Selasa, 01 Maret 2011

National ID Card: Groundwork for the Mark of the Beast?

It seems that much of what we observe around us in these last days is preparatory work for the eventualities that will occur in the Tribulation. As it turns out (having the luxury of viewing decades of prophetic "signs" emerging), most of the draconian measures that will be imposed on the people of the world will not be abrupt departures from the "norm" - but just small steps in a generation of people who have been gradually conditioned for accepting such measures.

A National ID Card for American Citizens? The Real ID Act Goes Into Effect On May 11

For a moment, imagine a future where you are not able to drive a car, get on a plane, get on a train, vote, enter a federal building, open a bank account or get a job without a national ID card. You don't think that could ever happen in America?

Well, you might want to brush up on the Real ID Act because it is going to go into effect on May 11, 2011 unless something is done to stop it.

As of May 11, all driver's licenses across the United States will be required to conform to federal national security standards. In essence, our licenses are now going to be federalized.

Yes, this is really happening. A Fox News article from a couple weeks ago confirmed that these "national ID cards" will be required to board airplanes and enter federal buildings....

Wait - it gets worse:

Back in 2008, former U.S. Representative Bob Barr wrote the following about how not having one of these new national ID cards will automatically strip us of some of our most fundamental rights....

"A person not possessing a Real ID Act-compliant identification card could not enter any federal building, or an office of his or her congressman or senator or the U.S. Capitol. This effectively denies that person their fundamental rights to assembly and to petition the government as guaranteed in the First Amendment."

Of course the Department of Homeland Security insists that the Real ID Act is just here to "help" us and to make life "better" and "more secure". According to their website, some of the goals of the Real ID Act are "to help prevent terrorism, reduce fraud, and improve the reliability and accuracy of personal identification documents."

But is this really what we want America to become?

A nation where we are constantly passing through checkpoints and where security goons are constantly checking our national ID card?

So where is this going?

Can you imagine the kind of power that the federal government will have to watch us and track our activities if this thing gets fully implemented?

The more you really think about the notion of a national ID card for Americans the more repulsive it becomes.

Eventually, without a "Real ID" you will not be able to be hired by most employers. So in essence, you will be required to get the permission of the federal government before you can work.

Without a "Real ID", your ability to travel will be greatly restricted. Eventually there will be very few modes of public transportation that you will be able to use without having a national ID card.

And what if you lose your national ID card? Talk about a headache!

This sounds a lot like the capabilities of the "Mark of the Beast". I'm not saying that the National ID card is the "Mark" - but we're most definitely moving in that direction.

"And what if you lose your national ID card? Talk about a headache."

Hmm...Enter a "foolproof" ID system - an extension of this National ID...Perhaps if this technology could just be placed in an implantable microchip, then theft wouldn't be a concern. See how this works? Opps, I got ahead of the author:

Hey, eventually they might just decide to solve that problem by putting a microchip directly into our hands.

Wouldn't that be convenient?

Can you see where all of this is headed? Many of the people that are attempting to implement this thing may have "good intentions", but we all know what they say about "good intentions".

The sad truth is that America is no longer "the land of the free". The government has decided that in order to keep us "safe", everything that we do must be watched, tracked, traced, recorded and controlled.

It doesn't matter whether the Democrats are in power or if the Republicans are in power - every year the United States becomes even more like a prison camp.

But we know that the world is currently on an irreversible course towards a complete loss of freedom, entrapped in a world led by figures known as the antichrist and the false prophet.

Freedom will be a thing of the past.

Right now, we are watching as the world takes baby steps right into the Tribulation - one step at a time.

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