Senin, 16 Februari 2015

China's Newest Nuclear Sub Is A Potential 'Carrier Killer'

A leaked photo of the PLA Navy's Type 093G nuclear submarine. (Internet photo)

Want China Times: PLA's new Type 093G nuclear sub a potential 'carrier killer'

China's new Type 093G nuclear sub has provided the People's Liberation Army with a potential "aircraft carrier killer," reports the Beijing-based Sina Military.

Citing Taiwan's Defence Interntional magazine, the report said the manufacturing of two Type 093G nuclear subs — upgraded versions of the Type 093 — were completed by the Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co in December, with another resting in a dry dock.

The primary difference between Type 093G subs and Type 093 subs is that the former added a vertical launcher capable of firing cruise missiles and the YJ-18 anti-ship missil, the report said.

WNU Editor: If these reports are true .... U.S. aircraft carriers will be vulnerable everywhere .... not necessarily in the western Pacific.

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