Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

In The News: Iran's Growing Influence And The Globalist Agenda

We know that certain parts of Northern Africa will participate in the coming battle/war of Gog-MaGog which makes this first article even more interesting. Iran is already exerting its influence and control over the countries destined to invade Israel in the Isaiah 17 scenario (which many of us believe will directly precede the Gog-MaGog scenario (Gaza, West Bank, Syria, Lebanon/Hezbollah, etc) and now it appears that their influence is already a significant factor in northern Africa which has already become a hotbed for radical Islam:

The first clues appeared in KenyaUganda and what is now South Sudan. A British arms researcher surveying ammunition used by government forces and civilian militias in 2006 found Kalashnikov rifle cartridges he had not seen before. The ammunition bore no factory code, suggesting that its manufacturer hoped to avoid detection.

Within two years other researchers were finding identical cartridges circulating through the ethnic violence in Darfur. Similar ammunition then turned up in 2009 in a stadium in Conakry, Guinea, where soldiers had fired on antigovernment protesters, killing more than 150.

For six years, a group of independent arms-trafficking researchers worked to pin down the source of the mystery cartridges. Exchanging information from four continents, they concluded that someone had been quietly funneling rifle and machine-gun ammunition into regions of protracted conflict, and had managed to elude exposure for years. Their only goal was to solve the mystery, not implicate any specific nation.
When the investigators’ breakthrough came, it carried a surprise. The manufacturer was not one of Africa’s usual suspects. It was Iran.

The ammunition, matched to the world’s most abundant firearms, has principally been documented in Africa, where the researchers concluded that untold quantities had been supplied to governments in Guinea, Kenya, Ivory Coast and, the evidence suggests, Sudan.
From there, it traveled to many of the continent’s most volatile locales, becoming an instrument of violence in some of Africa’s ugliest wars and for brutal regimes. And while the wide redistribution within Africa may be the work of African governments, the same ammunition has also been found elsewhere, including in an insurgent arms cache in Iraq and on a ship intercepted as it headed for the Gaza Strip.

The globalist agenda can be seen behind almost every ominous development that we see in the world today. You don't have to scratch too far below the surface to see it either  - all paving the road to the Tribulation:

If you haven't followed this story in Greece - because of their enormous debt (similar to the U.S. - so we can watch Greece and see what our ultimate fate will be) - the entire country has been handed over to the globalists (via the IMF), and this is not an exaggeration: 

But from what we've read, the average Greek's transactions are already recorded in numerous ways so it is possible this move – reported speculatively in several publications to be sure (including apparently the Greek Ekathimerini News) – is aimed at impressing officials at the European Union and International Monetary Fund. Greece is shortly due for a good deal more bailout money.

Entrepreneurs have emerged as the latest "bandits" in Greece's ongoing efforts to bleed the wretched Greek carcass of its last available drop of revenue. Government benefits have been slashed, taxes raised and Greeks are being pursued with maniacal determination for taxes, paid or not.

It's all about satisfying the Eurocrats and the IMF. Greece is essentially being treated like a developing country now, with the IMF applying the same formula that has made its ministrations hated around the world.

And so the Greeks – government officials – are determined to please. The idea apparently is to show that the boot has been placed on the collective neck of the Greek people. This will put a collective smile on the face of Greece's technocratic masters.

The Greeks are being made into an example. The era of easy money is over. The era of global consolidation is upon us. Now that the technology is here, everyone is to pay in digital currency and all transactions will therefore be available for tax. That's the idea, anyway.

Greece was already implementing a ban on cash transactions over 1500 euros so this is merely an adjustment rather than a new policy. But one waits for the day when the EU itself will announce such a policy. Spain has banned larger cash amounts and Italy, too. Here's something from last February's Economic Policy Journal on the Italian ban:

It's Really, Really Getting Crazy: [Bloomberg has reported that] Italians Banned from Cash Transactions of More than 1,000 Euros ... "Prime Minister Mario Monti, in office just over a month, wants landlords, plumbers, electricians and small businesses to stop conducting large transactions in cash, which critics say helps them evade taxes. The government on Dec. 4 reduced the maximum allowed cash payment to 1,000 euros from 2,500 euros" ... The noose is tightening, everywhere. The elitists and banksters are clearly going for the big play. They want to monitor every transaction you make and they want to monitor you.

Conclusion: Mexico has a ban as well. And none of it is crazy. We will see whether this 500 euro ban will materialize. Surely all will soon be coming to a bank near you.

Is the current Syrian administration doomed? There are or were YouTube videos of UN vehicles carrying armed "rebels" into Syria to fight against the government. These were said to be the same "al Qaeda" fighters that had added to forces overthrowing Syria's Muammar Gaddafi.

And now they are fighting in Syria. It is these individuals along with other apparent Western surrogates that are now moving to create a "transitional government" just as they did in Libya. The blueprint is almost entirely the same and therefore there are surely unseen hands behind its formation.

