Minggu, 08 Februari 2015

Jordan's Air Campaign Against The Islamic State Is Severely Limited

Tyler Rogoway, Foxtrot Alpha/Jalopnik: What This Video Of Jordanian F-16s Striking ISIS Tells Us Is Alarming

Jordan has released a video montage showing the kickoff of its retaliatory air campaign against ISIS in Syria. Over 20 Jordanian F-16s struck ISIS targets while US F-22s, F-16s, surveillance and tanker aircraft supported them. Although the idea of such a campaign represents a powerful show of force, the video hints at a much grimmer and more questionable story.

WNU Editor: After reading Tyler Rogoway's analysis, ti now makes sense on why Jordanian King Abdullah is pleading with the U.S. to send sophisticated weapons .... Jordanian King Pleads for US Weaponry (Defense News).

Hat Tip to reader Jay for the above lead.

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