Selasa, 03 Desember 2013

Coming Attractions: The Epicenter Of The Epicenter

Actually a more accurate title would be "The epicenter of the epicenter of the epicenter". If Israel is the epicenter of the world, then Jerusalem is the epicenter of Israel, and the Temple Mount is the epicenter of Jerusalem. 

The article below is worthy of consideration. The facts involved lead one to take a step back and view the big picture. Just consider the fact that the Temple Mount sits squarely in the Jerusalem, Israel, yet the Jews are not allowed to worship or pray there. Again, take a step back and look at the big picture here. 

Saudi Arabia's highest religious council, the Majlis al-Ifta’ al-A’ala, has threatened a "religious war" over any attempts to implement equal prayer rights for Jews on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount is Judaism's holiest site, the site of two Jewish Temples and where some Jewish traditions state the world began. It is also the site of the large "Al Aqsa" Islamic complex, which is built on top of the ruins of the Jewish Temples. The siteitself is administered by the Waqf Islamic trust.

In measures Jewish activists decry as discriminatory, only Muslims may pray or carry out any other religious rituals on the Mount. Jews whoattempt to pray are regularly arrested. Just yesterday the Mount was closed to Jews after a Jewish group sang songs in honor of the festival of Hanukkah, in response to harassment by Muslim extremists at the site.

The council condemned what it said were "Israeli attempts to split the Al Aqsa Mosque" by implementing alternate prayer arrangements for Jewish and Muslim worshippers, as well as by establishing a fixed area for Jewish worship.

In an announcement issued on November 30th, the council alleged that "the occupation authorities [i.e. Israel] are trying to create a Jerusalem 2.0", and went on to claim that the Israeli government is trying to "complete the construction of a museum at the foot of the Al Aqsa Mosque". That latter allegation echoes claims by Palestinian Authority media that the Israeli government plans to build a large complex - complete with a "Jewish museum" - near the Mughrabi Gate.

Israel has not officially responded to the claims, according to Israel’s Channel 2 News, but similar claims have been made in the past by Muslim extremists to encourage riots and other violence against Israeli police and Jewish worshippers.

The council continued by alleging that the ultimate aim of the Israeli government was "to facilitate a breakthrough at the holy Al Aqsa Mosque and to defile it in an intensive way through the settlers [referring to Jewish worshippers - ed.], and by providing them with security".

It further warned that "the offensive activity against the holy Palestinian [sic] sites, and first and foremost the holy Al Aqsa Mosque, will turn the region into a ticking time bomb and trigger an imminent religious war", and declared that "the Al Aqsa Mosque, will all its corridors and expanses, and every part of it - both over and underground - is the absolute right of the Muslims alone, and the city of Jerusalem will remain Islamic and Arab".

The threat was likely a response to a bill, tabled by Israel's Religious Affairs Minister Rabbi Eli Ben-Dahan, which would put an end to discriminatory practices on the Temple Mount and instate shared prayer arrangements similar to those in effect at the Cave of the Patriarchs (Me'arat Hamachpela) in Hevron.

That bill has received angry responses from Muslim parliamentariansand Islamist leaders in Israel, as well as from Islamist groups and thePalestinian Authority, who demand exclusive rights of prayer for Muslims on the Mount, and regularly deny any Jewish claims to Jerusalem in general, and the Temple Mount in particular.

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