Minggu, 13 April 2014

Violence At Temple Mount Ahead Of Passover

Temple Mount Explodes In Violence Ahead Of Passover

Muslims atop Jerusalem’s Temple Mount provided Israeli Jews with a Passover holiday greeting in the form of stones and firebombs on Sunday morning. Two Israeli police officers were wounded when Muslim rioters attacked them and possibly other Jewish visitors at the Mughrabi gate at the Temple Mount’s southwestern end, adjacent to the Western Wall.
One observer noted that the use of dozens of firebombs (Molotov cocktails) indicated that the riot had been premeditated, and was not a spontaneous response to some Israeli provocation.

Riot police were called to the scene and managed to take control of the situation using rubber bullets and tear gas. A short time later, quiet returned to the Temple Mount, but the holy site remained closed to Jews and Christians for fear of another Muslim outburst.

While the Muslim authorities that oversee the Temple Mount, and the Palestinian politicians who appoint them, regularly accuse Israel of trying to “Judaize” the Temple Mount, the reality is that Jews suffer a severe lack of freedom of religion at this, Judaism’s holiest site.
Last week, two American congressmen clandestinely visited the Temple Mount with a group of religious Jews to assess the situation. US Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH) told Israel National News that the Temple Mount visit left he and his colleague “shocked and disturbed.”
Johnson made special note of the Waqf (Islamic Trust) official that tailed the group and seemed to exercise unwarranted influence over the Israeli police present there. “This thug followed us everywhere we went and if we stopped and took too long in one place he would look at the Israeli police, who would say ‘you need to keep your group moving,’” noted the American lawmaker.

Having failed to carry out the Turkish false flag last moth in Northern Syria, the US has reverted back to its earlier habit from 2013, of trying to foment hostilities between Syria and Israel, hoping it would escalate to total war that would bring down the Syrian regime while inflicting extensive damage on Israel...The Israelis should foil this ugly plot by making it clear that any full scale war with Syria would be used to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities, whether Obama like it or not. That should pour some cold water on hot heads in Washington.

The United States is pressuring Israel to attack the Syrian military in the Golan Heights.
Western diplomatic sources said the administration of President Barack Obama has urged Israel to stop a Syrian Army advance toward U.S.-trained rebels in the Golan Heights.
The sources said the rebels, trained and sent from Jordan, reached the divided Heights last month.
“The Americans want Israel to stop a Syrian column from reaching rebel-held areas of the Golan, particularly where the Jordanian-based jihadists are located,” a source told Middle East Newsline.
The sources said this marked the first U.S. request for Israel’s military to intervene in Syria. They said Obama and his aides had repeatedly warned Israel to refrain from striking Syria, which transferred long-range rockets and air defense systems to Hizbullah in neighboring Lebanon.
The CIA has been training more than 1,000 rebels in Jordan in a program financed by Saudi Arabia. The rebels, blocked by Islamist militias in southern Syria, failed in two operations to establish strongholds in Syria.
The U.S.-trained rebels were said to have captured a Syrian Army outpost at Tel Al Ahrar in the Golan Heights. The sources said the outpost contained 250 Jordanian-based fighters, with another 250 Islamist militia members in the rest of the Golan Heights. With the exception of Quneitra, the rebels were said to control most of the Syrian portion of the heights. which amounts to 600 square kilometers.
At this point, Israel has not responded to the U.S. request. The sources said Israel’s military and intelligence community did not want a
confrontation with the regime of President Bashar Assad as it eliminated rebel strongholds throughout central and western Syria.
“An [Israeli] attack could lead to a regional war, just the kind that Iran and Hizbullah might like right now,” another source said.

