Jumat, 27 Februari 2015

Chinese Diplomat Lectures The West On Respecting Russia's Security Concerns Over Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping.(Reuters / How Hwee Yong)

Reuters: Chinese diplomat tells West to consider Russia's security concerns over Ukraine

Western powers should take into consideration Russia's legitimate security concerns over Ukraine, a top Chinese diplomat has said in an unusually frank and open display of support for Moscow's position in the crisis.

Qu Xing, China's ambassador to Belgium, was quoted by state news agency Xinhua late on Thursday as blaming competition between Russia and the West for the Ukraine crisis, urging Western powers to "abandon the zero-sum mentality" with Russia.

He said the "nature and root cause" of the crisis was the "game" between Russia and Western powers, including the United States and the European Union.

Update: Chinese diplomat lectures West on Russia’s ‘real security concerns’ over Ukraine -- RT

WNU Editor: The Chinese lecturing the West on understating Russia's position on Ukraine .... priceless.

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