Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Gog-Magog Coalition Strengthening By The Day

Russia clearly has a significant end times role - not only in terms of the long-awaited battle of "Gog-Magog" from Ezekiel 38-39 but during the Tribulation as the "kings of the north" as seen in Daniel 11. Meanwhile, Iran continues their nuclear development at breakneck speed while possibly having a role in the missing place scenario.

The land of Magog is most definitely making its move:

 A Kremlin-backed journalist issued a stark warning to the United States about Moscow's nuclear capabilities on Sunday, as the White House threatened sanctions over Crimea's referendum on union with Russia.
''Russia is the only country in the world that is realistically capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash,'' television presenter Dmitry Kiselyov said on his weekly current affairs show.

Behind him was a backdrop of a mushroom cloud following a nuclear blast.

Mr Kiselyov was named by President Vladimir Putin in December as the head of a new state news agency, whose task will be to portray Russia in the best possible light.

His remarks took a propaganda war over events in Ukraine to a new level as tensions rise in the East-West stand-off over Crimea, a southern Ukrainian region which is now in Russian forces' hands and voted on Sunday on union with Russia.
Russian television showed images of ethnic Russians in Crimea dancing, singing and celebrating the referendum, but followed them with accusations that Kiev's new authorities and the West have allowed ultra-nationalists to attack Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine.
Kiev and the West blame the violence in eastern Ukraine on pro-Russian groups and say the Crimea referendum is illegitimate. The United States has warned of imminent sanctions against Moscow.

Crimea’s parliament on Monday declared the region an independent state after a referendum in which voters elected overwhelmingly to break off from Ukraine and seek to join Russia.

In the same resolution, it said that all Ukrainian state property on the territory of the Black Sea peninsula will be nationalized and become the property of the Crimean Republic.

Sunday’s referendum is not recognized by the West, and the United States and the European Union are preparing sanctions against Russia, whose troops have been occupying Crimea for several weeks.

A delegation of Crimean lawmakers is set to travel to Moscow Monday for negotiations on how to proceed further. Russian lawmakers have suggested that formally annexing Crimea is just a matter of time.
Final results of the referendum in Crimea show that 97 percent of voters supported leaving Ukraine to join Russia, the head of the referendum election commission said Monday.
Mikhail Malyshev told a televised news conference that the final tally from Sunday’s vote was 96.8 percent in favor of splitting from Ukraine. He also said that the commission has not registered a single complaint about the vote.
Valery Ryazantsev, head of Russia’s observer mission in Crimea and a lawmaker from the upper house of the Russian parliament, said Monday that the results are beyond dispute. He told the Interfax news agency that there are “absolutely no reasons to consider the vote results illegitimate.”

The United States warned Russia on Sunday that Western sanctions were imminent and Moscow would pay an increasing price for its military intervention in Ukraine as the White House rejected a referendum in the Crimea region that it was powerless to stop.
With Washington and its European allies expected to unveil coordinated punitive measures against Moscow as early as Monday, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that Russia must pull its forces in Crimea back to their bases.
Confirming what people on both sides of the crisis had seen as a foregone conclusion in the hastily called referendum in Crimea - a region with a Russian-speaking majority - Russian state media said Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to break with Ukraine and join the Russian Federation on Sunday.
"This referendum is contrary to Ukraine's constitution," White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said. "The international community will not recognize the results of a poll administered under threats of violence and intimidation from a Russian military intervention that violates international law."
Amid accusations from Republican critics that President Barack Obama had not shown enough resolve against Russian President Vladimir Putin, the U.S. administration appeared intent on showing it was not bluffing in its threat of consequences for the seizure of Crimea.
U.S. options are limited to prevent Putin from formally annexing the strategic region, but some officials in Washington are hopeful that instead of pressing ahead with such a provocative action Putin may hold off for now, seeking to avoid further escalation of the situation.
White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said the administration was working with European partners to step up pressure on Russia in the worst East-West standoff since the Cold War. Crimea's pro-Russian regional government went ahead with the referendum despite U.S. and European pressure to call it off.
"You can expect sanctions designations in the coming days," Pfeiffer told NBC's Meet the Press, as the administration prepared to identify Russians whom the United States will seek to punish with visa bans and asset freezes the president authorized last week.
A U.S. sanctions announcement is expected on Monday, and foreign ministers from the European Union, which has major trade ties with Russia, will decide on possible similar action in Brussels on Monday, Western sources said.
While Washington and its allies essentially have ruled out military action, American and European Union officials worked over the weekend preparing coordinated lists of those to be targeted initially.

