Selasa, 24 Februari 2015

Could Israel Be Drawn Into Syria's Civil War?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu looks into Syria from the Golan Heights in January 2013. (photo credit: Kobi Gideon/GPO/FLASH90)

Tony Badran, RCW/NOW: How Israel Could Be Drawn into Syria's War

President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are at loggerheads. Why? Following the White House's lead, many observers have focused on the personal enmity between the two. Some commentators go further and analyze the growing strategic rift over how best to handle Iran's nuclear program. In truth, however, the rift is far larger still.

In addition to all of the other issues, Obama and Netanyahu entertain contradictory views of Iran's role in region, and Syria stands at the heart of their disagreement. Whereas Obama is comfortable with the rise of Iranian power in Syria, Netanyahu and, to be sure, the Israeli security elite are deeply discomfited by it.

WNU Editor: For the moment I am sure that Israel would prefer to stay out of the carnage that is now ripping Syria apart. But .... Iran's involvement is changing these calculations, and this is forcing Israel to reconsider its current policy towards the ongoing crisis in Syria. My prediction .... I expect Israel to get involved .... but in what shape and form is something that I suspect the Israelis themselves may not know yet.

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