Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

Trends: Paving The Road To The Tribulation

Every day in the news cycle, for whatever reason, one can quickly spot trends in the news and today is no exception. The stage is being set for worldwide totalitarianism and it is easy now to see how the antichrist can use all of the tools that are now available, in order to implement control over "every tribe, people, language and nation" (Rev. 13:7):

Money, after all, is backed by assets currently and thus to some degree a nation-state – and those who run it – need to be able to claim domination over their "resources." And these resources are people. One needs to prove clearly, for a variety of international purposes, then, that one has full control over one's citizens and their earning power.
This necessity in the modern fiat-money era would explain the growing determination of US officials and those from other countries to extend not only their justice system but their taxing (and banking) system worldwide.

And yet ... the idea strikes us as a kind of totalitarian one. Throughout human history people have left their homes to escape abusive and authoritarian governments. Only the modern era with its web of repatriation agreements and fledging global justice system has begun to create a countertrend.

Tyranny flourishes where there is no recourse. The idea being put forth is that "justice" is what governments say that it is and if a government proclaims someone a criminal there should be networks in place to ensure that person is returned.

This is part of a larger trend – dominant social theme – that law is not perceived as natural but as "official." The law is simply what the state says it is. It is the reason that the US can confidently dispatch FBI agents around the world to arrest Megaupload's Kim Dotcom on charges that are so flimsy they have all but fallen apart.

And that is just a single, tiny example of the larger trend that is establishing a supra-law enforcement network across the world. The FBI – supposedly a US domestic law enforcement agency – is now established in perhaps 100 countries or more and performing various intelligence gathering with or without the permission of the given country.
Now we read that China is setting up a similar network for criminal repatriation around the world. It really is a good deal like 1984 where the powers-that-be hope to be able to enforce any law or gather any tax – no matter how outrageous – by virtue of a global presence and interlocking treaties.

Black Hawks Used In Military Training Exercise In Miami

Some members of the U.S. military were busy in Miami Thursday night as they conducted exercises in Downtown Miami.
CBS4 captured video of Black Hawk helicopters flying over the city as part of a joint military training exercise.

The training is designed to ensure that military personnel are able to operate in urban areas and to focus on preparations for overseas deployment. It also serves as a mandatory training certification requirement.

Army Training Drill Scares Residents:  Exercise Takes Over On Houston's South Side

The sight of Army helicopters and the sound of gunfire created a lot of concern Monday afternoon in one Houston neighborhood.

We received a lot of phones calls, Tweets and Facebook posts from worried neighbors, wondering what was going on.
SkyEye 13 HD was over the south side where at first look, it appeared there was a massive SWAT scene happening.

With military helicopters flying above her southeast Houston neighborhood, Frances Jerrals didn't know what to think.

"When you see this, you think the worst. When you hear this, you think the worst," Jerrals said.
And so, she passed along her concern.

"She told me 'don't come home it sounds like we're in a war zone. Guns, shooting, helicopters flying around the house,'" Isaac Robertson Jr. said.

The U.S. Army along with other agencies took over the old Carnegie Vanguard High School near Scott and Airport. There were armed men in fatigues, plenty of weapons and what many thought were real live rounds
"I felt like I was in a warzone." Jerrals said. "It was nonstop. I was terrified."

Turns out, it was a multi-agency training drill that Jerrals wished would have come with warning.
"They could have done a better job in notifying the neighborhood," Jerrals said.
The Army did not give any details of what the training is for. Some people we spoke to needed no explanation.

U.S. Military Plans To Set Up Drone Base In Northwest Africa

The base for the robotic, unmanned aircraft would likely be located inNiger, on the eastern border of Mali, where French forces are currently waging a campaign against al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), an official told the New York Times.
The airfield would allow for better intelligence gathering by unarmed drones on the movement of AQIM and other militants, which Washington considers a growing threat.
If the plan is approved, up to 300 US military service members and contractors could be sent to the base to operate the drone aircraft.
US Africa Command was also looking at an alternative location for the base in Burkina Faso, the official said.

U.S. Action In Mali Is Another Undeclared War

President Obama last week began his second term by promising that "a decade of war is now ending." As he spoke, the US military was rapidly working its way into another war, this time in the impoverished African country of Mali. As far as we know, the US is only providing transport and intelligence assistance to France, which initiated the intervention then immediately called Washington for back-up and funding. However, even if US involvement is limited and, as Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said, US boots on the ground are not being considered "at this time," this clearly is developing into another war. As usual, the mission is creeping.

Media questions as to whether the US has Special Operations forces, drones, or CIA paramilitary units active in Mali are unanswered by the administration. Congress has asked few questions and demanded few answers from the president. As usual, it was not even consulted. But where does the president get the authority to become a co-combatant in French operations in Mali, even if US troops are not yet overtly involved in the attack?

How did we get to Mali? Blowback and unintended consequences played key roles. When the president decided to use the US military to attack Libya in 2011, Congress was not consulted. The president claimed that UN and NATOauthority for the use of US military force were sufficient and even superior to any kind of congressional declaration. Congress once again relinquished its authority, but also its oversight power, by remaining silent. That meant the difficult questions such as why the action is necessary, what it would entail and what kind of unintended consequences we might see if the operation does not go exactly as planned were neither asked nor answered.

