Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Signs Around Us And Closing In For The Finale

Just take a look at the news today. If I didn't know better, I'd think think that the various authors are looking at the world through the lens of biblical prophecy. For someone who knows and understands the prophetic scriptures, this is expected, although no less shocking as we watch the world unfold exactly as predicted. 

- Wars and rumors of war - in abundance
- Financial collapse, leading to a "reset"
- The continual rise of the land of Magog
- The continual rise of the 'Kings of the East'
- The turmoil in the Middle East, as Israel's enemies continue to arm up for war
- Terrorism from radical Islam
- Earthquakes

It's all there, just take a glance at the news over a 24 hour period. It is stunning, even when expecting such:

Newsletter writer Dr. Jim Willie thinks the Ukraine crisis is an enormous struggle for financial power between East and West.  Dr. Willie contends, “I believe what we got with Ukraine is an absolutely desperate situation where the U.S. government realizes we have to stop Ukraine from becoming a central transit point for energy pipelines in the fast developing Eurasian Trade Zone.  They need to stop the Eurasian Trade Zone because the United States and England are largely going to be excluded.  If you look behind the curtain to see what is really going on, I believe this is the third attack on Russia’s Gazprom.  It is a giant monopoly that Russia controls for natural gas.  The first attack was veiled and it was Cyprus.  Gazprom bank was gigantic and it was in Cyprus. . . . Furthermore, Russia was using Cyprus as a clearing house for buying gold bullion. . . . The second attack against Gazprom was Syria.  Iran pipelines were to be connected with Syrian ports. . . . There is a war in the way.  That’s what the U.S. does.  There is a war in the way.  Now, we have the third attack against Russia Gazprom.  The U.S. and Europe actually believe if they control the gas pipeline valves, they can control the flow on the Western corner (of Ukraine) that feeds Romania, Poland and Hungary.  They actually believe if they control the valves, they can control the flow.  What if the flow is cut off?”  Dr. Willie, who has an earned PhD in statistics, thinks the manufactured Ukraine crisis is an act of desperation by the U.S.  Dr. Willie explains, “Have you ever know someone truly desperate, who has no options, that did stupid things?  That’s what we are seeing now.”
Dr. Willie goes on to say, “There are so many sides closing in on the United States that it is almost becoming a tragic comedy. . . .  These guys are running out of options.  When I heard that Secretary of State Kerry made a threat to exclude Russia from the G-8, I said, ‘yeah right.’  That’s going to backfire, and the U.S. will be isolated. . . . I made this forecast about three years ago.  I said watch the G-8 become irrelevant and the G-20 take over and China run it as opposed to the U.S. and Britain.  That has now happened in the last year or 18 months.  We just had a G-20 meeting in Australia, and China just railed on the United States.  They said you are living off fumes.  You are living off the printing press with no justifiable income.  Your economy is a fake.  This is getting hostile, and it was in a G-20 meeting.”

The real problem for the West will be payment for oil and natural gas in something other than dollars.  Dr. Willie warns, “What’s likely to come very soon is Russia is going to demand either rubles or gold bullion for their crude oil and their natural gas.  If they demand ruble payment, it immediately puts the kibosh and sabotages all Wall Street and London intervention games where they are trying to punish Russia by seeing their currency decline.  We’re not in the driver’s seat being a big debtor.  We’re not in the driver’s seat being a big importer of energy.  We’re not in the driver’s seat on anything.”

On the value of the U.S. dollar, Dr. Willie says, “The response to U.S. pressure will be steps to kill the petro dollar and force banking systems around the world to start divesting of Treasury Bonds because they won’t need them.”  When will this happen?  Dr. Willie answers with a question by asking, “Do you think Putin is going to wait a long time?  The time between events is really closing. . . . The whole point here could be provoking Putin and Russia into making a first strike.  I don’t like using the n-word (meaning nukes), but if Russians make a large strike, then the U.S. is going to come back and make a strike 20 times larger and destroy the Russian nation.  That could be what these desperate Nazi’s are trying to do.”
On gold, Dr. Willie contends, “I don’t think it would be a shock to see the Russians come out and say we’ve got over 20,000 tons of gold, and we are going to back our ruble with gold.  Screw the dollar.  I think in the next year or so, the Russians and Chinese are going to let it be known that between them they own close to 40,000 tons of gold.  They are going to have a real currency and do a real global reset and have a real return to the gold standard and screw the dollar with all its toxic sovereign bonds.  One of the principle foundations of the dollar is not gold, it’s the military.  We’re seeing it now.”  Dr. Willie predicts “an 80% decline in the value of the U.S. dollar in three years.” 

