Selasa, 24 September 2013

Iran's Nuclear Weapons And Biblical Prophecy

It is beginning to look more and more like Iran will successfully develop nuclear weapons (look below) unless Israel intervenes within a few months. The big question for prophecy watchers is - how will this play into biblical prophecy? 

There are really only two main scenarios: 

1) Iran, through typical lies and deceit actually develops nuclear weapons.

2) Israel launches an 'attack' on Iran and blocks this effort to develop nukes. 

Either scenario must have a significant impact on the future of the world, and in turn, biblical prophecy. 

As shown in the articles below, it is painfully obvious that 'the nations' don't really care if Iran does successfully develop their nuclear weapons, which reveals the fact that Israel indeed does stand alone in the world (one article below actually states this idea in the headline) - exactly as the prophet Zechariah informed us. This also reveals that 'the nations' aren't really concerned about the impact that Iran's nuclear weapons will have on Israel's viability as a nation. 

If Netanyahu is true to his words, then we can expect Israel to take definitive action in the near future. It would appear, even to the casual observer, that such action by Israel will set the wheels in motion for the battle of Gog-MaGog as revealed in Ezekiel 38-39. It will certainly inflame the Islamic world in the region and subsequently set the stage for the cascade of events to follow. 

Today's articles reveal this coming scenario:

The Iranian delegation arrived at the UN General Assembly in New York this week to an enthusiastic Western welcome led by the Obama administration, without having rescinded one iota of its aggressive policies or nuclear ambitions.

“We welcome an Iran ready to engage seriously through that (diplomatic) process given that it represents the international community’s commitment to hold Iran accountable, but also being open to a diplomatic resolution.”
This convoluted message was how Ben Rhodes, US Deputy National Security Adviser, referred Monday, Sept. 23, to the US Secretary of State John Kerry’s get-together with Iranian Mohammad Javad Zarif Thursday, along with foreign ministers of the five world powers.

Their acclaimed purpose is to test Tehran’s willingness for progress in nuclear negotiations. But before this test, the Obama administration agreed to the highest-level face-to-face contact between the US and Iran since the 1979 Iranian revolution.

Rhodes did not shut the door on a meeting, even a brief one, between President Barack Obama and President Hassan Rouhani at this week’s annual gathering of world leaders in New York.
British Foreign Secretary William Hague and European Union Foreign Executive Catherine Ashton had already met the new Iranian foreign minister Monday, after which Ashton commented that she had found him resolved to go forward with talks (on Iran’s nuclear program) and “many things flow from that.”

How to account for this burst of eagerness in Washington and Europe for a rapprochement with the Revolutionary Republic of Iran?

Has Tehran agreed to give up its nuclear weapon program? The new president and even supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei say their government will never develop a nuclear bomb. So what if they said so? Have their words caused Iran’s nuclear facilities, open and concealed, to suddenly vanish like a desert mirage?
Has Iran announced itself ready to open up all its nuclear facilities to international watchdog inspections? Will Rouhani make this offer when he addresses the UN Assembly Wednesday?
Has Iran promised to stop developing ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads?
And what about the Islamic Republic’s long sponsorship of state terrorism against Israeli and Jewish targets across the world? Have those death-dealing networks been recalled home?
And has Tehran started pulling its troops out of Syria and terminated its partnership in butchery with Bashar Assad, given up its control of Lebanon or stopped sending rockets to Hizballah?
Has anyone noticed that Iran is building a Red Sea Naval base at Port Sudan facing the coast of Saudi Arabia? Or that a large-scale munitions production and distribution center for supplying Iran’s Middle East allies is going up in Sudan?
And finally, has Iran abandoned its ambition to wipe Israel off the map, or stopped denying the Nazi Holocaust?
The slick new president easily ducked the second question by saying: “I’m not a historian.”

