Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

"Wars, Rumors of Wars, Skyrocketing Oil Prices and Global Economic Chaos"

That title sounds like it could have been lifted directly from the pages of prophetic scripture. I love it when a secular (non-prophecy) article says exactly what "we" have been saying, based upon a literal view of prophecy.

Lets look at this article and see how closely it describes the world as we know it - based on the writings of the ancient prophets of God:

Wars, Rumors of Wars, Skyrocketing Oil Prices and Global Chaos"

Did anyone out there anticipate that 2011 would be such a wild year? The year is barely over two months old and we have already seen multiple civil wars erupt, rumors of more wars all over the mainstream media (potentially even including the United States), riots and revolutions breaking out all over the globe, oil prices soaring into the stratosphere and chaos on global financial markets. So why is all of this happening?

This is where we have a big advantage: The Holy Bible gives us these answers. Lets see what the author says. There seem to be more questions than answers:

Is all of this one big coincidence or is there a reason why we are witnessing such global chaos right now? Is it just coincidence that revolutions have broken out in over a dozen countries in the Middle East all at the same time? Is it just a coincidence that global prices for oil, food and precious metals are all skyrocketing?

Is it just a coincidence that world financial markets suddenly seem more vulnerable than at any time since 2008? Looking at what is going on in the world right now, it is very tempting to use the phrase "a perfect storm" to describe it.

Unfortunately, this "perfect storm" is very likely to plunge the global economy into yet another financial collapse if it continues to get even worse.

After describing some of the tangible problems we face such as chaos in the Middle East, internal revolutions, rising oil prices, etc., we see this:

In fact, just about every kind of "hard asset" that you can possibly name is going up in price. Investors don't like all of this instability and they are looking for safe places to put their money.

Unfortunately, the global situation looks like it may become even more heated.

The calls for military action against Libya are rapidly reaching a crescendo.

The calls for military action against Libya are rapidly reaching a crescendo.

The U.S. Senate has unanimously passed a resolution calling for the UN Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Libya, and many members of Congress are openly declaring that the U.S. and NATO should take unilateral action no matter what the UN ultimately decides.

Could we really enter into yet another conflict in the world? Really?

But implementing a no-fly zone is not a simple thing. It is not just a matter of telling Libya not to fly their planes. Rather, imposing a no-fly zone over Libya would constitute a major military operation.

Essentially, imposing a no-fly zone over Libya would be an act of war.

Most of our representatives in Washington D.C. seem to be quite ready to go to war in Libya, but it is another story entirely when it comes to the American people.

A recent Rasmussen poll found that a whopping 67 percent of Americans do not want the U.S. to get more involved

Of course, the will of the American people seems to have less and less significance in these last days.

But the American people don't get to decide whether we go to war or not. Our leaders in Washington D.C. do. The USS Enterprise and other major warships are on their way to Libya, and U.S. forces throughout the Mediterranean are on high alert.

On Wednesday, the Arab League issued a statement which specifically rejected "any foreign interference within Libya on behalf of the opposition".

Not only that, but any military action by the UN will most likely be blocked by both China and Russia.

But Libya isn't the only game in town these days:

But Libya is far from the only crisis point in the Middle East.

In fact, a much larger problem may be brewing in Saudi Arabia.

On Facebook, a "Day of Rage" is being hyped for March 11th. Other dates being promoted for "revolution" in Saudi Arabia include March 20th and March 21st.

Saudi Arabia exports more oil than anyone else in the world, so if their oil production gets interrupted it is going to have a dramatic impact on the global economy.

For example, are you ready to pay 5 dollars for a gallon of gasoline in the United States?

For decades, the entire globe has been blessed with very cheap oil and this has resulted in a massive economic boom.

But times are changing.

Indeed they are. But we all knew times would be changing - as we watch the world ready to enter into the Tribulation where change will really happen.

The economic situation over in Europe is already deteriorating and any additional bad news could plunge that entire continent into a major crisis. A recently released report from Ernst & Young is warning that if oil goes up to 150 dollars a barrel and it stays there, "at least" one eurozone country will default and the entire eurozone will be plunged back into recession.

The truth is that the entire world is still trying to recover from the last financial crisis. The Federal Reserve is pumping massive quantities of dollars into the U.S. economy in an attempt to stimulate it back to life, but so far it is not working too well.

The rest of the world does not appreciate all of this "money printing" and the inflation that this is causing is beginning to create massive imbalances on global financial markets.

Unfortunately, as I have written about so many times previously, the U.S. economy is dying. The U.S. government is absolutely drowning in debt, and leaders all over the planet are calling for the establishment of a new global reserve currency

The U.S.?

The entire U.S. economy was designed to operate on massive amounts of very cheap oil. Americans do more driving than anyone else in the world. Many of us are so lazy that we won't even walk to a store if it is on the other side of the parking lot.

If oil hits record levels in 2011, it is going to be a massive shock to the U.S. economic system. Any hopes for an "economic recovery" will be completely dashed.

The bottom line?

In fact, if one wanted to "take down" the U.S. economy, driving up the price of oil would be a perfect way to do it.

And if one wanted to drive up the price of oil, a perfect way to do that would be to create all kinds of chaos in the Middle East.

So is all of this craziness that we are seeing in 2011 just a big coincidence or is there a reason why all of this is happening?


No way. This is all part of God's overall plan.

We are just seeing the beginning of the end.

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