Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry: Major Decisions Coming On Iran, Ukraine And Islamic State

Washington Post: Kerry says major decisions coming on Iran, Ukraine and Islamic State

The Obama administration is on the cusp of major decisions on Ukraine, the Islamic State and Iran, Secretary of State John F. Kerry told lawmakers Tuesday, though he declined to specify the direction in which those decisions are heading.

In his first testimony to the new, Republican-led Senate, Kerry outlined an ongoing high-level debate over whether to send lethal, defensive weapons to Ukraine. “There are lots of different considerations,” he said. While some have argued that Ukraine should not enter a fight against Russia that it cannot win, Kerry said, “there are plenty of people advocating that you ought to raise the cost” to Moscow, “no matter what.”

WNU Editor:
I would also add Afghanistan .... specifically future U.S. military troop commitments.

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