesting the president’s plans to stay in office after 27 years surged through the streets of Ouagadougou, the capital, overrunning state broadcasters, setting fire to the Parliament building and torching the homes of the president’s relatives.

After several hours of increasingly violent protests, a government spokesman announced that a bill to extend the term of President Blaise Compaoré had been dropped, or at least delayed. But the protests continued, and later in the day, Mr. Compaoré announced that the government had been dissolved and promised more talks with the opposition “to end the crisis,” according to a statement read on a local radio station.

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Update #1: Burkina Faso Army Seizes Power After Protests -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Update #2: Burkina army imposes interim govt after crowd burns parliament -- Reuters

WNU Editor: This breaking news story  will be updated early Friday morning.

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