Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

The Nations Against Israel

Caroline Glick gives us another timely article. She only deals with one segment of the population who is firmly against Israel, but we know that the entire world is getting on board for the weakening and ultimate destruction of Israel. 

The Left Against Zion

[If you look closely (bolded below), once again, we see Mr Soros fingerprints all over this anti-Israeli sentiment]

The Left against Zion In the 1960s, the American Left embraced the anti-Vietnam War movement as its cri de coeur.
In the 1970s, the Left's foreign policy focus shifted to calling for unilateral nuclear disarmament by the US and its Western allies.
In the 1980s, supporting the Sandinista Communists' takeover of Nicaragua became the catechism of the Left.
In the 1990s, the war on global capitalism - that is, the anti-globalization movement - captivated the passions of US Leftists from coast to coast.
In the 2000s, it was again, the anti-war movement.
This time the Left rioted and demonstrated against the war in Iraq.
And in this decade, the main foreign policy issue that galvanizes the passions and energies of the committed American Left is the movement to delegitimize Israel's right to exist.

This week has been a big one for the anti-Israel movement. In the space of a few days, two quasi academic organizations - the American Studies Association and the Native Americanand Indigenous Studies Association - have launched boycotts against Israeli universities. Their boycotts follow a similar one announced in April by the Asian Studies Association.
These groups' actions have not taken place in isolation. They are of a piece with ever-escalating acts of anti-Israel agitation in college campuses throughout the United States.

Every week brings a wealth of stories about new cases of aggressive anti-Israel activism. At the University of Michigan last week, thousands of students were sent fake eviction noticesfrom the university's housing office. A pro-Palestinian group distributed them in dorms across campus to disseminate the blood libel that Israel is carrying out mass expulsions of Palestinians.
At Swarthmore College, leftist anti-Israel Jewish students who control Hillel are insisting on using Hillel's good offices to disseminate and legitimate anti-Israel slanders.
And the Left's doctrinaire insistence that Israel is the root of all evil is not limited to campuses.
At New York's 92nd Street Y, Commentary editor John Podhoretz was booed and hissed by the audience for trying to explain why the ASA's just-announced boycott of Israel was an obscene act of bigotry.

The Left's crusade against the Jewish state began in earnest in late 2000. The Palestinians' decision to reject statehood and renew their terror war against Israel ushered in the move by anti-Israel forces on the Left to take over the movement. And as they have risen, they have managed to silence and discredit previously fully accredited members of the ideological Left for the heresy of supporting Israel.
This week, Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz retired after 50 years on the law faculty. His exit, the same week as the ASA and the NAISA announced their boycotts of Israeli universities, symbolized the marginalization of the pro-Israel Left that Dershowitz represented.
For years, Dershowitz has been a non-entity in leftist circles. His place at the table was usurped by anti-Israel Jews like Peter Beinart. And now Beinart is finding himself increasingly challenged by anti-Semitic Jews like Max Blumenthal.
The progression is unmistakable.

Being hypocrites doesn't bother them either.
You can talk until you're blue in the face about the civilian victims of the Syrian civil war, or the gender apartheid in Saudi Arabia and the absence of religious freedom throughout the Muslim world. But they don't care. They aren't trying to make the world a better place.
Facts cannot compete with their faith. Reason has no place in their closed intellectual universe.
To accept reason and facts would be an act of heresy.
Marez may be a hypocrite, and even a servant of evil. But he is no heretic.
The only real way to mitigate the hard Left's devotion to Israel's destruction is by changing the power balance on the Left. For the past decade, donors like George Soros have been open in their commitment to elect Democrats who oppose the US's alliance with Israel. A decade ago, Soros and fellow Jewish American billionaire Peter Lewis funneled hundreds of millions of dollars into
Moveon. org became a clearinghouse for anti-Israel and anti-Jewish messages that became the stock in trade of the ideological Left, and of Democratic candidates in need of campaign funding.

