Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

TYRANNY: Watching The World Move Towards The Tribulation

This shouldn't come as a a big surprise, but moving into the tribulation era is a process (remember, we already know that the birthpains will last for the entire generation), and it will officially begin when the antichrist "confirms" the covenant of Daniel 9:27. But leading to that epic beginning, we should expect to see the world slowly progress towards the kind of world-wide tyranny which will be in place during the Tribulation.

Today's news makes that point abundantly clear:

"Depending on the scope of this treaty, it could impact gun registration requirements in the United States, it could enact a ban on commonly owned firearms, it could require tracking and registration of ammunition purchases, and it could create a global gun control bureaucracy within the U.N.," says Andrew Arulanandam, director of public affairs at the National Rifle Association. Arulanandam says the NRA will lobby the Senate to reject ratification if the president signs the treaty.

“In New York, right here on our own shores, we’ve got a Trojan horse. They won’t accept U.S. firearms policy. They want to take the decision away from the U.S. electorate and undermine our Constitution.”
Ambassador Faith Whittlesey
US Delegate to UN Small Arms Conference
January 2012

While actions at the UN posed a serious threat to our right to bear arms, few acknowledged the legitimacy of the issue and fewer still had even heard anything about it.

The Obama administration is now just a matter of weeks away from joining other foreign powers in the signing of the Arms Trade Treaty at United Nations.

Dick Morris, who is spearheading a petition to stop Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the United States from signing the treaty, explains the inherent dangers within:

…Obama is planning, with Hillary, a backdoor move to impose gun control on the United States.

It’s totally outrageous. You know, Obama has not pushed gun control during his administration – a notable absence for a liberal. But it’s because he was saving the best for last.

Hillary is now negotiating a small arms treaty in the United Nations… The purpose of the small arms treaty is to stop small arms, which they define as pistols, handguns, rifles, assault weapons, even machine guns from being exported to other countries.

It’s entirely a backdoor effort to force gun registration and eventually bans and restrictions with the act of the United States Congress – to do it with international treaty.

One of the deadly parts about this is that when a treaty is signed and made binding in the United States it acquires the force of a Constitutional Amendment. Under the Supremacy Clause, every Congress and every state legislature has to honor that treaty, unless a Constitutional Amendment is passed to the contrary or unless all the other signatories let the U.S. out of the treaty.

So this would be permanent, long-term gun control…all done without Congress.

And now we see this:

Within the next two years, a spooky, powerful and invisible new technology will be deployed by the U.S. government that can instantly scan and identify every molecule on your body or person: the cocaine residue on your dollar bills, prescription drugs in your purse, marijuana in your pocket and even trace powder residue from your practice session at the gun range.

“New Homeland Security Laser Scanner Reads People At Molecular Level” declares a CBS News headline (http://washington.cbslocal.com/2012/07/11/new-homeland-security-laser…). “The scanner is called the Picosecond Programmable Laser. The device works by blasting its target with lasers which vibrate molecules that are then read by the machine that determine what substances a person has been exposed to. This could be Semtex explosives to the bacon and egg sandwich they had for breakfast that morning.”

These laser detection devices are slated to be widely deployed across airports, roadside checkpoints, sports stadiums and anywhere else the government wants to surveil the public. Data collected by these devices can even be tagged to your identity so that the government compiles a database of which chemicals were detected on you at each location, for each day of your life.

This information, of course, can then be used by the government to target people they call “terrorists” — anyone who believes in liberty, the Constitution, the founding fathers or limited government. Once nationwide gun confiscation orders are handed down from Washington, these scanning devices can be used to detect trace levels of gunpowder on people merely strolling through a public place. If you’re carrying ammunition or have recently practiced with firearms, you’ll be flagged, tagged and dragged into the very secret military prisons expanded by President Obama under the National Defense Authorization Act which nullifies due process and the Bill of Rights.

Into pot instead of guns? Your days of carrying some Mary Jane are over, too, as the government can detect traces of THC on your clothing, hands or facial skin from fifty meters away. It’s not limited to marijuana, either: this device can detect and catalog your use of any recreational drugs, including cocaine, heroin, ecstasy or anything.

Not into abusing drugs? Never worry: the government can instantly know what prescription drugs you’re using, too. The laser scanning device can catalog what prescription medications you’re on and tag your profile with this data. It may even be used against you in court someday — if you’re even allowed your day in court anymore.

You’ll be chemically naked at all checkpoints

This information will, of course, be used against you to expand the power of the state while crushing independence and liberty. Such is the pattern of all new technology: Spy drones, robotics, nanotech, the internet and so on.

