Rabu, 02 April 2014

Earthquake Chile - Updates

As usual, this first site posted below will continuously update, so check here for developments:

Update : Below the shaking intensities as reported by ONEMI Chile shortly after the earthquake struck :
VIII is SEVERE shaking, VII very strong shaking, VI strong shaking and V moderate shaking
Región: Arica y Parinacota
Arica : VIII, Codpa: VIII and Cuya: VIII
Región: Tarapaca
Alto Hospicio : VII and Iquique: VII
Región: Antofagasta
Antofagasta: III, Calama: VI, María Elena: V, Mejillones: V, Ollagüe: V, Quillagua: VI, San Pedro de Atacama: VI, Sierra Gorda: IV and Tocopilla: VI
Update : More police and special forces are on their way by plane to the northern Chile to assist the local police in preventing further looting. Shortly after the earthquake looting started in a few cities.
Update : Tsunami agitated currents will arrive at many Pacific coasts the following hours. Luckily inmost of these locations it is night now and people will not be on the beaches. No real tsunami waves are expected but strong currents are certainly a posiibility
Update : Landslides have killed another 3 people (1 woman and 2 men)
Update 04:09 UTC : The Ministry of the Interior in Chile cancels all Tsunami warning from Puerto Chacabuco (southern part of the country) until Antarctica
Update : Power has now been restored in some sectors of Arica
Update : This earthquake is another “lucky escape”. 30 km more to the coast and the damage would have been huge + the tsunamis superfast and probably deadly. A BIG BRAVO for the Chile government who is by means of ONEMI CHILE one of the best institutions in the world to prepare people for earthquakes and tsunamis. Also today ONEMI should receive an OSCAR AWARD for their work

Update : 80% of the fishing fleet in La Caleta is damaged!
Update : very bad news for some parents is that at least 10 to 15 children are reported as MISSING – Let’s hope they fled in panic and will return soon to their parents
Update :  A couple of buildings have been flooded because of the tsunami in Iquique
The mayor of Iquique said the water entered  3 blocks inland or at least 100 meter! (based on our experience thats a big distance!)
Update : 2 of 3 fires are now controlled, so we can conclude that the worst experience is over, but as the power is out in 95% of Iquique, it will be anxiously waiting for power to be restored + for daylight to assess all damage.
Update : Aftershocks are continuously battering the coast of Northern Chile – A lot of them +M5 or at normal times already serious earthquakes.
Update : 2 children have been reported as missing.
School classes have been suspended at all levels in Northern Chile
Below the GDACS animated tsunami map

Update :
-The death toll from this earthquake still remains at 5 – with them all being indirect.
- Aria and Parinacota regions have cancelled classes today.
- There has been slight damage to buildings, and the power network along the coast.
- Checks are being done as to the structural safety of these buildings before people go back in.
- A number of people have been injured (at least 13 across the region).
- The tsunami warning has officially been cancelled.
- Many of those evacuated due to the tsunami have returned home.

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