The turbaned Iranian president has an obvious motive for gulling the West into accepting the Islamic Republic’s conversion from a regime bent on “exporting the Islamic revolution” to a lover of peace: He was elected to end the sanctions crippling the country, without giving up the regime’s objectives.
It is less clear what moves President Obama to swallow the Iranian bait and go for a historic US rapprochement with the revolutionary republic. On every occasion, he protests that Israel’s security is his overriding concern. Yet he is rushing to accept a nuclear Iran whose avowed ambition is to destroy Israel.
Under their slick new façade, the ayatollahs have not changed their spots. Washington has.

Sources close to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu say he is determined to tear the false veil off Iran’s face – even if he is a lone voice, when he addresses the UN later this month.

Last Thursday, Netanyahu tried throwing water on Rouhani’s claims that Iran’s nuclear program was peaceful, calling them fraudulent. He dismissed Iran's offer to engage in diplomacy as false “media spin,” which should not fool anyone.
But no one in the West was listening. And at home, people were asking what happened to Netanyahu’s solemn pre-election pledge to stop Iran attaining a nuclear bomb. 

But the most frightening aspect of all this is that Mr. Rouhani intends to seduce us into believing that his nuclear program, which he calls "central to our identity" is indeed, "peaceful." Mr. Rouhani will be arguing that it is insulting to one's national identity to give up the nuclear program. If the Iranian assessment of the American people is correct, and it likely is, many of us will be suckered into believing this outrageous claim.
As Ambassador John Bolton had said at an EMET seminar on August 28th, in the years between 2003 and 2005, Mr. Rouhani was in charge of the Iran's nuclear negotiations, he offered the Europeans a diplomatic opening, and has subsequently boasted on how he played them:

Hassan Rouhani says, in his own words, "The day that we invited the three European ministers [to the talks], only 10 centrifuges were spinning at [the Iranian nuclear facility of] Natanz... We could not produce one gram of U4 or U6 [uranium hexafluoride]... We did not have the heavy-water production. We could not produce yellow cake. Our total production of centrifuges inside the country was 150."

Rouhani continues: "We wanted to complete all of these -- we needed time." He actually called the Europeans "human shields" against American efforts to halt the Iranian nuclear program. He then boasted that after he took responsibilityfor negotiations, the nuclear project grew to 1700 centrifuges, and that "We did not stop (negotiations), until we completed the project."

Leopards do not change their spots. Mr. Rouhani had been a strong confidant and devotee of Ayatollah Khomeini, and true believer of the Iranian revolution. He is using the old ruse of playing the West over our desire to negotiate, which he has developed into an advanced art form.
As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
The greatest shame, however, will be for all of us who will have to live under a much scarier world, dominated by a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran.

And predictably, the EU 'enablers' are hard at work to ensure Iran gets their nuclear weapons:

Warm words from top EU diplomats in New York have set the stage for a potential breakthrough in the decades-long confrontation between Iran and the US.
EU foreign relations chief Catherine Ashton told press after meeting her Iranian counterpart, Javad Zarif, at the UN general assembly on Monday (23 September) that she "was struck … by the energy and determination that the foreign minister demonstrated" on reaching a deal on Iran's alleged nuclear weapons programme.
British foreign minister William Hague, who also met Zarif, said: "The United Kingdom does not seek a confrontational relationship with Iran and is open to better relations."
He noted that if Iran takes "concrete steps" on nuclear non-proliferation then "I believe a more constructive relationship can be created."

France's Laurent Fabius said recent statements by Iranian President Hassan Rohani "have shown a certain evolution and it's not the same tone as his predecessor."
In terms of the UN schedule, Rohani is to talk with French leader Francois Hollande on Tuesday in the first top-level France-Iran meeting since 2005.

Rohani will also address the UN plenary chamber on Tuesday afternoon in a speech expected to offer new concessions on Iran's uranium enrichment programme.
He said in a foretaste on his Facebook page on Monday: "I and my colleagues will take the opportunity to present the true face of Iran as a cultured and peace-loving country … The West should opt for the path of talks and co-operation and consider mutual interests."

