Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

Egypt: Elections in June

Egypt just paved the way for parliamentary elections to be held in June this year - so we'll know the outcome of these "uprisings" sooner rather than later (the original proposal was for elections to be held in September).

Egypt approves constitutional changes

Egyptians have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a package of constitutional amendments, according to official results released on Sunday evening.

Slightly more than 77 per cent of voters endorsed the amendments, the country's supreme judicial committee has announced.

Voters approved a package of nine amendments, about half of which deal with elections. One loosens the requirements for independent candidates seeking the presidency; another restores full judicial oversight for elections.

That was one aspect that the Muslim Brotherhood has pushed for. It appears that they will now be able to position their candidates for the upcoming elections.

The "yes" vote also paves the way for a quick parliamentary election, which the ruling military junta has said will be held in June.

Egypt's two main political forces, the former ruling National Democratic Party and the Muslim Brotherhood, both urged a "yes" vote on the referendum. Critics say that's because they benefit from the quick timetable for elections

One of the provisions, the revised article 189, requires the new parliament to appoint a constitutional assembly within six months of taking office. That group will be responsible for drafting an entirely new constitution, which - if approved in a separate referendum - would take effect next year.

This is going to be very interesting. if the Muslim Brotherhood wins, it will look a lot like Hamas who now occupies Gaza. If the National Democratic Party wins, then it is anybody's guess what the policy towards Israel would be. The only certainty is the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood will be no friend to Israel.

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