Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

The Globalist Destruction Of A Nation State

This is a relatively long article but surprisingly, it presents one of the best and most in depth commentaries on the current situation involving Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Iran and the U.S. that I have seen thus far. It also sheds light on a lot of the motivations in the region and what the future may hold.

If you have a deep interest in current affairs in the Middle East and how the chess pieces are moving into their proper places, give it a read (note: I'm not sure I agree with every bit of this article, but it is interesting and thought provoking).

I'll try to encapsulate the most germane points below:

With all the rhetoric and talk of democratic reform in Syria, the Syrian opposition’s message is clear: “No negotiations. We want power now”. Sounds more like a dictatorship in the making.

Yet, this is the very opposition being backed by the western powers led by Hillary Clinton and her ‘Friends of Syria’, currently killing, burning and and looting their way through to Damascus, and looking more and more likely to go the way of Libya.

In order to ensure regional destabilization and the presence of the ‘international community’ but more importantly for the western allied military and economic forces – the elimination of a strong secular nation-state in the Middle East, the process of Balkanization must occur in Syria.

Sunni Muslims represent somewhat of a majority through central Syria and are presently the preferred ally of western powers seeking to divide influence and dissolve the nation state of Syria. They also comprise the majority of foreign and domestic guerrilla fighters being deployed throughout the country by planners in Washington and London. They will also have received the full backing of Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar whose interest is to spread Sunni influence in Syria.

After showing plans for Syria's future, we see the article move into aspects of various nation's interests and subsequent maneuvering due to this conflict:

If regime change is achieved by the west in Syria, Hezbollah’s greatest local ally will have been effectively eliminated, potentially opening the door again into Lebanon. The potential for destabilization in Lebanon is significant. Many old wounds still exist between the country’s Marionite Christian, Muslim and Druze populations – resulting in an incredibly fractured political landscape. If the west chooses to exaggerate and inflame these traditional differences in Lebanon, it could result in a rapid destabilization process in Lebanon which could reach fever pitch, not in a matter of months – but weeks.

Increasingly today, natural gas has become one of the most important commodities in determining regional power. The European Union currently imports 50% of its energy and with an increased dependence on natural gas, the EU has fallen victim during various periods with the suspension of the natural gas supplies from Russia. A major gas pipeline project has since been planned to counter this trend, and the pipeline will originate in Qatar via Saudi Arabia and Syria.

This little known fact is one major reason why Russia is taking the current situation in Syria very seriously – because the outcome will affect its own geopolitical standing within greater Europe.

Qatar is a country with rich natural gas reserves that can ensure source diversity in natural gas supply for the EU – the later has been seeking to reduce its dependence on Russia. Streamlining Syria and Turkey as the final mile to Europe is of paramount interest to the US and its NATO allies. It is a major piece of a larger puzzle of economic and political consolidation.

Also of great interest to the international banks, corporations and the IMF, will be all of Syria’s state-owned assets and resources.

Military engagement, followed by the potential destruction of an independent Iranian military and industrial economy would be a favored outcome for Washington, NATO and Gulf state allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but for the rest of the planet it could pull in other regional powers like Russia, Pakistan and China which risks triggering off a wider World War III type theatre of conflict.

The result of such an escalation could risk a nuclear conflagration, but will almost surely result at very least in the choking of certain essential supplies to the west, possible inflation, followed by a protracted, global economic depression – a recipe for domestic unrest all over the globe.

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