Sabtu, 28 Juli 2012

Saturday Headlines

Syrians: NATO-Backed Militants Seen Donning Gas Masks

For a Western media so fond of reporting “activist” accounts, rumors, and even fabrications, and with all the talk of an impending “massacre” in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo, reports of so-called “Free Syrian Army” militants seen trying on gas masks, along with reports of Libyan chemical weapon caches & equipment being discovered in Damascus is surely headline news.

Libyan weapons, cash, and fighters have also all been confirmed to have made it into Syria in an effort to undermine, divide and destroy Syria.

The London Telegraph reported in its article, “Libya’s new rulers offer weapons to Syrian rebels:”

“There is something being planned to send weapons and even Libyan fighters to Syria,” said a Libyan source, speaking on condition of anonymity. “There is a military intervention on the way. Within a few weeks you will see.”
The Telegraph has also learned that preliminary discussions about arms supplies took place when members of the Syrian National Council [SNC] – the country’s main opposition movement – visited Libya earlier this month.

Albawaba reported in its article, “Libyan fighters join “free Syrian army” forces,” that:

Libyan sources conveyed in recent days that 600 rebel fighters have already gone from Libya to Syria in order to support the Syrian opposition.

The foreign fighters, some of them are clearly drawn because they see this as … a jihad. So this is a magnet for jihadists who see this as a fight for Sunni Muslims.

Clearly Libyan terrorists and their weapons have made it into Syria with the explicit backing of NATO’s recently installed client Libyan regime. The London Guardian had reported that Libya possessed some “25 metric tonnes of bulk mustard agent and 1,400 metric tonnes of precursor chemical used to make chemical weapons.” The Guardian also reported:

Clearly those “Islamist militants” as well as “rebels active in north Africa” are now on the ground in Syria. These militants bringing pilfered chemical weapons with them is entirely plausible, as is the possibility that these weapons were purposefully placed into their hands by either NATO or Libya’s current ruling regime. This very scenario was warned against last month in an article published by Russia Today titled, “Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report.”

Syrian rebels in the northern city of Aleppo Friday said they were bracing for the "mother of all battles," as government troops and rebels deployed reinforcements to the area.

"We are ready for the mother of all battles," Abu Omar al-Halabi, a commander in the Free Syrian Army based near the south-eastern district of Salaheddine in Aleppo, told dpa by phone

The two sides have have been fighting for control of Syria's commercial hub since the weekend.

Al-Halabi said more than 3,000 rebel fighters from across Syria had joined the 2,500 already positioned in Aleppo since Thursday.

The government was also sending reinforcements to the city, where its helicopter gunships and artillery were bombarding rebel-held areas, opposition activists said.

The United States said on Thursday it appeared that forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad were "lining up" for a massacre in the city of Aleppo, but again ruled out military intervention in the conflict.

The raging civil war just across the cease-fire line in Syria is posing an uncomfortable political choice for the Druze people in the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights.

Do they maintain their traditional loyalty to the government of Bashar Assad, whose family has vowed to take back the territory? Or should they support the burgeoning Arab revolt against Assad's harsh rule?

The bloody crackdown in Syria has led the Golan Druze to begin speaking more freely.

Mahmoud Amasha, a Bukata apple farmer and insurance agent, said he was "convinced that the
number of people opposing this regime grows every day." But he said divisions over Assad's popularity in Bukata have "cast a shadow over the people in this town."

This one (below) is worth reading: Another excellent commentary from Caroline Glick:

Unlike previous US counterterror officials, Brennan does not share Israel's understanding of Middle Eastern terrorism.

Brennan's outlook on this subject was revealed in a speech he gave two years ago in Washington. In that talk, Brennan spoke dreamily about Hezbollah. As he put it, "Hezbollah is a very interesting organization."

He claimed it had evolved from a "purely terrorist organization" to a militia and then into an organization with members in Lebanon's parliament and serving in Lebanon's cabinet.

Perhaps in a bid to build up those "moderate elements," in the same address, Brennan referred to Israel's capital city Jerusalem as "al Quds," the name preferred by Hezbollah and its Iranian overlords.

Brennan's amazing characterization of Hezbollah's hostile takeover of the Lebanese government as proof that the terrorist group was moderating was of a piece with the Obama administration's view of Islamic jihadists generally.

Brennan's amazing characterization of Hezbollah's hostile takeover of the Lebanese government as proof that the terrorist group was moderating was of a piece with the Obama administration's view of Islamic jihadists generally.

If there are "moderate elements," in Hezbollah, from the perspective of the Obama administration, Hezbollah's Sunni jihadist counterpart - the Muslim Brotherhood - is downright friendly.

