Jumat, 18 Januari 2008

CIA Chief Places Blame For Bhutto Assassination


The CIA has concluded that members of al-Qaeda and allies of Pakistani tribal leader Baitullah Mehsud were responsible for last month's assassination of former Pakistani prime minister Benazir Bhutto, and that they also stand behind a new wave of violence threatening that country's stability, the agency's director, Michael V. Hayden, said in an interview.

Offering the most definitive public assessment by a U.S. intelligence official, Hayden said Bhutto was killed by fighters allied with Mehsud, a tribal leader in northwestern Pakistan, with support from al-Qaeda's terrorist network. That view mirrors the Pakistani government's assertions.

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My Comment: The list of those who wanted Bhutto dead is a long one. The idea that al-Qaeda may be behind her assassination is not a unique assertion. But the conclusion that Al-Qaeda is now actively developing alliances in the tribal regions is a new public statement.

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