Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

IDF On High Alert, Islamic State Claims 'Radioactive Device' Now In Europe, Risks Of Nuclear War Rising

The IDF said Monday that its troops in the Hebron area were put on high alert over the past several days following intelligence assessments indicating that a terror attack may be imminent.

Two Palestinian men have been missing from their homes since Friday, according to Israel Radio, one of them a cousin of Amer Abu Aysha, one of the two kidnappers and murderers of three Israeli teenagers this June

Abu Aysha and Marwan Kawasme, both from Hebron, were part of a Hamas-affiliated cell that kidnapped Eyal Yifrah, 19, Naftali Fraenkel, 16, and Gilad Shaar, 16, from a hitchhiking post near Hebron on June 12 and then murdered them.

The attack set off Israel’s Operation Brother’s Keeper which was aimed at finding the yeshiva students and dealing a blow to Hamas’s infrastructure in the West Bank, which Israel accused of being behind the operation. The bodies of the three teens were found on June 30 in a shallow grave on a plot of land belonging to the Kawasme clan.

The abduction and killing sparked a summer of rising tensions that climaxed with Operation Protective Edge, the 50-day war between Israel and Hamas in and around the Gaza Strip.

An alleged weapons maker for the Islamic State (IS) claimed that a “radioactive device” has been smuggled into an undisclosed location in Europe, according to an intelligence brief released Monday by the SITE Intelligence Group.
“A Radioactive Device has entered somewhere in Europe,” according Twitter user Muslim-Al-Britani, who claims to be a freelance jihadist weapons maker now working alongside IS (also known as ISIL or ISIS), according to tweets captured and disseminated by SITE.

The claim by Al-Britani comes just days after reports emerged that IS could have in its possession a dirty bomb, the elements of which were obtained via earlier IS raids on a university research facility in Mosul that contained uranium. Al-Britani is also responsible for the flurry of reports on the dirty bomb.
Al-Britani, who has disseminated on his Twitter feed “weapon instructions and manuals,” claimed on Nov. 23 that the “Islamic State does have a dirty bomb. We found some radioactive material from Mosul university,” according to the tweets reproduced by SITE.
While it is difficult to assess the veracity of Al-Britani’s claims, U.S. officials have expressed concern about IS potentially smuggling nuclear and radioactive material out of Iraq.
U.S. and Iraqi officials inked a pact in September meant to step up efforts to combat this type of smuggling, which the United States deemed a “critical” threat.

“The terrorist groups have the motivation and, thanks to post-withdrawal vacuum created in Iraq, the means to strike the West like never before.”

Urgent action is needed to minimise the risk of a nuclear war, more than 120 senior military, political and diplomatic figures from across the world have warned.
Ahead of the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, which starts today, the experts wrote in a letter that the danger of such a conflict was “underestimated or insufficiently understood” by world leaders.

“Tensions between nuclear-armed states and alliances in the Euro-Atlantic area and in both South and East Asia remain ripe with the potential for military miscalculation and escalation,” says the letter to Sebastian Kurz, Austria’s Minister for Foreign Affairs.
“In a vestige of the Cold War, too many nuclear weapons in the world remain ready to launch on short notice, greatly increasing the chances of an accident.
“This fact gives leaders faced with an imminent potential threat an insufficient amount of time to communicate with each other and act with prudence.”
There should also be better crisis management in “conflict hotspots” and new security measures, warning that stockpiles were “insufficiently secure, making them possible targets for terrorism”.

[This audio is worth listening to]

The web of deception being engineered by Satan's forces is vast and well planned. Global government is on the horizon. But it will take a crisis – both national and international – to have it implemented. Gary Kah, Jan Markell and Eric Barger discuss this the entire hour and the options that could lead to such crises. This is sobering. The racial unrest may play a role in this. A perfect storm is forming to create a one-world government sooner than most expected. We use the mobile app found on the Home page of
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High-ranking American military sources revealed Monday, Dec. 8, that Israel’s air strikes near Damascus the day before wiped out newly-arrived Russian hardware including missiles that were dispatched post haste to help Syria and Hizballah frustrate a US plan for a no-fly zone over northern Syria. [Editor’s Note: this American leak looks like an attempt to excuse their unwilinglness to go ahead with the no fly zone plan, while sabotaging Russain-Israeli relations. Last year Russia and Israel agreed to set up a secure hotline beteen Moscow and Jerusalem to handle such a possible crisis. The ramifications remain to be seen.]
The advanced weapons were sent over, as debkafile reported exclusively Sunday, after Russian President Vladimir Putin learned that the Obama administration and the Erdogan government were close to a final draft on a joint effort to activate a no-fly zone that would bar Syrian air force traffic over northern Syria.
The Kremlin has repeatedly warned – of late in strong messages through back channels – that the establishment of a no-fly or buffer zone in any part of Syria would be treated as direct American intervention in the Syria war and result in Russian military intervention for defending the Assad regime.
According to the US-Turkish draft, American warplanes would be allowed to take off from the Turkish airbase of Incirlik in the south for operations against Syrian warplanes, assault helicopters or drones entering the no-go zone. Thus far, Ankara has only permitted US surveillance aircraft and drones the use of Incirlik for tracking the movements of Islamic State fighters in northern Syria.
The Obama administration was long deterred from implementing a no-fly zone plan by the wish to avoid riling Moscow or facing the hazards of Syria’s world-class air defense system.
But Washington was recently won over to the plan by a tacit deal with Damascus for American jets to be allowed entry to help Kurdish fighters defend their northern Syrian enclave of Kobani against capture by al Qaeda’s IS invaders.
However, the US administration turned down a Turkish demand to extend the no-fly zone from their border as far as Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, over which Syrian army forces are battling rebels and advancing slowly into the town.

Moscow reacted swiftly and angrily with a Note to the United Nations Monday accusing Israel of “aggressive action” and demanding “that such attacks should not happen again… Moscow is deeply worried by this dangerous development, the circumstances of which demand an explanation.”
The Assad regime has held back from reacting to past Israeli air raids for preventing advanced weaponry from reaching Hizballah. This time, spokesmen in Damascus warned that their government’s response would be clandestine and cause Israel “unimaginable harm.”

A PLA general has warned that "the Taiwan issue will not remain unresolved in the long term" and that China is not ruling out the use of force to achieving unification after Taiwan's ruling Kuomintang suffered a drubbing in last month's local government elections. The major winner at the polls was the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, which has traditionally advocated Taiwan independence.
"We will not abandon the possibility of using force. According to the law, it is also an option to resolve the issue by military means if necessary," Liu Jingsong, a former president of the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences, said in a keynote speech on Nov. 6 at a conference organized by China's nationalistic tabloid Global Times.
Liu said Taiwan is a core interest for China and according to the government's strategic plan related to transforming the country into a maritime power, the issue should not remain unresolved indefinitely.
China has the right to resolve the Taiwan problem, Liu said. "Whoever has political power in Taiwan, the only path [for the island] is to preserve the development of peaceful relations between the two sides of the strait, and eventually bring about reunification," the general was quoted as saying.

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