Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 25, 2015

Inside Story/Al Jazeera: Ancestral homelands under attack?

Abductions and killings by ISIL fighters in Syria and Iraq threaten ancient minorities.

Last July, ISIL issued a decree to the dwindling population of Christians in eastern Syria and northern Iraq, ordering them to convert to Islam or pay a special religious levy.

And if they did not, "there is nothing to give them but the sword", the group said.

Since then, ISIL has released a trademark video showing the apparent beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya.

At least 70 Christians have also been reported abducted in northeastern Syria. And they are not alone.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 25, 2015

The plight of Syria’s vulnerable Christian minority -- Ishaan Tharoor, Washington Post

Yazidi Vengeance on ISIS Collaborators -- Jesse Rosenfeld, Daily Beast

White House stays silent as more Christians are kidnapped in Mideast -- FOX News

Who are the Assyrian Christians under attack from Islamic State? -- Michael Holtz, CSM

Get over it: There’s no better deal coming on Iran’s nuclear program -- Paul R. Pillar, Reuters

Obama’s Uncomfortable Israeli Ally -- Jonathan S. Tobin, Commentary

Kerry on ISIS Ground War: 'No Way Possible' -- John T. Bennett, Defense News

China's Fertile Ground for Islamic State -- Adam Mitner, Bloomberg

The Perils of Korean Unification -- Jennifer Lind, The Diplomat

Boko Haram Are Finally Losing. And That Makes Them Extra Dangerous. -- Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast

Greece vs. Europe: Who Won? -- Clive Crook, Bloomberg

Germany Gives Greece a Short Leash -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

Romania gets serious about ending its notorious corruption -- Kit Gillet, CSM

What It Will Take to Beat Venezuela's Maduro -- Mac Margolis, Bloomberg

One last chance to save the Internet — from the FCC -- Ev Ehrlich, Reuters

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