Senin, 16 Februari 2015

U.S. Poll: Americans See Russia As A Growing Threat

Gallop: Americans Increasingly See Russia as Threat, Top U.S. Enemy

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Russia now edges out North Korea as the country Americans consider the United States' greatest enemy. Two years ago, only 2% of Americans named Russia, but that increased to 9% in 2014 as tensions between Russia and the U.S. increased, and now sits at 18%.

Update #1: Americans agree with Mitt Romney: Russia is now greatest enemy of U.S. -- Washington Times
Update #2: America's Greatest Enemy Is Russia, Not North Korea; Military Is A Critical Threat, Says New Poll -- International Business Times

WNU Editor:Russia may be considered as the the country that poses the greatest threat to the U.S. today .... but in terms of threats by themselves .... the Islamic State and terrorism tops the list .... Gallup Poll: ISIS, Terrorism Seen as Graver Threats Than Russia, Ukraine (Moderate Voice).

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