Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014

Aggression Against Russia: On The Brink Of War And Economic Collapse

Energy Aggression Against Russia Is Expanding

During his recent trip to Ankara, President Vladimir Putin said on December 1 that the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline project for Southern Europe would be terminated due to the negative position of both Bulgaria and Brussels. Instead of that, it was proposed to build a gas pipeline through the territory of Turkey to its western borders with the EU, where it will be possible to create a kind of a “gas hub” for the countries of Southern and South-Eastern Europe. Naturally, this has caused a nervous reaction of some Europeans. It is one thing to bluff to the tune of the Americans, while it’s quite another to lose an opportunity to purchase gas directly from Russia, bypassing another difficult transit country – Turkey, instead of unreliable Ukraine. What we are talking about here means to “bargain one trouble for another”

From the very beginning, even a few months ago, it became clear that Russia should go in another direction with regards to gas, not through Turkey, but through Iran, as well as to quickly create production capacity of its own LNG fields in the Artic and the Far East and look for other markets instead of Europe: above all India, Pakistan and countries of Southeast Asia. And in order to realize this, it should build together with Iran a gas pipeline from Iran that is connected into the gas transportation network of the Russian Federation, especially from the South Pars field, filling it with both Iranian and Russian gas to Pakistan and India. While Moscow was thinking about it, Tehran voiced on December 9 its intention to implement the project of building a gas pipeline to Pakistan. And then there’s still the United States who are increasing pressure on Russia and Iran in order to thwart their cooperation within the economic sphere. American State Department spokesman, Jen Psaki, on December 2 threatened Russia with new sanctions because of the alleged agreement between Russia and Iran on the exchange of “oil for goods”. The volume of the proposed transaction was valued at 20 billion USD; It is alleged that Iran would supply Russia with around 500 thousand barrels of oil a day for two or three years at a slightly lower than the market price, and in exchange, Iran would receive a variety of civilian goods

In addition, infatuated with gas, in Russia they have clearly forgotten that at this current stage, another energy weapon  oil  is far more dangerous. Even the recent OPEC decision didn’t make Russia realize a quite obvious thing: US – backed by Saudi Arabia and with support by Kuwait – is about to bring Russian economy down by instigating a sharp decline in oil prices that fell on December 10 to 65 USD per barrel and will soon fall to 40 USD per barrel – and this will just repeat what happened in the mid-80s under Reagan. And then Washington, by making use of the natural resentment of the Russian population and the decline in the living standards will proceed by organizing “colored” demonstrations in an attempt to create mass protests in Moscow and other Russian cities such as those which occurred in Kiev at Maidan Nezalezhnosti

Of course, it won’t go the Ukrainian way; however it may be the right time to make a step forward from reassuring speeches that one should not be afraid of the falling oil prices or the value of the ruble to actual countermeasures with help from those who are still on the same side of the barricades with Russia  Iran being among them

On occasion a reader will ask if I can give readers some good news. The answer is: not unless I lie to you like “your” government and the mainstream media do. If you want faked “good news,” you need to retreat into The Matrix. In exchange for less stress and worry, you will be led unknowingly into financial ruin and nuclear armageddon.
If you want to be forewarned, and possibly prepared, for what “your” government is bringing you, and have some small chance of redirecting the course of events, read and support this site. It is your site. I already know these things. I write for you.

Anti-Russia propaganda has gone into high gear. Putin is the “new Hitler.”
Daniel Zubov reports on a joint conference held by three U.S. think tanks.
The conference blamed Russia for the failures of Washington’s foreign policy. Read this article: to see how neoconservatives operate in order to control the explanations. Even Henry Kissinger is under attack for stating the obvious truth that Russia has a legitimate interest in Ukraine, a land long part of Russia and located in Russia’s legitimate sphere of influence.

Since the Clinton regime, Washington has been acting against Russian interests. In his forthcoming book, The Globalization of War: America’s Long War against Humanity, Professor Michel Chossudovsky presents a realistic appraisal of how close Washington has brought the world to its demise in nuclear war. This passage is from the Preface:
“The ‘globalization of war’ is a hegemonic project. Major military
and covert intelligence operations are being undertaken
simultaneously in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, sub-Saharan
Africa, Central Asia and the Far East. The US military agenda
combines both major theater operations as well as covert actions
geared towards destabilizing sovereign states.

