Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Tyranny And Gun Control: UN Gun Treaty Threatens Freedom

UN Gun Treaty Threatens Peace And Safety

While everyone is distracted by Justice Roberts' antics in the Supreme Court ruling over Obamacare, the Supreme Courts' ruling over Arizona's immigration law, the presidential campaign, and a myriad of other political happenings, the international leftists are working to destroy civilization as we know it with a draconian gun treaty that will chew up and spit out the 2nd Amendment

The U.N. Arms Trade Treaty is evidence enough of the liberal left's attempt to take away our right to bear arms.

Obama has indicated a number of times he is a big gun control guy, but like the rest of the democrats, he wants to do it without being very open about it. He has realized he can't do it through American laws, so he is figuring the best way to circumvent the Constitution regarding gun rights is through international intrusion.

Article VI of the U.S. Constitution is clear. Treaties are the Supreme Law of the Land just like the Constitution, and any laws made in pursuance of the Constitution. That means that a properly ratified treaty can indeed supersede the Constitution.

The problem for the democrats is that there are enough pro-gun democrats that even with a lame duck Congress at the end of the year they may not be able to get the Senate to ratify a gun control treaty. . . therefore, I think they will deem it valid, and bypass the Senate completely.

The gun control democrats have been working on this for a while. Fast and Furious was their final attempt to do this without calling on international control over guns, but now that they have decided to work openly with the international leftists, it turns out the plans of the American liberal left mirrors that of the United Nations left - and the plan is nothing new.

The Obama administration is currently negotiating the final details of the new global agreement through the United Nations, claiming the arms trade treaty and the small arms treaty are necessary to fight terrorism, insurgency, and international crime syndicates. They believe taking guns out of the hands of people will eliminate gun violence, when in reality crazies always find a way to get their hands on firearms, and crazies also love their victims unarmed. Statistics at Gun Facts shows that whenever a government tightens their grip on gun control laws, or eliminates the right to bear arms, violent crime goes up.

The beginnings of this global treaty, however, may not be something recent, but a blast from the past, or more specifically, from back in the sixties. This U.N. treaty reads like a 1961 State Department memorandum. The memorandum in 1961 explains how the United Nations will oversee “complete disarmament” of the American people under the ruse of preventing war.

The memorandum doesn't stop with the plan to disarm citizens. It also calls for the elimination of national borders, destroying national sovereignty, and creating a world army to replace national armies to enforce the global dictates of the United Nations.

Does that one world government conspiracy theory still sound like a theory?

The small arms treaty and arms trade treaty, combined with the Rights of the Child treaty, Law of the Sea Treaty, Agenda 21, and a number of other insidious treaties, along with a number of past treaties we have already been willing to bow to, strip the United States of its sovereignty and its power to decide its own laws.

The U.N. Gun Treaty, if not stopped, will ultimately result in the destruction of the 2nd Amendment, and our right to keep and bear arms. With as many gun owners there are in this country, the ultimate result will not be the silent compliance by the American populace the leftists are expecting. Stopping this treaty, then, is also an attempt to stop the occurrence of blood in the streets.

What is the ultimate purpose of gun control?

This video puts things in perspective and is well worth a 4 minute investment:

Over the years, I’ve had conversations with Europeans about gun control. Not surprisingly, they have been very critical of America’s “gun culture” — that is, the widespread ownership of guns among the American people. They have extolled the situation in Europe, where gun-control laws preclude people from freely owning guns, arguing that such laws make for a more peaceful society.

My response to such Europeans has included the following: The big advantage we have over you is what happens if a tyrannical regime ever takes power. Except for Switzerland, where most families are well-armed with assault rifles and handguns, Europeans have but one choice when faced with the rise of a tyrannical regime: submit and obey or be killed. Americans, at least, have one final choice — resist with guns.

Let’s assume, for example, that a regime assumes power in a European country that will not permit elections, abolishes civil liberties, takes command and control over the economy, and begins rounding up and incarcerating, torturing, raping, and killing dissidents and critics without a trial. Given that the troops who are enforcing the regime’s orders will be the only ones in society who have guns, the citizenry will inevitably shut their mouths or, even worse, become ardent and enthusiastic supporters of the regime.

A good example, of course, was Nazi Germany, where German Jews lacked the means to resist their round-ups and incarceration with force and where ordinary Germans, also lacking the means to resist what was going on, kept silent or became government supporters.

And that’s where the right to keep and bear arms comes into play. It’s the insurance policy that Americans have in the unlikely event that would-be American tyrants were ever to assume power in our country, prohibiting elections, rounding up dissidents and critics, torturing and raping them, and executing them without due process of law.

