Senin, 23 Februari 2015

New Map Shows The Terrifying Rise Of The Islamic State

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Growth of terror: Since its formation as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria in 2013 - it has conquered regions of Iraq, Syria and recently Libya - while building support among marginalised Muslims in Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt's Sinai Province, Afghanistan, Tunisia and Algeria

Daily Mail: The terrifying rise of ISIS: Map that shows how terror group's tentacles now reach from Algeria to Afghanistan

* ISIS began as Al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2004 and militants had just 1,000 soldiers, but it has grown to more than 30,000
* Reach of ISIS now spans Middle East and northern Africa, with only the Mediterranean sea separating from Europe
* Terrorist groups around the world now pledging allegiance to Islamic State as groups seize destabilised countries
* Experts say ISIS' control in Libya could create potential 'disaster scenario' and coalition airstrikes are fueling the militants' manipulative propaganda
* ISIS has 31,500 loyal fighters according to CIA but estimates place this far higher at around 200,000 militants

WNU Editor: And the worrying part is that they do not want to slow down.

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