DHS Seeks 7,000 AR-15s With 30 Round Magazines For 'Personal Defense'

According to New York state Senator Greg Ball (R), the Department of Homeland Security is seeking7,000 self-defense weapons--all of which are AR-15 variants.

These are the very weapons Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Joe Manchin (D-WV), have been telling us nobody needs for self-defense. Apparently, DHS disagrees.
As I wrote on January 14th, a "Personal Defense Weapons Solicitation" was circulated within DHS describing an AR-15 variant as "suitable for personal defense." Now, 7,000 such weapons are being sought.
DHS is also seeking 30 round magazines for use with all the rifles.

22 Signs That America Is Transforming Into North Korea

Unfortunately, the United States of America is becoming more like North Korea with each passing day.  North Korea is a totalitarian police state hellhole where the state rules supreme, the “leader” is lavishly worshipped, no dissent is tolerated, and the government micromanages everything.  America is supposed to be the opposite of that, but now Barack Obama is implementing his version of “change” and he has promised to engage in the “remaking” of this nation and to transform it “brick by brick“.  A tremendous “cult of personality” has been built up around Obama, and under his leadership the U.S. government has become larger and more repressive than ever before.  But do we really want to “change” America so that it more closely resembles totalitarian regimes such as North Korea, communist China, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany?  After all, all of those regimes have a nightmarish history of brutality and death. 

Let us learn the hard lessons that history has tried to teach us.  We don’t want to go down the same path that North Korea, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and communist China have traveled.
There is an absolutely amazing National Geographic documentary that shows what life is like inside North Korea.  You can view it on YouTube right here.  We don’t want our children and our grandchildren to someday live in a nation like that.
Freedom and liberty are precious things.  They are very hard to win, and they are very easy to lose.
Let us not be the generation that loses everything that our forefathers worked so hard to build.


This article should be read in full. Below are just a few of the most germane quotes:

Each and every day now Obama and his syndicate government are pushing harder and harder for the removal of all of our liberties, in order to place us into slavery and create a permanent police state. Even the most dense on the far Left are now aware—some only vaguely—that things are not as they should be. However, the further Left one goes, the more perverse and unstable one becomes.

Luciferianism—Marxist, Nazi, Fascist or otherwise—is and has always been the End Goal of the power-maddened once-human would-be masters and oppressors of the human race. And nation by nation, they have been practicing this tyranny for a very long time.
Members of the Obama syndicate and the growing New World Order globalist elites long ago came out into the open with their plans.

From Agenda 21 (to steal all private property and move humans from rural environments to urban centers where their movements and population numbers will be easier to manipulate and control), through the removal of all human rights (while the “overseers” say they are actually installing them)—in America that’s nullifying the US Constitution and substituting it with ObamaLaw—and replacing the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the worship of Lucifer (also known as atheism and Islam), our planned overseers are now daily stripping us of everything we have and punishing our beliefs if they do not subscribe to the worship of both their malevolent vision and dark lord. This is what’s occurring. It’s directly in front of us, now, and in our faces.

There are, also, multiple books outlining his tyrannical plans and their implementation, including his expert use of the Cloward-Piven Strategy, which teaches overwhelming the US system on every level. I will not and cannot address them all here. However, Richard Poe is also one who writes about this insidious plan in his 2005 article The Cloward-Piven Strategy: “Their article called for “cadres of aggressive organizers” to use “demonstrations to create a climate of militancy.”

Since 2009, Obama has been using military helicopters to fly over US cities and tanks and other heavy artillery in “training exercises.”
These cities include but, are not limited to Boston, Los Angeles, Miami and Boulder. This is a first in our history as a nation. The populations are not warned ahead of time, in order to create the maximum amount of fear of their government. Obama used the helicopters to fly over residents in Worchester, Massachusetts, and literally dive-bombed residents’ homes waking them up at midnight and his latest escalation in Obama’s ongoing war against US citizens was a fly-over and joint military-local police exercise conducted this month in Miami, FL. 

The Incredible U.S. Military Spy Drone - So Powerful It Can See What Type Of Cell Phone You Are Carrying from 7,500 Feet

A sinister airborne surveillance camera gives the U.S. military the ability to track movements in an entire city like a real-time Google Street View.
The ARGUS-IS array can be mounted on unmanned drones to capture an area of 15 sq/miles in an incredible 1,800MP - that's 225 times more sensitive than an iPhone camera.
From 17,500ft the remarkable surveillance system can capture objects as small as 6in on the ground and allows commanders to track movements across an entire battlefield in real time.

As technology increases, so does the necessary 'equipment' needed for a world-wide totalitarian state. The capability now exists for a variety of technological advances which would be required for a worldwide dictator to track individuals, to institute a worldwide financial system ('mark of the beast'), and to monitor and/or track virtually any individual who would oppose such a dictator or refuse to take 'the mark'. This wasn't possible a decade ago, but now it is, as we approach the end of this generation. 

The road has been paved. All it awaits now is it's leader. 

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