Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

The True State Of The Afghan Military Has Now Been Classified As 'Top Secret'

Recruits get ready to become members of the Afghan National Police force in Kandahar province. DoD photo / TSgt Adrienne Brammer

The Capabilities Of The Afghan Military Are Suddenly a Secret -- Time

Watchdog says U.S. taxpayers can’t know if investment is paying off.

For years, American taxpayers have been able to chart how well the Afghanistan security forces they’re funding are faring, because “capability assessments” detailing their progress have been routinely released.

Not anymore.

As the U.S. military prepares to withdraw most of its 34,000 troops still in Afghanistan by the end of this year, the American-led command there has suddenly made such information secret.

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More News On The 'Top Secret' Classification For Any Report On What Is The State Of The Afghan Military

Want to Know How the U.S. Taxpayer-Funded Afghan Army Is Performing? That's Classified. -- New Republic
U.S. Military Classifying Assessments of Afghan Military -- Bloomberg Businessweek
True State of Afghan Military Kept Secret, Report Says -- NBC

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