Kamis, 10 Januari 2008

Muhammad's Tribe -- Why Did The Muslim Middle East Become So Violent?

From The National Post:

Today's religious map of the Middle East traces to the unification of the Arabian tribes under the banner of Islam in the 7th century, and their subsequent conquest of much of the known world. Muhammad's genius was in finding a way to unite the myriad of fissiparous, feuding Bedouin tribes of northern Arabia into a cohesive polity. Just as he had provided a constitution of rules under which the people of Medina could live together, so he provided a constitution for all Arabs, but this one had the imprimatur not just of Muhammad, but of God. Submission -- Islam -- to God and His rules, spelled out in the Koran, bound Arabian tribesmen into the community of believers, the umma.

Read more ....

My Comment: This National Post article provides a brief and excellent summary on the military/conquering history of Islam. While this historical analysis is not new to me, how the author was able to do it in such a brief format is. A must read piece for all.

Religion of peace. Hmmmmm.....

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