Crimea Countdown: Russia Launches Biggest Military Exercise In 20 Years - West Plans Sanctions On Moscow

The clash between the antagonists in the Ukraine crisis – Russia on one side and the US and Europe on the other – is heating up in the countdown to the Crimean referendum on secession on Sunday March 16.
Tuesday, March 11, as European ministers discussed sanctions against Russia,Moscow launched its biggest military exercise in 20 years. It encompasses command elements, rapid deployment forces and paratroops and takes place in western Russia not far from the Ukraine border.
The Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Lt.-Col. Evgeni Meshkov said, “One of the key objectives of the exercise is to show how effective tactical landing force can be in different latitudes and conditions.”  He reported that the Ivanovo paratroops’ formation of 4,000 troops and 36 military air transports would take part in the maneuver.
This new exercise augments the drill Russia announced Friday, March 7, which mobilized its air and coastal defenses and deployed more than 1,000 missile and tank units in Kapustin Yar, around 450 km from the Ukraine border. That exercise was scheduled to last until early April to catch the referendum and its aftermath.
Washington and Moscow have virtually broken off any dialogue over the crisis. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov disclosed that US Secretary of State John Kerry had “postponed” a face-to- face meeting with President Vladimir Putin that was to have taken place in Moscow Monday, March 10, to discuss US proposals.
Lavrov said that Russia had effectively rejected them. And Kerry said that, before traveling to the meeting, he needed to know that Russia would “engage seriously” in a diplomatic solution and end “provocative steps.”
By Tuesday, Moscow had fielded a total of 60,000 troops – either in military exercises in areas adjoining Ukraine or in military movements in and around Crimea.
The US, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria also launched a series of military drills Tuesday on the Black Sea and along the Polish borders with Russia. They are on a far smaller scale than the Russian show of strength.
The West started flexing financial muscle instead. Two European foreign ministers, Laurent Fabius of France and Radoslaw Sikorski of Poland announced Tuesday, that the EU would almost certainly impose sanctions on Russia on March 17, the day after the Crimean referendum.
In London, the US and a group of European officials began drawing up a list of Russian individuals who would be subjected to the sanctions of asset freezes and travel bans. That list is believed to target not just officials involved in the Kremlin’s Ukraine policy, but also individual businessmen close to President Putin who keep financial assets in the United States and Europe.

Ukraine In Exchange For Iran?

One can wonder now, whether the smooth annexation of Ukrainian territory by Russia, while the pro-western mob commits evident terrible violations of morality, with a self-admitted mass murder of protesters and policemen by the EU elite and with ostensible Nazi insignia and proclamations worn by the Ukrainian Putsch party named UDAR (meaning 'a punch' in Ukrainian), actually implies at a prearranged handover of Ukraine from the sphere of influence of the receding US to that of the Russoman empire; much like it happens in the middle-east, in order to prevent EU expansion beyond the Balkan, likewise limiting the recently observed Chinese intervention in the Middle-East. While the above materializes from tip to toe, then 'all of a sudden' head of foreign policy Catherine Ashton holds landmark talks in Iran [Link].

This very same Catherine Ashton is the top honcho who received the execution confirmation on the Kiev mass murder, suggesting it was a foreign affairs operation, rather not a military one. Thus the appearance of a swap deal between the west and between Russia looms out of the initial confusion all the above disparate news created.

This swap tears off the mask from the long term US policy of building revolutionary Iran in the role 
of a salient point against the Eurasian core, providing a Jihadist nuclear umbrella to subsequent 
Muslim attempts to break out of Russia and to destabilize it from within e.g. Chechen in the Caucasus and in their expanding strongholds throughout Moscow.

This swap is not implemented straightforward, since the Ukrainian officership needs be brought to terms with the new developments, and more so the relations with Iran are based on negotiations.