Those hands no doubt belong to the power elite that is trying to build world government and is destabilizing the Middle East to do so. The idea is to create a Muslim crescent in the Middle East that can serve as a fictitious enemy of the West – allowing further Draconian "terrorist" legislation like the Patriot Act to be passed.

We can see clearly the forces being marshaled against Syria just as they were against Libya and previously Iraq. In fact, yesterday we reported on rumors circulating that Syria was in danger of losing control of a great deal of uranium.
The implication is clearly that Western forces may have to be inserted into Syria to ensure that the uranium doesn't fall into the "wrong hands."
There is a pincer-like strategy at work here. The power elite will ratchet up pressure for a Western invasion. Meanwhile, various "rebels" will agitate for a formal government in exile.
It must not be pleasant to be Bashar al-Assad right now. He must know that the combined might and Money Powerof the power elite has turned on him. No tears need to be shed for Assad or his thuggish family but the spectacle of certain Western interests taking out yet another "legitimate" government is troubling – if only for its almost laughing lawlessness.

Certainly, it is simply not credible for the West to insist anymore these are somehow home-grown movements – though this is exactly what is maintained. AYM and the CIA have each played a part in insurgencies in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and now Syria – and probably many more as well.

What is the REAL reason for these wars and Western involvement in them? We think we know and have reported on the reality as we understand it. Just search for "Islamic Crescent""and "Daily Bell."

Conclusion: Where is the mainstream media? What we understand is not difficult to comprehend. A few questions would expose the actual agenda behind these many terrible wars. We will look forward to an expose in the New York Times. Or maybe not.

Waving aside any pretense of diversity, invoking seldom heard themes of merit and competence, President Barack Obama is about to appoint to his cabinet three of the most naive older white guys that ever walked up the Capitol steps.

All of these candidates are rabidly pro-Islam, pro-Arab, or both. All are apologists for those causes. All are strong proponents of Obama’s vision of the world, a diminished U.S. military, and a more sympathetic outreach to Islam.
The nominee for director of Central Intelligence, John Brennan, has told audiences that Jihad is internal struggle, and not Holy War. Brennan thinks Jerusalem is Al-Quds, and that conflating Islam with the actions of those who yell “Allah Akbar” before they blow themselves up is simply wrong.
Brennan wants to engage the Iranians and is against sanctions, though engagement has been ongoing for decades through the European Union, and has simply allowed Iran to move forward with the creation of nuclear weapons.

Brennan’s advocated policy with regard to Iran is all too reminiscent of the behavior of the Department of State vis-à-vis William Dodd, in 1933 the newly appointed American ambassador to Berlin. In their treatment of the Jews, the Nazis had exposed to Dodd what they really were. But State dismissed the Jews as being of no consequence and pressured Dodd to engage the Nazis and even to attend the Nuremberg rallies, which Dodd detested and managed to avoid.
Similarly, that Iran publicly announces its murderous intentions toward Jews is of no consequence for the Obama administration. “Let Hitler have his way with them [the Jews],” Hitler admirer and publishing tycoon Charles Crane told Dodd in an interview arranged by the Department of State before Dodd’s departure for Berlin. So too, the Obama administration is unmoved by Iran’s repeated and public calls for genocide against the Jews.
Like Brennan, Obama’s nominee for secretary of Defense, Charles Hagel, espouses engagement with Iran and has embraced the Islamic narrative of the Arab/Israeli conflict. On several occasions, Hagel refused to denounce Arafat’s use of terrorism. He has become an apologist for Palestinian suicide bombings, claiming that desperate people resort to desperate measures. Hagel has consistently seen Israel as the obstacle to resolving the conflict.

Before dealing with the nuclear arsenals of rogue nations, the U.S. and Russia must first lead the effort by phasing out their own nuclear weapons, argued Chuck Hagel in largely unreported remarks during a 2009 Al Jazeera interview.
Al Jazeera host Riz Khan asked Hagel to address the disarmament of “rogue” states – referring to Iran and North Korea.

Hagel replied: “Let’s begin with the two nuclear powers that now are responsible for ninety-six percent of the nuclear weapons in the world. Russia and the United States have a particular obligation. We must join in some unison here to lead the rest of the world.”
Hagel spent the interview arguing for a nuclear-free world, with the U.S and Russia to take the first steps.
“That’s the point behind having American leadership as well as Russian leadership out front on eliminating nuclear weapons,” he said.
Hagel continued: “How can we preach to other countries that you can’t have nuclear weapons but we can and our allies can? There is no credibility, there’s no logic to that argument. And we have been losing on that argument.
“… I think and many people in the United States of America and Russia and in other parts of the world believe it has to go and that it is the elimination, the phasing out of nuclear weapons.”

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