Rabu, 26 Desember 2012

In The News: The Vice That Surrounds Israel

Once again, we see a vice surrounding Israel, and it is tightening by the day: 

Egypt's Morsi Signs Islamist Constitution Into Law

The win gives Islamists their third straight electoral victory since veteran autocrat Hosni Mubarak was toppled in a 2011 revolution, following their earlier wins in parliamentary and presidential elections.
The presidency said Morsi signed a decree enforcing the charter late on Tuesday after the official announcement of the result of a referendum approving the basic law, Egypt's first constitution since Mubarak's overthrow.
The text has sharpened painful divisions in the Arab world's most populous nation and prompted often violent protests on the streets of Cairo.
Opposition groups condemn the new basic law as too Islamist and undemocratic, saying it could allow clerics to intervene in the lawmaking process and leave minority groups without proper legal protection.

Sharia is now Egypt’s law of the land. The Islamist-written draft constitution was approved by about 64% of voters. The Muslim Brotherhood believes its time has come. At long last, it has overtaken the land where the group was founded in 1928. For them, this is a blessing from Allah for their years of discipline and patience. And that blessing will continue as it erects a bloc to eliminate Israel, restore Islamic dominion in Europe and wage “civilization jihad” against the West.

The Egyptian opposition, consolidated into the National Salvation Front, cried foul at the results of the first round of voting. It claimed that 66% voted against it in the first round and the result was skewed by mismanagement, vote rigging and election violations. The Front is demanding a formal investigation into the irregularities. The Islamists run the Egyptian government, so that will go nowhere.

Article 2 of the constitution declares that “the principles” of Sharia are to be the main source of legislation. This is the same language as the previous constitution but that should give no comfort. This phrase is defined later in Article 219 as: “The principles of Islamic Sharia include general evidence and fundamentalist bases, rules and jurisprudence, as well as sources accepted by doctrines of Sunni Islam and the majority of Muslim scholars.”

 Article 44 says that “insulting prophets and messengers is forbidden.” That means if a Christian contrasts his religion with that of Islam, he could very well end up arrested.
This weekend’s passing of the constitution is a bigger victory for the Brotherhood than the sweeping of parliament and taking of the presidency. Elected offices are won and lost but the constitution is here to stay. And that means that Sharia law in Egypt is here to stay.

A senior Hamas leader called on Tuesday for a third intifada and the resumption of suicide bombings against Israel.
The demand came in response to the government’s recent decision to approve the construction of hundreds of housing units in east Jerusalem and Ma’aleh Adumim.

The Palestinians, he added, should resort to various methods of resistance, first and foremost “martyrdom operations in the heart of Israel.”
He urged Palestinians to “ignite a third intifada to save the Aksa Mosque and Jerusalem.”
The “enemy is waging a fierce onslaught on Jerusalem and accelerating plans to Judaize the city geographically and demographically,” he told reporters in Gaza City.
Israel, he charged, was spreading the “cancer of settlements to all parts of Jerusalem.”

Senior Hamas official Ahmed Abu Haliba, speaking to a Palestinian news source, said Israel’s announcements were the Jewish state’s attempt to “speed up the construction of the Temple” and that ”our people need… a new Islamic intifada to strike at the face of the enemy.”
Abu Haliba called on “all Palestinian factions” to resume suicide attacks “deep inside the Zionist enemy” and said that ”we must renew the resistance to occupation in any possible way, above all through armed resistance.”
Abu Halima also called for demonstrations in the West Bank in response to the renewed building.

About a dozen Russian warships are converging on the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Aden as part of a large-scale strategic exercise, a high-ranking representative the General Staff of Russia’s Armed Forces said on Tuesday.
“This part of the world’s oceans is very important from the point of view of Russia’s geopolitical interests, including the fact that the Russian Navy has a logistical base here [in Syria],” he said.

On Monday, large landing ships Azov and Nikolai Filchenkov from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet left Novorossiysk for the Syrian port of Tartus. The ships are carrying naval infantry units for protection during the voyage. They are expected to join the Black Sea Fleet task force comprising the missile cruiser Moskva and the frigate Smetlivy in the Aegean Sea on December 28 before heading to Tartus.

Also see:

As Islamic Jihad, including its “stealth” variety, is rapidly succeeding in destroying our civilization, the Left continues its shameless and bizarre denial — not only about the threat of Islamic Jihad, but also about its own complicity with our enemy and its war on our society.

Progressives and Islamists are completely out in the open about their alliance. Just go to any “Israeli Apartheid Week” on any North American campus and see who is taking part in the Hate-Israel bashing. Take a peek at who marches side by side in the BDS (“Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions”) rallies against Israel. This whole alliance is symbolized best by the “peace” demonstrations that we saw during Bush’s liberation of Iraq in 2003, when leftist and Islamist demonstrators in the West marched arm in arm and chanted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is Great”) — the phrase shouted by Muslim suicide bombers before they blow themselves up along with innocent people. This behavior and the whole alliance in general is all meticulously documented by David Horowitz in his masterpiece Unholy Alliance and by me in United in Hate.
Here’s the problem though: It is true. Islamic-aligned leftists are indeed in the White House and they have indeed infiltrated the State Department to advance their goal of destroying this country.
Who do you think Huma Abedin is? Her father is Muslim Brotherhood. Her mother is Muslim Brotherhood. Her brother is Muslim Brotherhood. She worked for an organization (Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs) for twelve years that is Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is dedicated to the destruction of America. And Huma works as Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, but doesn’t even get a security clearance.
One doesn’t even know whether to laugh or cry in watching this all unfold.

One doesn’t even know whether to laugh or cry in watching this all unfold.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg. For those interested in learning about the heavy penetration of the Obama administration by the Muslim Brotherhood, read Frank Gaffney’s must-read pamphlet: The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration.

If the elites in our country are anything they are consistent. Consistently hypocritical.

This hypocrisy was epitomized by none other than NBC‘s David Gregory, who badgered LaPierre over his stance during a Dec. 23 interview:

You proposed armed guards in school. We’ll talk about that in some detail in a moment. You confronted the news media. You blamed Hollywood and the gaming industry. But never once did you concede that guns could actually be part of the problem. Is that a meaningful contribution, Mr. LaPierre, or a dodge?
In trying to be too clever by half, Gregory went on. Citing mass shootings at Columbine and Virginia Tech, both incidents in which armed guards or police officers were present on the grounds, he tried to bait LaPierre: “But you would concede that, as good as an idea as you think this is, it may not work. Because there have been cases where armed guards have not prevented this kind of massacre, this kind of carnage. I want you would concede that point, wouldn’t you?”

Not so surprisingly, Gregory himself conveniently left out the fact that he sends his children to the Quaker school Sidwell Friends where there is a security department consisting of 11 personnel, according to the Weekly Standard, many of whom are police officers and therefore presumed armed.

and those of a number of political and media elites who also send their children there – will benefit from the full-time Secret Service protection afforded Obama’s children, who attend the school. The others whose children attend Sidwell represent a cornucopia of voices now calling for more gun laws, stricter gun control and outright gun bans.

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