The result? Right off the pages of Zechariah:

This year’s United Nations General Assembly enters a critical phase Tuesday, with a speech by President Barack Obama and the first appearance on the world stage of Iran’s new president, Hasan Rouhani, who is expected to attempt to convince the West of the Islamic Republic’s peaceful intentions.

As diplomacy takes center stage in New York, the US and Great Britain appear willing to thaw ties with the Islamist regime following a charm offensive by Rouhani, who in recent days has been keen to show his regime’s ostensible readiness to compromise in the nuclear standoff with the West.

Israel stands alone in its rejection of Rouhani’s overtures, arguing that Rouhani merely put a friendlier face on a rogue regime still bent on acquiring nuclear weapons.

“Iran’s negotiation strategy is entirely consistent with Rouhani’s policy of ‘smile and enrich,’” stated an internal Israeli government document which surfaced Tuesday.

Obama’s address is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. (10 a.m. in New York). Rouhani is scheduled to speak at 1:00 a.m. (6 p.m. in New York). In between the two speeches, the two leaders could meet and exchange a handshake during a reception for heads of state hosted by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon — but no official meeting has been scheduled so far.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will land in the US on Sunday, where he will first meet Obama at the White House on Monday and then deliver the final address at this year’s General Assembly on Tuesday.

“A bad agreement is worse than no agreement at all,” Netanyahu is expected to say, the New York Times reported on Sunday, quoting an Israeli official who was reading from a preliminary draft of Netanyahu’s speech. “Iran must not be allowed to repeat North Korea’s ploy to get nuclear weapons. … Just like North Korea before it, Iran professes to seemingly peaceful intentions; it talks the talk of nonproliferation while seeking to ease sanctions and buy more time for its nuclear program.”
The prime minister’s speech has yet to be finalized, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Monday. However, he confirmed that an explicit comparison with North Korea would likely be an integral part of it.

The North Korea parallel has been mentioned in the past, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel, but “now it will take center stage.”
Iran’s Rouhani is seeking a deal similar to the one the West struck with North Korea eight years ago – one that reduces pressure on the regime and eases sanctions but nevertheless allows them to continue fostering their nuclear ambitions, the official said. “The international community was obviously not happy about North Korea achieving nuclear capability. So we will say to them: Do not make the same mistake. By raising the North Korean issue we’re raising a precedent that all the policymakers in international community are aware of.”

According to an internal document authorized by the highest levels of the Israeli government, “Iran seeks an arrangement in which sanctions are eased or lifted in exchange for cosmetic concessions, while allowing Iran to retain sufficient nuclear material and — no less importantly — nuclear infrastructure to complete its military nuclear program on short notice.”

Tehran is developing and installing “new and advanced centrifuges” for this purpose, states the document, published Tuesday by the Washington Post. “These centrifuges enable Iran to enrich – within weeks – even low enriched uranium to weapons grade highly enriched uranium, the most critical component in making nuclear weapons. This speedy enrichment capability will make timely detection and effective response to an Iranian nuclear breakout increasingly difficult, if not impossible.”

Likud minister warns against appeasing Iran as Israeli government estimate leaked to 'Washington Post' says Iran's new centrifuges capable of turning stores of 3.5 percent pure uranium directly into bomb fuel "within weeks."

Israel voiced concern on Tuesday over a potential meeting of the US and Iranian presidents, saying Tehran's conciliatory overtures to world powers masked an acceleration of its disputed nuclear program.
"We are certainly warning the entire international community that Iran may want an agreement, but it is liable to be the Munich agreement," Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said in an Army Radio interview, referring to the 1938 appeasement of Nazi Germany.

"Rouhani wants to hoodwink, and some in the world want to be hoodwinked, and the role of little Israel is to explain the truth and to stand in the breach. And that is what we are doing to the best of our abilities. It is a long struggle."

An official Israeli assessment said Iran now had centrifuges for quickly turning low-enriched uranium into bomb fuel, putting it on a fast track to atomic arms even if it gave up uranium of mid-level purity which had previously been Israel's focus.

Also see:

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