Senin, 07 Januari 2013

In The News

IMF Chief Warns Of New Great Depression

 International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Christine Lagarde has warned the Great Depression of the 1930s may repeat itself unless the EU pulls together and gets foreign help. Fresh unemployment statistics added to the gloom by highlighting the social cost of austerity.
“If the international community does not work together, the risk from an economic point of view is that of retraction, rising protectionism, isolation. This is exactly the description of what happened in the Thirties and what followed is not something we are looking forward to," Lagarde said in a speech delivered to the US State Department on Thursday (15 December).

At least 200 rioting Palestinian Arabs rampaged through Jewish vineyards and violently attacked Jewish residents at the Samarian community of Esh Kodesh on Saturday.
Local residents said that after destroying much of the vineyards, the rioters came very close to entering the Jewish community. The local security team fired into the air to hold off the assault until Israeli army forces could arrive and disperse the rioters.
By the end of the melee, 12 local Jews had been injured.
Jewish residents said the attack, which had clearly been organized, was so successful because Israeli authorities recently ruled that Palestinians could work a disputed field adjacent to community, despite local protests.
Esh Kodesh is situated near and is part of a bloc with the Jewish settlement of Shilo, which in biblical times served as the capital of Israel for the 369 years prior to the conquest of Jerusalem.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday said Israel would erect a new security fence along its armistice line with Syria in order to protect the Jewish state from "infiltration and terrorism.”

Speaking at the weekly cabinetmeeting, Netanyahu noted that the fence built along the Egyptian border has “completely stopped the entry of infiltrators into Israel.” Would-be illegal entrants have reached the fence and have been taken to Israeli facilities, he said, but none have stealthily entered Israeli cities.

"We intend to stretch an identical fence, with some necessary changes due to the different conditions, along the Golan Heights," he explained.
"We know that on the other side of our border with Syria today, the Syrian army has moved away, and global jihad forces have moved in," he said.
"We must therefore protect this border from infiltrations and terror, as we have successfully been doing along the Sinai border."

In the U.S.:

A task force led by vice-president Joe Biden is reportedly considering wide-ranging proposals going well beyond simply reinstating a ban on assault weapons and high capacity ammunition.
The Washington Post reports that a national data base tracking gun sales, mental health checks, and background checks are all on the table.
And in a move that is set to anger opponents of gun control, the taskforce is reportedly looking at measures that can be implemented by the president's order without the approval of Congress.

Our middle class is being absolutely destroyed and it is deliberateCloward and Piven is working and we stand by and just scratch our heads as the Progressives carry on their merry way towards the destruction of America. Soon there will only be the poor masses and the rich elite. Poverty and debt are rising in the wake of rising taxation. Food stamp usage is at an all time high and I contend there is real hunger in America now, behind the closed doors of our homes and soon in the streets. Employment statistics are a lie as is the stock market. Unemployment should be closer to 22 to 30% and the stock market is a Progressive fantasy. It won’t last. It can’t with the printing of money and the non-stop spending. We are broke and our debt will some come due with no way to pay the piper. You can bet our enemies are hungrily waiting in the wings. It’s hard to tell whether fiscal collapse or war will hit first, but they are the Progressive two-step anyway, always arriving in tandem during the reign of a Liberal.
America is under a Constitutional emergency. Our Constitution is being ignored and violated regularly. The government is assaulting us on so many levels, something, in the end, will have to give and that is what the Progressives want so they can bring the full weight and force of the government down on the majority of Americans. In closing, I will provide a warning to those who would be King from Bob Owens:
A nation with just 800,000 law enforcement officers and 3 million active and reserve military personal cannot easily defeat and enslave a free people armed with 300 million firearms, even if large numbers of the police and military didn’t walk away or switch sides to follow their oath to the Constitution instead of any given leader, as many assuredly will.
Retribution against those who would be responsible for such a conflict by attempting to undermine the Constitution is assured. They will face extra-judicial justice walking across the street with their families, or in a formal war crimes trial. Either way, their attempt at tyranny ends in death or prison… hardly what these would-be elites imagined for themselves as they planned to loot the remains of a once-powerful economic engine.
I have two words of advice for those that imagine they can subjugate the arsenal of freedom with the stroke of an autopen.
Tread carefully.

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