The technology can also be used to selectively arrest and prosecute almost anyone for “possession of cocaine.” How? As U.S. court cases have already proven, there is no threshold for drugs below which you cannot be arrested for possession. Thus, even carrying a trace speck of cocaine — which exists on all currency — can get you arrested and charged with possession. Since everybody has traces of cocaine on their cash (and on their hands), this technology can be used toselectively arrest and prosecute anyone the government wishes to “put away,” even for political reasons. All it takes is a single cocaine molecule on your person and you’re flagged as a criminal.

Within the next year or two, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security will instantly know everything about your body, clothes, and luggage with a new laser-based molecular scanner fired from 164 feet (50 meters) away. From traces of drugs or gun powder on your clothes to what you had for breakfast to the adrenaline level in your body—agents will be able to get any information they want without even touching you.

And without you knowing it.

There has so far been no discussion about the personal rights and privacy issues involved. Which "molecular tags" will they be scanning for? Who determines them? What are the threshold levels of this scanning? If you unknowingly stepped on the butt of someone's joint and are carrying a sugar-sized grain of cannabis like that unfortunate traveler currently in jail in Dubai, will you be arrested?

And, since it's extremely portable, will this technology extend beyone the airport or border crossings and into police cars, with officers looking for people on the street with increased levels of adrenaline in their system to detain in order to prevent potential violent outbursts? And will your car be scanned at stoplights for any trace amounts of suspicious substances? Would all this information be recorded anywhere?

You might have heard that police are deploying scanners – not only in airports – but also on trains, buses, ferries, sporting events and on the streets. And see this.

You probably know that the National Security Agency is building a $2 billion dollar facility in Utah which will use the world’s most powerful supercomputer to monitor virtually all phone calls, emails, internet usage, purchases and rentals, break all encryption, and then store everyone’s datapermanently.

And that the CIA is trying to tap your communications as well.

You may have heard that drones will soon be flown all over America to spy on us. For example, ABC News reported:

Drones can carry facial recognition cameras, license plate scanners, thermal imaging cameras, open WiFi sniffers, and other sensors.

And they can be armed.

Property rights are being absolutely shredded all over America. Buying a piece of land and enjoying it with your family has always been a big part of the American Dream. Unfortunately, in the United States today you don't actually own your own home. If you don't pay your rent (property taxes) your home will be taken away from you, and you are only allowed to use your property in very narrowly defined ways.

All over America today, brutal Gestapo tactics are being used against homeowners that just want to be left alone. Anyone that has ever dealt with a "compliance officer" or a "nuisance abatement team" knows what I am talking about. But if we have so very little "freedom" on our own properties, then how in the world can we continue to call this country "the land of the free"?

All over America, homeowners are being evicted from their family homes because of unpaid property taxes. In some cases, the amount that is owed is only a few hundred dollars.

Big banks such as Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase have been buying up tax liens all over the country because they are extremely profitable....

In many cases, elderly Americans that don't even understand what is happening are being forced from their homes just so that the "investors" can make some quick money. Just check out what one recent report said happened to an 81 year old woman living in Rhode Island....

I have used the following story before, but it is another perfect example of the kind of Gestapo tactics that are being used against homeowners all over the United States.

Just recently, one unemployed woman down in Tulsa, Oklahoma had her survival garden brutally ripped out and carted away by government thugs...

And for this woman, it really was a "survival garden". She relied on those plants and trees for her food and for her medicine.

But the government thugs left her with nothing.

Now she will have to do the best that she can to survive on government handouts.

It is truly disgusting.

The ability to own a piece of land and establish a home on it is absolutely foundational to the functioning of a free society. Even the most ancient societies understood this.

Sadly, our most basic freedoms are being steadily eroded with each passing day.

Once our freedoms are gone, they will be incredibly difficult to get back.

Barack Obama has signed an executive order that could hand control of the internet to the U.S. Government, in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist attack.

The order lays out guidelines government agencies should follow if there's a serious emergency, so they can maintain levels of communication.

But critics are concerned by a section of the order they claim gives the president and the secretary of homeland security control of 'the on/off switch to the Web'.

Section 5.2 has raised alarm among those who fear the government will have too much control over the Web.

The section explained how the secretary of homeland security - currently Janet Napolitano - will 'satisfy priority communications requirements through the use of commercial, Government, and privately owned communications resources, when appropriate.'

According to The Verge, sceptics fear the clause gives Mr Obama and Ms Napolitano 'control over the internet' over and above the needs of the nation in extreme cases, like natural disasters.

Around the world:

Hundreds of tonnes of Syria's stockpile of deadly nerve gas could fall into the hands of terrorist groups if the regime of Bashar al Assad falls apart amid widening concerns that Israel could go to war to try to stop this 'Doomsday threat'.

According to Middle Eastern and other intelligence sources, Syria has the biggest stockpiles of the nerve gasses VX and Sarin, as well as mustard gas, in the Middle East.

