Photo: IAEA Imagebank / Flickr
Reuters: Iran still stalling U.N. nuclear inquiry as deal deadline looms: IAEA
Iran has still not addressed specific issues that could feed suspicions it may have researched an atomic bomb, a U.N. watchdog report showed on Thursday, potentially complicating efforts by six powers to clinch a nuclear deal with Tehran.
Iran and U.S. negotiators will resume talks over Tehran's nuclear programme in Geneva on Friday to narrow remaining gaps aimed at ending a 12-year standoff with the powers, Iran's state news agency IRNA reported.
WNU Editor: Iran has always been consistent on not wanting international inspectors visiting their suspected nuclear facilities on military bases .... and it is this issue that I predict will ultimately torpedo the Iranian nuclear talks..
More News On Iran Still Refusing To Cooperate On UN Probe Investigating Possible Nuclear Work
UN: Probe of alleged Iranian nuke weapons program deadlocked -- AP
UN Says Iran Still Evades Queries on Possible Nuclear Work -- NYT
IAEA says Iran not fully cooperating with nuclear probe -- Deutsche Welle
UN Watchdog Says Iran Still Stalling On Nuclear Program Information -- Radio Free Europe
Confidential IAEA Report: Iran “Continuing to Withhold Full Cooperation,” Stalling Investigation -- The Tower
UN nuclear watchdog: Iran still stalling atomic probe as deal deadline looms -- Jerusalem Post
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