Thus it is not surprising, that in parallel with the above two developments, in the Ukraine and with  
Iran, the Muslim Uyghur separatists (orchestrated by the CIA) commit mass murder terror attacks  
in China (stubbing & likely the Malaysian aircraft), thus serving several points:

1. Threatening China not to support Ukraine, Russia or Iran while the negotiations proceed.

2. To demonstrate to Iran its strategic pivotal status under US policies.

3. Perhaps to prepare the ground for a future separation of Uyghuria from China.

The aforementioned developments, whereby Iran enjoys western legitimacy and Russia controls the Ukraine thus firmly holds to the black sea where its Middle-Eastern Navy roosts, clearly suggest that Assad's regime shall survive the Arab spring, thus shall also the Hezbollah. This consequence leaves Israel, Jordan, Egypt and the GCC countries in a precarious situation, where the axis of Iran-Syria-Hezbollah is free to perform a pincer-attack in conjunction with the US Al-Qaeda in Sinai against Israel and Egypt, while the US is not likely to allow Israel to eradicate the Hezbollah and/or the Hamas. This US preference for the Jihadist militias over Israel was clearly demonstrated in summer 2006 in Lebanon and thereafter in the Gaza strip, whereas all Israeli initiatives were capped and blocked by means of direct sanctions from the white house. This anti-Israeli momentum is also blatant by the PNA which now openly admits is refuses to recognize Israel "and never will".

Thus it seems now that the next war will be a conventional one and take place in Israel and its immediate neighbors, rather not in Iran or in the Ukraine. In this war the Israeli regime may allow the Arabs, like in October 1973, to bit up the Israeli side in order to excuse a subsequent strategic handover of geographic assets, in order to comply with the globalist aspirations and planning of NATO to overtake Jerusalem and essentially this entire little country of Israel.

The clash between the antagonists in the Ukraine crisis – Russia on one side and the US and Europe on the other – is heating up in the countdown to the Crimean referendum on secession on Sunday March 16.
Tuesday, March 11, as European ministers discussed sanctions against Russia, Moscow launched its biggest military exercise in 20 years. It encompasses command elements, rapid deployment forces and paratroops and takes place in western Russia not far from the Ukraine border.
The Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Lt.-Col. Evgeni Meshkov said, “One of the key objectives of the exercise is to show how effective tactical landing force can be in different latitudes and conditions.”  He reported that the Ivanovo paratroops’ formation of 4,000 troops and 36 military air transports would take part in the maneuver.

This new exercise augments the drill Russia announced Friday, March 7, which mobilized its air and coastal defenses and deployed more than 1,000 missile and tank units in Kapustin Yar, around 450 km from the Ukraine border. That exercise was scheduled to last until early April to catch the referendum and its aftermath.

Washington and Moscow have virtually broken off any dialogue over the crisis. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov disclosed that US Secretary of State John Kerry had “postponed” a face-to- face meeting with President Vladimir Putin that was to have taken place in Moscow Monday, March 10, to discuss US proposals.
Lavrov said that Russia had effectively rejected them. And Kerry said that, before traveling to the meeting, he needed to know that Russia would “engage seriously” in a diplomatic solution and end “provocative steps.”
By Tuesday, Moscow had fielded a total of 60,000 troops - either in military exercises in areas adjoining Ukraine or in military movements in and around Crimea.

The US, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria also launched a series of military drills Tuesday on the Black Sea and along the Polish borders with Russia. They are on a far smaller scale than the Russian show of strength.

NATO Starts Air Drills Close To Ukraine's Borders

NATO has begun wargames in Poland as recently dispatched US jets are set to take part in the exercises. Poor weather has delayed naval maneuvers in the Black Sea, with the US saying both drills were planned before the outbreak of unrest in Ukraine.
The air drills began on Tuesday at the Lask Air Base in central Poland. Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski was present as the exercises commenced, standing by as four Polish F-16s lifted off. A US Hercules transport plane landed with support staff, while at least 12 US F-16 fighter jets and 300 personnel are due to arrive by Thursday.