Now we can turn to some "inconvenient facts":

Watching Clapper's testimony in Israel, the sense across the political spectrum, shared by experts and casual observers alike was that the US had taken leave of its senses.

The slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood is "Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Koran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the path of Allah is our highest hope."

How could such a high-level US official claim that such an organization is "largely secular"?

Every day Muslim Brotherhood leaders call for the violent annihilation of Israel. And those calls are often combined with calls for jihad against the US. For instance, in a sermon from October 2010, Muslim Brotherhood head Mohammed Badie called for jihad against the US.

Badie then promised his congregants that the death of America was nigh. In his words, "A nation that does not champion moral and human values cannot lead humanity, and its wealth will not avail it once Allah has had His say, as happened with [powerful] nations in the past. The US is now experiencing the beginning of its end, and is heading towards its demise."

The obliviousness of Brennan and Clapper to the essential nature of Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood are symptoms of the overarching ignorance informing the Obama administration's approach to Middle Eastern realities.

The fact that the US government is flying blind as Syria spins out of control is rendered all the more egregious when you recognize that this was not inevitable. America's ignorance is self-inflicted.

French Foreign Ministry...warned that it would be a disaster for Syria's Christian minority, and for Christians throughout the region, if the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad is overthrown. Rai based this claim on his assessment that Assad would be replaced by a Muslim Brotherhood- dominated Islamist regime.

And nine months later it is obvious that he was right. With Syria's civil war still raging throughout the country, the world media is rife with reports about Syria's Christians fleeing their towns and villages en masse as Islamists from the Syrian opposition target them with death, extortion and kidnapping.

The question is why? Why is the Obama administration shunning potential allies and empowering enemies? Why has the administration gotten it wrong everywhere?

The answer to these questions are ominous, if not downright scary.

In an attempt to get to the bottom of this, and perhaps to cause the administration to rethink its policies, a group of US lawmakers, members of the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees led by Rep. Michele Bachmann sent letters to the inspectors-general of the State, Homeland Security, Defense, and Justice departments as well as to the inspector-general of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. In those letters, Bachmann and her colleagues asked the Inspectors General to investigate possible penetration of the US government by Muslim Brotherhood operatives.

In their letters, and in a subsequent explanatory letter to US Rep. Keith Ellison from Rep. Bachmann, the lawmakers made clear that when they spoke of governmental penetration, they were referring to the central role that Muslim groups, identified by the US government in Federal Court as Muslim Brotherhood front organizations, play in shaping the Obama administration's perception of and policies towards the Muslim Brotherhood and its allied movements in the US and throughout the world.

There is an ample body of evidence that suggests that the administration's decision to side with the hostile Muslim Brotherhood against its allies owes to a significant degree to the influence these Muslim Brotherhood front groups and their operatives wield in the Obama administration.

For their efforts to warn about, and perhaps cause the administration to abandon its reliance on Muslim Brotherhood front groups, Bachmann and her colleagues have been denounced as racists and McCarthyites.

It is clear that the insidious notion that the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate and friendly force has taken hold in US policy circles. And it is apparent that US policymaking in the Middle East is increasingly rooted in this false and dangerous assessment.

In spearheading an initiative to investigate and change this state of affairs, Bachmann and her colleagues should be congratulated, not condemned. And their courageous efforts to ask the relevant questions about the nature of Muslim Brotherhood influence over US policymakers should be joined, not spurned by their colleagues in Washington, by the media and by all concerned citizens in America and throughout the free world.

The U.S. is playing a significant role in the Middle East, and this role involves fostering the "Arab Spring", which has done nothing but to increase the role of radical Islam's power and control in the region - which, in turn has dramatically contributed to the biblical alliances who will invade Israel.

Ponder that scenario for a few minutes. Also ponder these facts in the context of Genesis 12:3, where God makes a definitive, unconditional statement regarding the Nation of Israel:

"I will bless those who bless you and whoever curses you I will curse."

Then, after pondering the U.S. role in the Middle East - a role that includes supporting Israel's enemies and actively contributing to the ultimate attempted destruction of Israel (as detailed in Isaiah 17 and Ezekiel 38-39), ponder how God views these actions. Then consider the imminent economic collapse of America, the droughts, the violence, the loss of freedom, the break-up of the family, abortion, gang warfare, the failing energy grid, the increasing persecution, the effort to remove God from any public discourse, the jailing of a Bible study leader, etc etc. It isn't a pretty picture.

The gathering up can't come soon enough for this prophecy watcher.

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