Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

EU Pushing Middle East Peace Plan

This situation is always worth watching extremely closely. We know that the prophetic figure known as the antichrist will arise from the revived Roman Empire, once it reaches the 10 kings stage in the progression of events. We also know from Daniel 9:27 that ultimately, the antichrist will 'confirm the covenant' at which point the 7-year tribulation period begins.

At some point on this continuum we would expect the revived Roman Empire to assume a leadership role for the Middle East peace process and indeed we may be seeing the beginnings of this process. 

The European Union is drawing up a detailed new plan to restart Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, and expects to present it after this month’s Israeli general election, Yediot Aharonot reported Sunday.
Citing diplomatic sources in Jerusalem, Israel’s top-selling daily said the plan was intended to “bring about the establishment of a Palestinian state on the basis of the 1967 lines with east Jerusalem as its capital.”
The plan will include “clear timetables for the completion of the negotiations on all the core issues in the course of 2013.”

The newspaper said the plan is expected to be presented around March, to give time for the formation of a new Israeli government after the general election on January 22.
The newspaper said the plan “apparently will also include a demand to freeze all construction in the settlements.”
The report said the British and French foreign ministries are sponsoring the initiative, which is also backed by Germany and could be adopted by the full EU.

“There’s a lot in the works behind the scenes,” the newspaper quoted high-ranking Israeli political officials as saying.
“The Europeans don’t have the capability to force an agreement on us, but they definitely may embarrass us,” they added.
“It is reasonable to assume that the Palestinians will accept a document of that sort, but Israel will be hard put to do so. That’s going to paint us into a corner.”

The European Union is working on a detailed plan meant to restart Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and establish an independentPalestinian state based on the 1967 borders with east Jerusalem as its capital, Yedioth Ahronoth quoted Israeli diplomatic sources as saying.

The plan will set a clear timetable for a discussion on all core issues over the course of 2013. It will likely be presented in March after a new Israeli government is formed.

Efforts are being made to internationalize the plan: The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton is examining the possibility of making the plan an all-European proposal.

Several reports revealed that the plan will also include a basis for a regional Middle Eastern committee with the participation ofEgypt, Jordan and the Gulf states.

Such a committee will marginalize Israel, but a refusal to join it will be perceived as a general rejection of the peace process. The Palestinians have already said they will accept the invitation if issued.

The plan is reportedly to be presented in March, once a new Israeli government is in place following the January 22 elections. Sources said that the plan will include land swaps between Israel and the Palestinian Authority as well as a complete freeze on all Israeli construction in the settlements.

The new plan has been initiated by the British and French foreign ministers, according to the report, with the support of Germany. Additionally, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton was said to be considering the option of adopting the plan as the official European stance. The Europeans have apparently already initiated contact with US President Barack Obama and incoming secretary of state John Kerry regarding the plan as well.
Diplomats cited in the report said that it would be difficult for Obama to oppose the plan, which was said to closely mirror his own stated views on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

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