“In turn, military maneuvers are being conducted at Russia’s
doorstep which could lead to escalation.
“The US airstrikes initiated in September 2014 directed against
Iraq and Syria under the pretext of going after the Islamic State are
part of a scenario of military escalation extending from North Africa
and the Eastern Mediterranean to Central and South Asia.
The Western military alliance is in an advanced state of readiness.
“And so is Russia.”

The hope comes from outside the political system. The hope is that the House of Cards and rigged markets erected by policymakers for the benefit of the One Percent collapses. David Stockman regards this outcome as a highly likely one. The collapse that Stockman sees as being on its way is the same collapse about which I have warned. Moreover, the number of Black Swans which can originate collapse are even more numerous than the ones Stockman correctly identifies. Some financial organizations are worried about a lack of liquidity in the fixed income (bonds) and derivatives markets. Barbara Novack, co-chair of Black Rock, is lobbying hard for a derivatives bailout mechanism.
David Stockman’s article is important. Read it until you understand it, and you will know more than most everyone.
Many will ask: If the wealth of the One Percent is vulnerable to economic collapse, will war be initiated to protect this wealth and to blame the Russians or Chinese for the hardships that engulf the American population? My answer is that the kind of collapse that I expect, and that David Stockman and no doubt others expect, presents government with such social, political, and economic insecurity that organizing for a major war becomes impossible.
Whereas the political impotence of the American people and the vassalage of the Western World impose no constraints on Washington, economic collapse brings revolutions and the demise of the existing order.
As hard as collapse would make it for people to survive, the chances for survival are higher than in the event of nuclear war.

“The main task of Syria’s leaders is to avoid becoming directly dependent on the Western powers,” Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said curtly in an exclusive interview with the French weekly Paris Match.

That crucial statement represents a significant phase in the unfolding Syrian crisis. First of all, the Syrian president’s opinion evinces the stoutness of Damascus in the face of its successful struggle against militants from various terrorist organizations. Second, Assad made clear his administration’s unyielding stance in dealing with the West and the Persian Gulf Arab monarchies. Finally, it is a direct rejoinder to all the enemies of a free Syria that the president, his Cabinet and the whole Syrian people will fight until victory is theirs. To put it another way, the struggle will end only when the last terrorist who is being supported, armed and financed from abroad retreats from Syrian soil

In this noble struggle for liberation of its land, Syria and its leaders enjoy the enthusiastic support of Russia which regards the principle of nonintervention in the domestic affairs of other countries as fundamental. Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs Walid al-Moallem’s official visit to Russia provided a showcase for the shared solidarity. During the visit, al-Moallem held talks with Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The negotiations demonstrated both countries’ unanimous desire to find a peaceful end to the Syrian conflict. The negotiations also took place against a backdrop of rapidly increasing tension in Syria, as the terrorist groups the Islamic State (IS) and Dzhebhat en Nusra have stepped up their activity. All of that is being compounded by the clear violation of Syrian sovereignty by the United States and its allies, who are skirting the UN and attacking the militants without coordinating their actions with the Syrian leadership

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly emphasized his suspicion that American peacekeepers are likely to use anti-terrorism operations in Syria as a pretext for preparing the ouster of a Syrian regime they find inconvenient. However, Russia and many other countries regard that as unacceptable. “Russia condemns the use of extremist groups in efforts to change the regime,” Lavrov said

United States is no longer a democracy but more like a one-party state in which an oligarchic elite rules on behalf of the people, often contrary to their interests.

Putin believes that confronting the Islamic State and other radical groups in the Middle East and North Africa is one of the most important tasks of the international community. However, it must be emphasized that all actions taken to eliminate the threat should be based on the decisions of the UN Security Council in observance of the rules of international law: the principles of state sovereignty and nonintervention in domestic affairs. In the fight against terrorism, Russia will support Syria and Iraq as well as other governments faced with the problem of extremism. Putin stressed the importance of a deep analytical approach to solving this issue and noted that in order to attract new recruits the extremists take advantage of the prolonged Israeli-Arab conflict and the unresolved Palestinian problem. The Russian president also believes that the Islamic state and other radical groups encouraged by the West are the primary threat to the region today