The Ukrainian government has offered sweeping autonomous powers to restive, pro-Moscow regions of the country, in an attempt to hold its head above water against Moscow, without a source of revenue or a viable army. Acting prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk told regional leaders and businessmen Friday, April 11, in the eastern town of Donetsk, where pro-Russian separatists have declared a People’s Republic, that he is ready for parliament to consider a law on referendums.
The devolution of power to the regions is a major concession by the pro-Western administration in Kiev to Moscow which, backed by 40,000 troops on Ukraine’s borders, demands recognition of the rights of Russian speakers living in the country’s east and south by means of a federal system.
With the separatist movement spreading – Saturday, armed men in camouflage occupied a police building in Slaviansk, 150 km from the Russian border - the provisional government in Kiev met the protesters half-way to avert Ukraine’s breakup into pro-Western European and pro-Russian regions. His only condition was that the regional administrations recognize central government in Kiev.
The prime minister did not refer to the Crimean breakaway from Ukraine when he addressed the separatists. It was clear to both sides that the strategic peninsula's annexation to Russia was water under the bridge and any international deal on the future of Ukraine would have to accept it as an accomplished fact and move on.

The provisional Ukrainian government’s offer of near-autonomous powers to the regions is the first backward step to be taken by the US and EU from its confrontation with Moscow since Crimea’s breakaway.

Russian troop concentrations on Ukraine’s borders are clearly there to stay, and Moscow has further turned the screw by its “gas sanction” against Ukraine, which is being charged a much higher price for its gas and told to settle payment for past supplies. If Moscow makes good on a threat to cut off Ukraine for non-payment of bills, supplies to the rest of Europe would be disrupted.
Nevertheless, the Obama administration and NATO officials continued to issue a stream of portentous denunciations against Moscow – and Friday, more Crimean officials were added to the US sanctions list - even though it must be obvious to Washington that the US, Europe and NATO combined are short of the traction – military, economic and political – for forcing Moscow to accept the provisional regime. The billions of dollars they have laid out  for propping it up went on a lost cause

We should never forget, though, that the name of the game in communism, the engine of change, the purpose of all actions is ultimately the Holy Revolution. For only through a Revolution can hated capitalism be overthrown, and the underclass of America be liberated into socialism and communism. We should also recall that at Marx’s funeral on March 22nd, 1883, his writing partner and financial benefactor Frederick Engels stated,
For Marx was before all else a revolutionist. His real mission in life was to contribute, in one way or another, to the overthrow of capitalist society and of the state institutions which it had brought into being…

Marx was only concerned with revolution, because only revolution could hope to liberate all the factors and forces needed to create the new world of socialism. The real problem with Marxism isn’t really its demand for violent overthrow of society, because in theory that could be rejected by its followers. Instead, it is the fact that Marx threw out religion and the Bible, replacing it with his own prophecies, a secular sacred writ, which cannot be rejected, but is always true in all instances.

Why did Karl Marx believe that revolution had to come before socialism or communism? According to Clarence B. Carson, in Basic Communism: Its Rise, Spread, and Debacle in the 20th Century, “The coming of revolution was not only historically inevitable, according to Marx, but was also necessary for the changes both in man and society.”

But how does Marx justify his radical approach? His violent overthrow of society—where the entire economy and government is tossed out, and where most will be reeducated, and where many others will be murdered to purify society?

 The key here is Marx’s atheism. 

Vigor explains how the anti-religious nature of Marxism deeply affects its doctrines, writing:

Clearly, if there is no God, neither morals nor ethics can be of Divine origin. If murderis a crime, that cannot be because God has Himself forbidden it; if unselfishness is a virtue, it is so not because Christ commended it. The origin of morals and ethics, and, in addition, the whole question of what is moral and ethical and what is not, is thrown into the melting-pot.

For Marxists, it would also be apropos for America to be the site of the world’s real first Marxist revolution, since Marx believed that only an advanced capitalist society was fit to be overthrown.
According to Marx’s theory, the proletarian revolution would take place in the conditions of an advanced capitalist economy, where technology is advanced and a developed and organized working class in place. England met all the material conditions in terms of its development but lacked “revolutionary spirit.” However, Marx was prepared to be flexible with regard to material economic conditions if other circumstances were favorable to revolution.

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