Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

"EU-led coalition strikes first Gaddafi target"

Is it just me, or is that title disconcerting?

I mean, with the knowledge that the revived Roman Empire will somehow give rise to the 10 Kings and the antichrist and will also have a significant military presence during the Tribulation - seeing their first significant military moves as a single entity is somewhat unnerving.

EU-led coalition strikes first Gaddafi target

A French jet opened fire on one of Colonel Gaddafi's tanks at 18.45 Libyan time on Saturday (19 March) in the first strike of Operation Odyssey Dawn, a military campaign by a new EU-US-Arab coalition created to protect Libyan civilians.

Speaking before the strikes at an emergency summit of Arabic and Western countries in Paris on Saturday, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said: "If we intervene in Arab countries, it is not in the name of an objective that we want to impose on the Libyan people.

The Paris communique said: "While contributing in differentiated ways to the implementation of UNSCR 1973, we are determined to act collectively and resolutely to give full effect to these decisions ...

The new alliance includes 10 EU members (Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK), Canada, Norway and the US, as well as Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The participation of German leader Angela Merkel also indicates that the division inside the EU is not as significant as on the Iraq war in 2003. Germany last week abstained from the UN vote and said it would not contribute military resources.

But in 2003, the Lisbon Treaty hadn't been signed and the corporation of EU countries was an entirely different set of circumstances. Now the EU is involved as single entity "EU", not the EU of 2003. Big difference.

This is an interesting development. Prophetically, we know that we are now seeing the formal beginnings of what will become the antichrist's forces in the future Tribulation.

Things like this always make me reflect on the awesomeness of God. He knows exactly how the future will play out and He even loved us enough to give us this information - in advance - so that we would be prepared. Wow.

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