Rabu, 09 Maret 2011

Why Won't They Listen?

This is one of the best commentaries I have read in quite a while and not surprisingly it comes from Jan Markell:

Why Won't They Listen?

This really needs to be read in full but here are a few samples of what she has written:

A repeated theme coming into this office by e-mail is that loved ones -- friends and family -- will not llsten when discerning people try to tell them about our world today. If a reference is made to end-time activity, people will often scoff and literally brush them away. Some just don't have ears to hear about any current issue.

While this has always been the case, it seems to be accelerated today. And this is happening when issues are so serious you would think it would help people carry out their lives more effectively if they only understood the times from a biblical perspective.

Indeed. This is a topic that frequently comes up among prophecy watchers, and something that triggers many questions. It seems obvious to a prophecy watcher that the coming of Jesus, whether it is the Second Coming or the Rapture, classifies as a BIG event - something worth watching for. It is difficult to understand why or how someone wouldn't be interested.

But I believe there are a whole host of reasons why folks have closed their ears. Let me list a few options and suggestions that may help those of you who feel rejected for simply sharing the truth:

In the article, she elaborates on each of these points shown below:

* As referenced above, the news today is too violent, frightening, troubling, and even shocking

* Some have programmed themselves as though they were living "in the days of Noah." Nobody wanted to listen then either.

* Some have an end-time theology that says all believers will experience the worst of things outlined in the Bible. Many don't believe in a rapture of the church. They do not have that "blessed hope."

* The greatest sign people need to watch is Israel. Yet Replacement Theology (that the church has replaced the nation of Israel) dominates our churches today. Thus, many are left clueless that the countdown has begun.

* There are enough pleasures in this life, so eternity can wait.

* Many today are seduced by false teachers promising a perfect world (Dominion/Kingdom Now theology) that the church can and will bring in.

* Many know they are not right with God. Right now, they want to enjoy life and tune out the world's troubles.

* Some do not know the Bible well enough to understand that God takes care of His own. He will never leave us or forsake us.

She then gets to the most important message for these last days:

Reality can break all of our hearts. We are not weak or immature Christians because we ache for the world. But suffice it to say that all creation is groaning as we await the return of the King of Kings to set this world free from bondage, sin, and sorrow.

Having said all of the above, one thing is certain: There is no time like the present to share the gospel! Millions of unbelievers are drowning their sorrows, fear, and uncertainty in destructive behavior.

You might be surprised how open they are to hear the truth of the gospel. Or they may shun you but hide your words in their heart and act on them later when their life or the world falls apart.

Everything has an end, but for the Christian, the end begins a glorious future! I can hardly wait. I hope to meet you all there! Your prayers for this ministry and me are greatly appreciated.

AMEN. Its hard to add anything to that commentary.

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