US, Iraqi Forces Planning Spring Offensive to Repel ISIS from Mosul
U.S. and Iraqi forces are planning to launch an offensive this spring designed to repel Islamic militants from the northern city of Mosul, a military official said.
Militants affiliated with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, took over the city in June as the group advanced and captured territory in both countries. It's the largest city in their control.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 20, 2015
CENTCOM Outlines Battle for Mosul, Doubles Estimate for IS Dead -- Defense News
US military official outlines plan to retake Iraqi city of Mosul -- FOX News
Joint Iraqi and Kurdish military force preparing to retake Mosul from ISIS in May -- Mashable
Riyadh talks seek stronger Iraqi army: western source -- Al Arabiya
Turkey Won't Link Air Defense System to NATO -- Defense News
‘We couldn’t cope’: UK would lose war against Russia – senior RAF officers -- RT
Britain cannot defend itself against Putin's military might, top brass warn -- The Telegraph
Russia, US agree number of ballistic missile launches to exchange information on in 2015 -- ITAR-TASS
Russia Developing New Nuclear Powered Destroyer -- Sputnik
China is projecting serious power in the South China Sea -- Business Insider
Xi Jinping visit reveals H-6 bomber details -- IHS Jane's 360
China Flies Its Largest Ever Drone: The Divine Eagle -- Popular Science
‘Dangerous world’: France has less than 300 nukes and still needs them -- RT
France, Germany, Japan Vying for Aussie Sub Deal -- Sputnik
AERO INDIA: Airbus sole bidder for Indian AWACS project -- Flight Global
The Philippine Military Wants US Drones -- The Diplomat
US Army Talks Tanks as Russia's Hit Ukraine -- Defense News
Skunk Works head: New spy plane needed -- Air Force Times
The World's Most Secretive 737 Is America's Key To Better Stealth Tech -- Fox Trot Alpha/Jalopnik
Air Force: Stealth 'incredibly important' for future aircraft -- Defense News
Boeing ‘beam control system’ to boost US navy laser accuracy -- RT
Pentagon: Sequestration Would Again Reduce Annual Military Training --
To Manage the Pentagon, Ash Carter Turned to Bloomberg, Cantor -- Defense One
Sequestration: Don’t Believe All The Hype -- Robert Hale, Breaking Defense
US military is testing rolling eyeball robots originally designed for Mars -- Geek
How to buy an American military drone -- The Telegraph
US, UK Spooks Hack Mobile SIM Cards -- Sputnik
The US Navy's Cruise Missile Nightmare -- James R. Holmes, Real Clear Defense
9 Military Categories The Oscars Forgot -- We Are The Mighty
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