Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Israel Hits Back:

Predictably, Israel took decisive action against Hamas following their barrage of rocket attacks into Israel:

Israel hits back after Palestinians unleash heaviest rocket attack for 2 years

A Hamas official was killed and four civilians were wounded when Israel hit back with tank fire and air strikes, said Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Adham Abu Salmia.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said he will file a complaint at the UN after the unusually large barrage of rockets.

Israeli police spokesman Tamir Avtabi said Gaza militants fired 54 mortar shells at Israeli border communities within 15 minutes. He said two Israeli civilians were lightly wounded by shrapnel and residents were advised to stay at home or in bomb shelters.

Hamas acknowledged it launched some of the mortars – an unusual move as the Islamic militant group does not usually take responsibility for such attacks.

Hamas fears triggering another Israeli invasion similar to a three-week operation aimed at stopping daily Palestinian shelling two years ago that killed about 1,400 Palestinians.

This is a good lead-in for the next story:

Clinton warns Iran against meddling in Gulf

Which, of course, reveals that Iran is indeed meddling in the Gulf.

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Iran on Saturday to stop meddling in Bahrain and other Arab states in the Gulf, but also called on the kingdom’s leaders not to use force against anti-government protesters.

Clinton said the United States “has an abiding commitment to Gulf security” and that “a top priority is working together with our partners on our shared concerns about Iranian behavior in the region.”

“We share the view that Iran’s activities in the Gulf, including its efforts to advance its agenda in neighboring countries, undermines peace and stability,” she told reporters after an international conference on the crisis in Libya. At that meeting, she met with numerous Arab officials who complained that Iran was fomenting unrest Bahrain and elsewhere.

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