Selasa, 15 Januari 2008

Israeli Attack Kills 18 Palestinians In Gaza

Hamas Mourns Israeli Raid Victims -- CNN

Israeli forces kill 18 Palestinians in Gaza -- Reuters

Israeli Attack Kills 18 Palestinians In Gaza -- The Telegraph

Israeli Troops Kill Hamas Chief's Son -- Times Online

Israel Launches Lethal Raids Into Gaza -- Independent

19 Palestinians Killed In Raid On Gaza -- Guardian

19 Gazans, Ecuadorean Kibbutz Volunteer Killed In Israeli-Palestinian Clashes -- LA Times

Bloody Day In Gaza -- ABC News

Israeli Military Kills 19 Palestinians In Gaza Raid -- MSNBC

19 Gazans, Kibbutz Worker Killed -- Yahoo News

UPDATE: Israeli Attack Kills 23 People In Gaza -- Telegraph

Additional News on Gaza:
Gaza's Christian Population Wanes -- Washington Times

My Comment: No work. No money. Electrical shortages. Medical and social services cut to the bone. Food shortages. High inflation. Scarcity of the basic goods. A government that is run by an extreme Islamic group that has no hesitation to murder its own rivals within the Palestinian community .... let alone Jews or any other group that it is at war with.

The fact that the son of Mahmoud Zahar, the hardline leader of Hamas was also killed, does not bode well for the future.

No hope. No future. No possibilities.

Will the Palestinians ever wake up and smell the coffee?

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