With Crimea’s referendum now over, Russia is expected to move ahead swiftly to annex the peninsula, despite the vast damage such a step could do to its relations with the west.
In doing so, it will be entering uncharted waters. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Russia has not absorbed any new territory, and it is not even clear that it has the laws in place to do so.
Analysts say that should be no obstacle. “By April, Crimea will be part of Russia,” said Fyodor Lukyanov, editor of the quarterly journal Russia in Global Affairs. “Even though there’s no precedent for it, they will get it done as quickly as possible.”
Russian officials have made it clear they view Crimea’s referendum as legitimate, whatever the west might say, and will respect the result. Alena Arshinova, a leading member of the ruling United Russia party, on Sunday called Russia the “guarantor of peace and stability on the territory of the former Soviet Union”, and said that in this role, it was duty-bound to implement the results of Crimea’s poll.

A former security chief for El Al said that the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 points directly to Iran.

Isaac Yeffet, who served as head of global security for Israel’s national carrier in the 1980s and now works as an aviation security consultant in New Jersey, said investigators were correct in honing in on the two fake-passport carrying Iranian passengers on the doomed flight, and they have wasted valuable time by exploring other leads.

“What happened to this aircraft, nobody knows. My guess is based upon the stolen passports, and I believe Iran was involved,” he said. “They hijacked the aircraft and they landed it in a place that nobody can see or find it.”

In the immediate aftermath of the aircraft’s disappearance, which occurred last week during a standard night flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, Malaysian officials and the media were fixated on the story of two Iranians who had made it onto the plane with stolen passports. As the days wore on and the investigation uncovered new and confusing details, with officials admitting that the plane could have traveled for as long as seven hours without radio contact, and that its potential location could be anywhere from northern Kyrgyzstan to the southern Indian Ocean, attention has shifted to the pilots and to far-flung conspiracy theories. This is a misstep, said Yeffet, and one that would not have happened in Israel.

Asked what would have happened if the plane – which went undetected for hours as it blipped across Malaysian radars – had entered Israeli airspace, Ramot said, “It would not go unnoticed, that’s for sure. Action would have been carried out, the least of which would have been an interception to escort it.”
That doesn’t mean that the Malaysian military wasn’t paying attention, he added. It’s simply that in Israel, the margin for taking chances is significantly reduced.
“It’s a matter of atmosphere,” he said. “Here, every blip on the screen is suspicious because that’s the way we live. That’s our daily program. I can’t imagine they pay as much attention, but if a blip runs wide or runs strange, I would expect them to notice.”

Iran has continued buying parts for its nuclear program using covert means despite mostly keeping to an interim deal with six world powers, a senior US official said Sunday.

Vann Van Diepen, who oversees non-proliferation issues for the State Department, told Reuters that while the parts are not expressly forbidden by the nuclear deal, a UN embargo on selling nuclear military or nuclear materials to Iran remains in place.

“They still continue very actively trying to procure items for their nuclear program and missile program,” said Van Diepen, the principal deputy assistant secretary of state for international security and non-proliferation.

“We continue to see them very actively setting up and operating through front companies, falsifying documentation, engaging in multiple levels of trans-shipment … to put more apparent distance between where the item originally came from and where it is ultimately going.”

First Peru, now Chile:

A strong quake struck off northern Chile on Sunday evening, triggering a preventive evacuation of part of the coastal area but not causing any injuries or damage to the country's crucial copper mines.
The magnitude 6.7 quake, originally measured as a 7.0, was centered 37 miles west-northwest of Iquique and hit at a depth of 12.4 miles, the U.S. Geological Survey said.
The ONEMI emergency office said that preliminarily no damage or injuries had been reported after the shake, which struck at 6:16 p.m. local time (2116 GMT).
Chile's massive mines, clustered in the mineral-rich North, appeared to be fine. Collahuasi, a partnership between Glencore Xstrata and Anglo American, located in the area, said operations were normal.
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no tsunami expected.
But Chile's navy said there was a possibility of what it called "a minor tsunami," so authorities ordered a preventive evacuation of part of the coastline after the quake.
Local media showed footage of people in Iquique calmly evacuating on foot to nearby hills.