On Monday, NATO also gave the green light to Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) for reconnaissance flights over Poland and Romania in order help monitor the crisis in Ukraine. The planes are slated to fly from their home airbases in Geilenkirchen, Germany and Waddington in Britain, from where they will cross Romanian airspace on Tuesday.
That follows a decision made by the US last week to send a KC-135 aerial refueling plane and six F-15 fighter jets to Lithuania to bolster NATO’ air patrol over Baltic airspace. Those ships will reinforce four F-15s, which arrived on January 1 to fill NATO’s Baltic Air Policing rotation. The rotations is scheduled to end April 30

Moscow: U.S. To Violate Own Laws By Financially Aiding Ukraine's Coup-Installed Government

Washington’s decision to provide financial aid to the coup-appointed government of Ukraine goes against the US laws, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, urging American politicians to think about the consequences of supporting the radicals in Kiev.
Ukraine’s ousted president, Viktor Yanukovich, said on Tuesday that the US plans to loan $1 billion to the country’s new authorities are illegal.
“Indeed, in accordance with the amendments introduced to the 1961 law (Foreign Assistance Act) a few years ago the provision of foreign assistance is prohibited to ‘the government of any country whose duly elected head of government is deposed by military coup or decree.’ The relevant provision is contained in22 US Code § 8422,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
“Thus, by all criteria the provision of funds to the illegitimate [Kiev] regime, which seized power by force, is unlawful and goes beyond the boundaries of the US legal system,” the statement added.
However, the ministry said it realizes that the American side “would hardly recognize this obvious fact” due to the stance it has already taken in the Ukrainian crisis.

Iran: Russia To Build Us More Nuclear Plants

Russia has signed a preliminary agreement to build at least two more nuclear power plants in the Iranian port city of Bushehr, Iran’s official IRNA news agency reported on Wednesday.

The deal was reached during a visit to Tehran on Tuesday by a senior official of Russia’s state atomic energy agency Rosatom, IRNA said.

“Iran and Russia reached a preliminary agreement to build at least two new nuclear power plants,” Iranian Atomic Energy Organization spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi told the news agency.

The two new 1,000 megawatt plants will be built alongside the existing power station in Bushehr, which was also built by Russia, Kamalvandi said.

Further talks will be held on technical and financial aspects of the project but a final agreement is expected to be signed “very soon,” he added.

Russian Paratroopers Hold Massive Drills As Crimea Vote Nears

An airborne division based in central Russia began large-scale exercises Tuesday against the backdrop of an ongoing political and security crisis in Ukraine.
The Defense Ministry said units of the 98th Guards Airborne Division, based in Ivanovo, a city east of Moscow, were put on high alert and moved to unspecified locations to “check readiness” in simulated combat conditions.
Four thousand troops, 36 military transport aircraft and an unspecified number of combat vehicles are taking part in the exercises, which will run until March 14.
The drills will include a massive simultaneous paradrop involving 3,500 servicemen, the ministry said.
The drills come in the wake of a number of military exercises in Russia’s western regions in the past days, including air defense drills, combat readiness snap checks and a launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Iranian Guard Commander: Our 'Hands Remain On The Trigger' To Attack Israel

A senior Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander said Tuesday the Islamic Republic was prepared and keeping a finger "on the trigger" to attack and destroy Israel at any time given the need.
“Today, we can destroy every spot which is under the Zionist regime's control with any volume of fire power (that we want) right from here,” Iran's Fars news agency quoted Deputy Commander of the Revolutionary Guard Brig.-Gen. Hossein Salami as saying.

"Islam has given us this wish, capacity and power to destroy the Zionist regime so that our hands will remain on the trigger from 1,400km away for the day when such an incident (confrontation with Israel) takes place,” he added.

Speaking at a conference in Tehran, Salami continued his threatening rhetoric, stating that Iran was not the only state that had the capability of destroying Israel.
Salami's remarks came almost a week after the Israel Navy intercepted a ship laden with weapons Iran was using to smuggle to Gaza.

Also see:

Is The Department Of Homeland Security Building A Domestic Military Force?

Report: U.S. Electric Grid 'Inherently Vulnerable' To Sabotage

The Dead Parrot Of Man-Made Climate Change

Flurry Of Earthquakes On Anniversary Of 9.0 Kobe Earthquake

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