Biological weapons are believed to be stored at Cerin while there are also numerous 'dual use' civilian pharmaceutical laboratories which are capable of producing bio-weapons such as botulism and anthrax.

Al Qaeda-related groups are known to be operating inside Syria. Its leadership has frequently extolled members or followers to try to get hold of chemical weapons.

The deadly chemical weapons have been successfully 'weaponised'. This means that conventional artillery and missile warheads have been fitted with delivery systems for VX gas. These include Scud B, C and D missiles.

These rockets are capable of hitting any location inside Israel and, Sky sources said, they are capable of spreading VX gas in bomblets similar to those seen in cluster munitions.

Israel is deeply concerned that Assad may deliberately give Hezbollah chemical weapons - or that they could end up in the hands of other terror groups. In either case, this could lead to a regional war, Danny Yatom, the former head of Mossad warned.

As Russia and NATO continued to boost their military strength in the eastern Mediterranean, DEBKAfile's military sources report substantial US reinforcements, led by the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier, are being rushed to the Persian Gulf opposite Iran, with dozens of unmanned underwater craft for destroying mines.

The USS John C. Stennis arrives in August, raising the number of American aircraft carriers in waters off Iran to four including theUSS Enterprise and the USS Abraham Lincoln, with the FrenchCharles de Gaulle due soon to make up a fifth.
The Eisenhower, which reached its new position in the first week of July, operates under the joint commands of the US Sixth (Mediterranean) and Fifth (Gulf) Fleets.

There are now additionally eight American minesweepers in the Persian Gulf as well as theUSS Ponce, a platform for the special forces, helicopters and warships there to fight off Iranian marine units attempting to plant mines in the vital waterway.

Also see:

This week, the city of San Bernardino, Calif., went bankrupt. It followed hot on the heels of Vallejo and Stockton, Calif. And they'll be followed, no doubt, by Los Angeles — and then, shortly after that, by California.

Let's take a look at the numbers. San Bernardino has an annual budget of $258 million; it is running a budget deficit of $45 million. Where does that money go? To the unions, largely. About three-quarters of the general fund goes to personnel; 78 percent of that 75 percent goes to public safety employees, the most lucratively compensated of all government workers. The city retirement fund amounts to 13 percent of the general fund.

San Bernardino, like most other California cities, is heavily taxed. The average wage-earner makes about $30,000 per year, and the city suffers from nearly 17 percent unemployment.

The statistics are strikingly similar in Stockton. Sixty-eight percent of the general budget each year goes to city retirees and compensation for workers. Their budget deficit was $26 million; the year before, it was $37 million; the year before that, $23 million. Retirement costs constituted some 17.5 percent of the budget. The unemployment rate in Stockton clocks in at over 20 percent. Estimated per capita income? Just under $20,000.

Then there's Los Angeles. Los Angeles faces a $238 million shortfall; it faces a grand total of $27 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. How much of the budget do union pensions consume? A full 15.4 percent of city expenditures. As for the unemployment rate, it's north of 13 percent, and average income is at $26,000.

Now, it's not as if these politicians didn't know what was coming. In both Stockton and San Bernardino, the politicians tried to cut city budgets at the last minute, laying off workers and renegotiating union contracts. But it wasn't nearly enough. That's because the government workers unions have plagued these cities for decades.

So what are these cities to do? They become Detroit. Forced to pay these pensions, they raise taxes; all those who make money flee; those who are left have less services and pay more into the system. This is what liberalism wreaks on cities. No city has ever gone bankrupt from spending too little cash.

The United States is acting and looking more like Greece every day. Americans got a glimpse of their fiscal future when European markets, currencies, and politics were roiled over the impending bankruptcy of some of their profligate nations, most notable Greece, which had made a science of the easy life.

Today in America there are nearly twice as many people working for the government (22.5 million) than in all of manufacturing (11.5 million). This is an almost exact reversal of the situation in 1960 when there were 15 million workers in manufacturing and 8.7 million collecting a paycheck from the government. (4) On average, our nation has lost 10 factories and 2,000 manufacturing jobs every day during the past 10 years.(5)

Stephen Moore adds, “More Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. We have moved decisively from a nation of makers to a nation of takers. Nearly half of the $2.2 trillion cost of state and local governments is the $1 trillion a year tab for pay and benefits to state and local employees. Is it any wonder that so many states and cities cannot pay their bills? Every state in America today except for two—Indiana and Wisconsin—has more government workers on the payroll than people manufacturing industrial goods.

Yep, we are most definitely racing into the tribulation era. Even compared to a decade ago, the world is a very very different place today - however - it is perfectly aligned with the expectations that we should have as we approach the Tribulation. It's coming and coming fast.

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