It was due to then-Democratic senator Joe Lieberman's refusal to get on the Soros- and Lewis-funded anti-Israel bandwagon in the 2004 elections, that they turned against Lieberman in the 2006 Democratic primary for his seat in the Senate. His Democratic challenger, Ned Lamont, who won the primary, ran a campaign laced with anti-Israel and anti-Jewish propaganda.

The rejection of Israel is not a natural component of leftist dogma. It's just that for the past decade, the smart money and the rising power on the Left has been with those who oppose Israel's existence as a strong, independent Jewish state.
While the ASA and its comrades are on the fringes of academia, they are not fringe voices on the Left. The Left has embraced the cause of Israel's destruction. And its financial power has made it difficult for pro-Israel Democrats to act on their convictions, and those of their voters.

[We are beginning to see more and more on this story. Also, once again, we see the call for "international" security forces]

Secretary of State John Kerry quietly presented a U.S. plan for eastern Jerusalem that calls for an international administrative mandate to control holy sites in the area, according to informed Palestinian and Israeli diplomatic sources.
The exact composition of the international mandate is up for discussion, the sources said, but Kerry’s plan recommended a coalition that includes the Vatican, together with a group of Muslim countries such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
The international arrangement is being proposed as a temporary solution for about two to three years while security arrangements in Jerusalem between Israelis and Palestinians are finalized, said the sources.
Israel, the sources said, was not receptive to the particulars of Kerry’s plan, especially the concept of Turkish participation in Jerusalem. Kerry told the Israelis he would hold talks with the Kingdom of Jordan about it playing a leading role in the proposal in the place of Turkey, the sources added.
Kerry was in Jerusalem on Friday as part of an Obama administration effort to reach a deal for a Palestinian state by April, a timeline that is still on track, Kerry told reporters.
“We are working on an approach that both guarantees Israel’s security and fully respects Palestinian sovereignty,” Kerry added.
According to the Israeli and Palestinian diplomatic sources speaking to KleinOnline, Kerry’s trip this time around focused specifically on the particulars of security arrangements for the strategic Jordan Valley following a deal.
In October, KleinOnline exclusively reported Kerry was strongly urging Israel to give up the Jordan Valley in closed-door talks with the Palestinian Authority.
The current round of U.S.-brokered talks is attempting to hash out the details of a plan for the valley.
The Jordan Valley cuts through the heart of Israel. It runs from the Tiberias River in the north to the Dead Sea in the center to the city of Aqaba at the south of the country, stretching through the biblical Arabah desert.
The U.S. proposal calls for international forces to maintain security control along with unarmed Palestinian police forces, a senior Palestinian Authority negotiator told KleinOnline in October. Israel will retain security posts in some strategic areas of the Jordan Valley, according to the U.S. plan.
Previous talks incorporated an element of Jordanian authority in the Jordan Valley, but the Kingdom of Jordan is wary of participating in a future Palestinian state, the negotiator said.
The Palestinian negotiator pointed to the insurgency in Syria and changes of leadership in Egypt as reasons for Jordanian reluctance to assume any security control over Palestinian areas.

A 22-year-old Palestinian was moderately injured Saturday morning when IDF troops targeted a group of Palestinians attempting to place explosives near the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip near Khan Younis.
The troops noticed the group moving closer to the border. Upon noticing they were carrying explosives and attempting to place them near the border, the troops shot at the Palestinians, wounding the 22-year-old in the leg.

The incident marked the fourth Palestinian casualty in clashes with Israeli forces in as many days.
On Friday, Palestinian was killed by IDF fire and five others were injured in scattered demonstrations along the border fence with Israel.
According to the IDF, Palestinian protesters gathered in the no-man’s-land next to the border fence and started tampering with it. Soldiers fired on the protesters when they did not heed calls to retreat.
Early Thursday morning, Israeli forces killed a Palestinian man who opened fire on them during operations in the West Bank city of Qalqilya.
Israeli paratroopers entered the city to arrest a man and came under fire, shooting back and killing the wanted man, the IDF said.

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