It is readily apparent that two different approaches are being taken in the Syrian conflict. One is the policy of the United States and its allies, which is geared toward the continuation of the bloody conflict and further death and destruction in Syria. The other is the course Russia and Syria are following. It aims to end the bloodshed, and al-Muallem’s negotiations in Russia have clearly demonstrated that

Damascus’ war, then, is not one being waged against its own people, nor against “pro-democracy rebels,” but rather against a heavily armed front of sectarian militants backed from abroad seeking to invade, overthrow, and occupy the nation of Syria. This foreign-backed terrorist front, with the help of the Western media, is merely hiding behind the ever tenuous facade of genuine “rebellion.” 
One example in particular illustrates not only this reality – the fact that there are none and never have been “moderate rebels” – but also the fact that Western intervention predicated upon assisting nonexistent “moderate rebels” and “civilians” is a criminal conspiracy designed solely around regime change and imposing the West’s will upon the nation and people of Syria

Last month, it would be revealed that terrorists portrayed by the West as “moderate rebels” and allegedly “vetted” by the United States before being armed with advanced weaponry including anti-tank missiles were officially merged with Al Qaeda. The International Business Times would claim in its article, “Syria: Al-Nusra Jihadists ‘Capture US TOW Anti-Tank Missiles’ from Moderate Rebels,” that

Syria’s allies must take all measures to ensure a no-fly-zone is not only politically unachievable, but tactically and strategically unachievable as well. Failure in Syria will open the flood gates of proxy terrorism and warfare upon Iran, then Russia and China. The world can ill-afford the continued primacy of a hegemonic power willing to use such tactics to achieve the already abhorrent, intolerable objective of global conquest.   Just as in Libya where genocidal sectarian extremists operating under the flag of Al Qaeda’s regional franchises including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) both now openly operating under the banner of ISIS, were thrust into power with NATO backing, so to does NATO plan on installing extremists into primacy across Syria. The goal is not simply the ruination of Syria, but the use of Syria as a springboard to wage war upon Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah, then turn NATO’s terrorist mercenary force northeast toward Russia and then China

Just as was done in Libya, Al Qaeda’s role in the fighting was covered up with the illusion of “moderate rebels” and “unarmed” “pro-democracy protesters.” As the facade collapsed, an increasingly tangled and incoherent narrative has emerged to explain how the West is infusing the region with billions in military aid, and yet Al Qaeda rather than the West’s fabled “moderates” have emerged as the dominate fighting force across the region

The proposed “no-fly-zone” the West has been attempting to implement is simply rhetorical cover for providing Al Qaeda directly with air cover while preventing the only actual military force in the region fighting Al Qaeda, the Syrian Arab Army, from finally eliminating this scourge from within their borders and restoring order across their country and in turn, across the region

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin got straight down to talks today on boosting nuclear and defence cooperation at a summit aimed at reviving an old friendship that has faded over the years. (As President Putin Arrives for 22-Hour Visit, PM Narendra Modi Tweets 'Our Friendship Has Not Changed ')

Putin's  one-day visit to India, at which a raft of agreements were signed, comes at a time when Russia is  at odds with the West over Ukraine, and its economy is stalling as oil prices tumble to their lowest in five years.

Here are some of the key announcements:


 * Russia's state-owned Rosatom will supply 12 nuclear energy reactors to India over 20 years, under an agreement aimed at boosting nuclear energy ties between the two countries. (India Will Build At Least 10 More Nuclear Reactors With Russia's Help: PM Modi)

* India's Essar Group signed a deal with Russian oil producer Rosneft to import oil. (Essar Group, Rosneft to Sign 10-Year Oil Deal: Report)

* Russian bank VTB will open a $1 billion credit line to Essar Group, chief executive Andrei Kostin said. (Russian Bank VTB to Lend India's Essar $1 Billion)

* The Russian Direct Investment Fund will team up with an Indian infrastructure financing company, IDFC, to invest $1 billion in hydroelectric projects in Asia's third-largest economy.

* India's Tata Power signed a pact with the Russian Direct Investment Fund to increase energy investment between the two countries.


* Russia, which is India's top defence supplier, offers to manufacture an advanced helicopter inIndia. (Russia Remains Our Top Defence Partner, Says PM Modi After Meeting President Putin: 10 Updates)


* India's top iron ore miner NMDC signed a memorandum of understanding with Akron to buy a stake in a potash mine in Russia. (NMDC to Take Stake in Russian Potash Mine)

Also see:

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