Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Who Stands With Israel?

To be honest, I'm not completely sure what to think of Glenn Beck, but lately he seems to be on the same wavelength as many prophecy watchers in terms of what he is seeing in the world around us. This recent article is interesting because it expounds on many of the posts seen here recently:

Who Stands With Israel?

Of course, there is the whole thing about Soros unleashing his minions in attempts to destroy conservative news outlets such as Fox News, but frankly that takes a back seat to the prophetically related actions taken by Soros, so we won't even go there. As tempting as it would be to point out the irony in the "freedom of speech" aspect which is being ignored, but we already know that Soros favors totalitarianism regimes so this comes as no surprise. Lets get to the quotes:

For example, do you know about the Soros-funded International Crisis Group? Look up the International Crisis Group. It is -- oh, it's quite amazing. And it seems to be right in the center of almost everything that is happening overseas, especially in Libya now and Egypt.

International Crisis Group has consistently worked to support the group in the Middle East who want to establish an Islamic government, including the Muslim Brotherhood and even al Qaeda. There is a report that came out in June 2008, it's this one. It's entitled "Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood: Confrontation or Integration?"

This has already been discussed, so lets move on to more interesting information:

Now, while Soros' group advocates for these radical groups, he then singles out Israel, calling them, I'm quoting, "the main stumbling block" to the transformation of the Middle East. He added in this report, "In reality, Israel has much to gain from the spread of democracy in the Middle East, as the United States has. But Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interest, because the change is too sudden and carries too many risks."

Remember, George Soros says Israel is the main problem in the Middle East to transformation. Too scary for them.

George Soros is also the guy that believes that this, quoting him, "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States." Whoa!

...let's look at the direction in the Middle East. Do you think it's headed toward, toward peaceful conclusion, to a happier world? Do you think it's going to end well or not so much? Are things happening that are beneficial to survival of Israel or not so much? Is there any leader in the world standing up for Israel or not so much?

Then the article moves on to Israel, the new UN "mandate" regarding the now infamous "responsibility to protect" doctrine::

Hamas is calling on the Arab League to stop Israel from exploiting regional instability to carry out massacres against Palestinians. Wait a minute. That one goes under the responsibility to protect -- which is this new George Soros/Cass Sunstein wife kind of thing. We'll get into that later. OK. Got it.

Reports this week also say that Abbas ordered lawmakers to complete a draft legislation for future state. So, in other words, draft the legislation to have an independent state within six months -- within six months that would be -- oh, yes, that would be the ninth month of this year.

So, let's go with what else we know here. The U.N. is recognizing Palestinians as independent state. Yes. Yes. We got that one, too. Or this, or this, or this. All right

Muslim Brotherhood is now poised to grab power in Egypt and Libya. That's going to be great. They say that they're just ready to declare war against Israel.

That brings us to the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine. This states that states have the right to protect the population. In fact, the responsibility to protect the populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethic cleansing.

This apparently is what was happening in Libya. That's what we use, justification to wage kinetic military action against a country that, as Defense Secretary Gates said, was not vital interest to the United States. But we had a responsibility to protect.

The "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine, it worked in Libya. And they're going to try it again against Israel, because the stakes are just too high.

I hate to post so much of this article, but the following observations about Israel and the Middle East just have to be publicized whenever and however possible, so here it is:

Name the country in the Middle East that has the values generally speaking that we have. I can only name one. Why are we standing with all of those against Israel?

They tolerated more provocations than probably any other country in history, and despite having enough arsenal of nukes to obliterate their enemies. Believe me, they can take care of themselves. How many have they lobbed? Answer, zero.

While everyone complains about the evils that Israel has done to the Arabs and then picks apart each tiny imperfection with their democracy -- democracy, by the way, a republic is ugly -- tens of millions of Arabs, tens of millions have suffered atrocities at the hands of their own countries.

Gays are still tortured today and killed, bloggers jailed without cause, women humiliated, raped and murdered, dissidents killed, protesters shot, terrorist born, suicide bombers given by their mothers.

But Israel is the evil one? That's the obstacle to peace?

Let me ask you this, how many homosexuals have been stoned to death by the Israelis? How many adulterers have been buried up to their neck in sand and stoned to death in Israel? How many bloggers have been jailed without cause? How many terrorists are wearing a yarmulke?

But now, the world is being led to the water that Israel is the evil one. And it's about to drink. Don't drink that water.

By contrast, look at the surrounding Arab world:

A woman can't walk down the street alone and be safe. And not because she's in a dangerous neighborhood, but because she walked alone without a man? How do you possibly stand with that country? How do you possibly stand with a group of people that say I'm going to kill you if you don't go to my faith?

A country that treats women or people who are at all different like a dog, treats a woman as a piece of furniture or a sexual toy that can be raped. The courts will allow it.

How is it that a country like ours actually listens to those evil people saying this is evil? And we believe it. How many Israelis have taken someone off the streets and then beheaded them on videotape just for political reasons?

Our administration is siding with the wrong side. They are standing against good and encouraging evil in the Middle East. We are reprimanding the nation that is as flawed as we are and protecting the aggressors. We are protecting the killers and the terrorists. We have gone from a nation who was doing the wrong thing by siding with Mubarak to a nation who is doing an even greater evil by arming al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood which empowers Iran and also in the end destroys Israel.

It is not difficult to tell good apart from evil. Let's start with some simple ideas: voting rights. Generally speaking, which is better, voting rights of Iran, Muslim Brotherhood, those who run al Qaeda? How about free speech? Rights of women? Rights of homosexuals? America and Israel or the people we seem to be siding with?

I stand tonight with Israel.

What a powerful commentary. Its hard to add anything else to this. In fact, I think I'll read it again.

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