In fact, the right to keep and bears arms actually serves as more than an insurance policy, it also serves as a deterrent. For when would-be tyrants know that the citizenry is well-armed, they think twice about imposing tyranny

Looking at history is often an antidote for wishful thinking, and Benedict LaRosa’s splendid “Gun Control: A Historical Perspective” provides a potent tonic. Gun control (or, going back far into history as LaRosa does, weapons control) has been a favored policy of rulers who want a meek, compliant populace under their control. He includes an examination of Switzerland, where gun ownership is nearly universal. “The Swiss do not have an army—they are the army,” one official Swiss publication proudly says. Despite the fact that Switzerland bristles with privately owned firearms of all kinds, gun-related violence is far lower there than in most nations with draconian gun laws.

There is a war on our freedoms and this includes the right to bear arms. Over the years there has been a mass indoctrination to the evils of guns, which has resulted in the systematic psychological disarmament of the American people. With less armed law-abiding citizens and more gun-free zones, the result has been more helpless victims. It has also demonstrated that we cannot rely on government to protect us from criminals. Most crime we are facing will not be solved by further gun control legislation. Furthermore tyrants like Stalin, Hitler, and Mao all sought to disarm their own citizens in order to control them and ensure their own power. Many genocide victims were deprived of the necessary means to adequately defend themselves.

There are calls for stricter gun control laws after almost every mass shooting. Taking firearms out of the hands of law-abiding citizens won't prevent such tragedies; it makes us less safe. Gun control laws do little to prevent criminals from acquiring guns, and they simply ignore any gun-free zones which in turn makes them victim disbarment zones. In many cases it was a gun that prevented a situation from further escalating. We can't rely on the police to save us as they usually show up after a crime has been perpetrated. It is our responsibility to protect ourselves and our families. Criminals fear an armed citizenry, and it is not surprising that crime tends to rise in an environment where people have lost their ability to properly defend themselves.

Only an armed civilian population can properly defend themselves and resist a tyrannical government. When the Nazis seized power in Germany in 1933, they immediately began massive search and seizures of firearms to further neutralize their political opponents. The Gestapo later established a system of central registration of persons obtaining firearms. Hitler's gun control and disarming of the population almost completely guaranteed that firearms were in the possession of Nazi supporters and sympathizers and made any kind of armed resistance inside Germany next to impossible. Hitler said, “The most foolish mistake we would possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquers who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing.” The Second Amendment protects the gun rights of individuals and is about preventing tyranny. Gun control and the disarming of the population threatens a nation's very survival. It should come as no surprise that the United Nations, which is essentially the mechanism for world government, wishes to gut the Second Amendment and institute a global gun ban that would include the private ownership of firearms.

Purdue student and Young America's Foundation Intern Scholar Hillary Cherry provides her thoughts on the Colorado shooting, stressing the importance of protecting our Second Amendment rights:

A masked gunman opened fire yesterday on one of the 3,700 midnight showings of The Dark Knight Rises, leaving 12 dead, 50 injured, and one in custody. Liberals everywhere are wasting no time to use this massacre in an effort to push gun control and gut the Second Amendment.

Mayor Bloomberg asks the Obama administration for stricter gun laws following Colorado shooting. Comedian DL Hughley tweeted, "Aurora is 13yrs and 13 miles from Columbine! Since the 60s over 500,000 ppl have bn killed by guns in the US we have no right 2 b shocked!"

Currently in Aurora, Colorado, where the shooting took place, it is already unlawful to carry a concealed "dangerous weapon," discharge firearms, unless by law enforcement on duty or on shooting range, and have loaded firearm in motor vehicle.

Crime rates alone of cities such as Chicago and Washington D.C. prove that gun bans only increase crime. The D.C. police response rate is eight minutes; most crimes are done in less than one. Gun bans create a trouble-free world for criminals considering no one can defend themselves. If I were ever to face a situation like this, I would want to be prepared.

The propaganda building around the shooter is simply to support the coming attacks on the 2nd Amendment in conjunction with the UN’s agenda of global gun control.

The mainstream media jumped on the gun control bandwagon when Piers Morgan, CNN correspondent, remarked : “America has got to do something about its gun laws. Now is the time. Lunatics like this will always try and get guns. It should be 100,000 times harder than it is for them to do so. That’s my point.”

Gun-control advocates are clamoring around this recent shooting as justification for the Obama administration to come forth and impose legislation against existing gun laws. Jay Carey, White House press secretary told the press while on Air Force One that Obama is committed to “ensuring that those who should not have guns under existing law do not get them. There has been progress in that regard in terms of improving the volume and quality of information in background checks.”

In New York, the UN is holding the International Arms Trade Treaty Conference (ATT) where they are seeking to createan “elaborate a legally binding instrument on the highest possible common international standards for the transfer of conventional arms.”

However, the UN sees the armory of governments as an “effective national control”. To ensure the UN is able to take gun rights away from every citizen in ever country they have devised this treaty to influence “national legislation, regulations and procures on the transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology” for the maintenance of international peace and security.

Obama has been pushing the US Congress to ratify a version of the ATT.

Forty-four Senators, including Jerry Moran have warned Obama not to continue with his support of ATT.

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