Like the bully taking candy away from the proverbial baby, high-handed President Barack Hussein Obama is giving away the Internet that is in no way his to give.  His latest act of out-and-out thievery graduates him from the most unpopular American president of all time, to Enemy of the Free World Numero Uno.

The Information Highway known as the Worldwide Web has been the main form of communication for everyday people,  and now Obama is taking it away from an America he loathes and, just as been long feared, is handing it over to the United Nations.
Make no mistake, the falsely named “global internet Community” they’re trying to sell is the ravening wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Borrowing from their UN masters’ use of innocuous names, Obama and Company are calling their latest rape and pillage move the “multistakeholder model of Internet governance”, as announced by Lawrence E. Strickling, assistant secretary of commerce for communications and information.

The multistakeholder model of Internet governance translates to UN Internet Grab.
Where does the mysterious “global Internet Community” live?  Not in cyberspace, but right there in New York at the multi-billion dollar, recently-renovated United Nations headquarters.
“On Nov. 16, 2005, the United Nations-sponsored the World Summit on the Information Society, held in Tunis, established the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to discuss Internet-related issues” and have been going ever since.
The “transitional process”  for Internet takeover will begin March 23-27 during ICANN’s 49th public meeting in Singapore.  “All global stakeholders are welcome to participate in person or remotely” (ICANN, March 14, 2014).

Were the mainstream media awake, investigative journalists would probe who already had their hotel rooms booked before the meeting takes place because it looks like the “transitional process” is already a fait accompli.

Their own history of action proves that the globalists have used every excuse in the book for their coming takeover:

While the UN grab of the Internet goes down, those who helped make it happen, including Climate Change harbingers Al Gore and his sidekick Canadian UN Poster Boy Maurice Strong are safe in hiding.
Meanwhile everyday people of the nations of the world unite: Obama is about to rob you of your most useful form of communication.  Your world will go dark and silent overnight without the Internet.

The crowd estimated to be 2,000 strong that was demonstrating in front of the Israeli embassy in Amman last week was calling on King Abdullah II to annul the 1994 peace treaty with Israel. Organized by the Muslim Brotherhood, it was the latest in a series of protests that followed the fatal shooting by Israeli troops of a Jordanian judge at the Allenby Bridge crossing point between Jordan and the West Bank, under disputed circumstances.
Also in the aftermath of the shooting, the Jordanian parliament said it would topple the government if the king does not expel the Israeli ambassador to Jordan, recall Jordan’s ambassador to Israel and free a former soldier in the Jordanian army who killed seven Israeli schoolgirls in 2007. The parliament has set Tuesday as a deadline.
Others, like the demonstrators, have called on King Abdullah to nullify the 1994 peace treaty with Israel while demanding the release of all Jordanians and Palestinians being held in Israeli jails.

Although Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s office issued an apology and promised to open a joint Israeli-Jordanian investigation into the circumstances, the incident has inflamed passions in Jordan where a growing number of citizens say that Israel has benefited far more from the peace treaty than has Jordan.
“The peace treaty has been a one-sided relationship --- it is a treaty which is providing full benefits to Israel and little to Jordan,”
Dr. Ayman Khalil, the director of the Center for Research on Arms Control and Security (CRACS) told The Media Line. “Jordan is protecting its border with Israel and we have been doing this in a professional and responsible manner.”
Israel has peace treaties with two Arab states – Egypt and Jordan. Those peace treaties give Israel a legitimacy that is important to the Jewish state.

Some Israelis fear a scenario similar to what happened in Egypt in 2011, when a crowd numbering in the thousands attacked Israel’s Embassy in Cairo, tearing down an outer wall, and forcing their way inside. The ambassador and other diplomats were evacuated. Israel’s ties with another important regional player in the Middle East, Turkey, have been strained since 2010, when a clash aboard a Turkish-flagged ship that was trying to break Israel’s naval blockade of the Gaza Strip, left nine Turkish citizens dead.
So far, Jordanian officials have not said much about the growing calls to cut diplomatic ties with Israel. Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour was quoted by Jordanian media as saying the Israeli government was “completely” responsible for the shooting incident.

“The same people who were advocating against the peace treaty are doing it again, only now they have an excuse to be louder,” he told The Media Line. “At the same time, most Jordanians do not see any clear benefit to the peace treaty.”
A majority of Jordan’s population is Palestinian and almost all of them have close ties with Palestinians in the West Bank. 

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