Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

Iran Aims Biological/Chemical Warheads At Israel - Assad's Chemical Weapons Units Head From Damascus To Aleppo

There is a lot of talk about chemical and biological weapons this week, and the first two stories below are the most ominous:

Iran has 170 ballistic missiles aimed at Tel Aviv, many with biological warheads, WND has learned.

According to a source who served in Iran’s Intelligence Ministry and who recently defected, the Islamic regime has armed hundreds of its ballistic missiles with biological warheads, and 170 of them are targeting Tel Aviv from underground missile silos.

The Islamic regime ruling Iran has prepared for the total destruction of Israel, he said.
As reported in the Washington Times in August, a commentary in Mashregh, the media outlet of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, confirmed that the Islamic regime not only has weapons of mass destruction but has armed its terrorist proxies with them, including Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. The commentary warned Israel that if the fighting in Syria does not stop, an all-out attack on the Jewish state will be launched and that at zero hour, Tel Aviv will be the first city to be destroyed.

A senior Iranian cleric, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, warned then that Tel Aviv “will burn to ashes,” and the regime’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, promised “the superfluous and fake Zionist regime will disappear from the landscape of geography.”

The source, talking to WND, confirmed that Iran has made significant advances on several fronts – chemical, biological, nuclear and electronic warfare – and that the regime is looking at the deterioration in Syria and the possibility of an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities with the intent of setting Israel and the region on fire.

Khamenei, in a speech to navy commanders last week on the country’s military achievements, said, “A look at the situation and the recent events in the region and the world clearly shows the upper hand of the Islamic republic of Iran.”

A close adviser to the supreme leader, Alireza Panahian, also last week in a speech widely covered by the regime, said “victory for the faithful” is close.

“Based on the recent events and the expansion of the Islamic movement in the region … and based on logical calculation, the coming is upon us and in the coming years everything will be finished,” he said, adding that with the regime’s leadership, the coming of the last Islamic Messiah, the Shiites’ 12th Imam, is soon and a certainty. Shiites believe Mahdi’s coming will be preceded by Armageddon.

As NATO in Brussels gave the go-ahead Tuesday night, Dec. 4, for the deployment of Patriot surface-to-air missiles to protect Turkey against Syrian missiles,DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources reported that convoys of the Syrian army’s chemical weapons units headed out of Damascus under cover of dark and turned north up the road to Aleppo. Their destination is not yet known.The convoys were ferrying self-propelled cannons for firing shells loaded with poisonous sarin gas.

Syrian President Bashar Assad had evidently decided to ignore the warnings President Barack Obama issued Monday night that there would be consequences if he or anyone in Syria resorted to chemical warfare and each would be held accountable.

He is also taking advantage of the heavy winds, rain and cloud over this part of the eastern Mediterranean and counting on the weather to obstruct military operations against his chemical weapons units.

US forces in the region, Israel, Turkey and Jordan were all braced  Monday night, Dec. 3 for action against Syria in case Syrian President Bashar Assad ordered his army’s chemical warfare units to go into action against rebel and civilian targets his own country. None of the Middle East capitals are talking openly about this eventuality to avoiding causing panic.

Prime Minster Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday addressed raised concerns that Syrian President Bashsar Assad could be preparing to use chemical weapons in his fight to survive against opposition forces, stating that Israel was monitoring the situation closely.

Israel has said on several occasions in the past that it wouldtake military action if necessary to prevent Syria's stockpile of chemical weapons from falling into the hands of Hezbollah or other terror groups.

The head of NATO, asked about possible use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, said on Tuesday that any such act would provoke an immediate international response.

"The possible use of chemical weapons would be completely unacceptable for the whole international community," NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told reporters.

Syria’s civil war is closing in on President Bashar Assad’s seat of power in Damascus with clashes between government forces and rebels flaring around the city Tuesday, raising fears the capital will become the next major battlefield in the 20-month-old conflict.

Numerous reports emerged of at least a dozen people killed near the ancient city and elsewhere, and the regime said nine students and a teacher died from rebel mortar fire on a school.

The state news agency originally said 30 people had been killed in the attack.
While many of the mostly poor, Sunni Muslim suburbs ringing Damascus have long been opposition hotbeds, fighting has intensified in the area in recent weeks as rebels press a battle they hope will finish Assad’s regime.

The push to take Damascus is a real one, and intense pressure to take control of the city is part of a major strategic shift by rebel commanders,” said Mustafa Alani of the Geneva-based Gulf Research Center. “They have realized that without bringing the fight to Damascus, the regime will not collapse.”

The increased pressure has raised worries that he or his forces will resort to desperate measures, perhaps striking neighbors Turkey or Israel, or using chemical weapons.

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